8 May 2023

What are the 10 Good Study Habits for Students

What are the 10 Good Study Habits for Students 

What are the 10 Good Study Habits for Students
What are the 10 Good Study Habits for Students 

What are the 10 Good Study Habits for Students: Successful students have good study habits. They apply these habits to all of their classes. Read about each study habit. Work to develop any study habit you do not have. But what are the best study habits you must adopt right now ? Here, in this article you'll get to know What are the 10 Good Study Habits for Students ? 

10 Study Habits You Must Adopt Right Now

Habits you form as a young student will remain with you as you become an adult and help you in your career as well. Here are tips for 10 study habits that will help you study better and moreover help you be in control of your academic achievements.

Student life is an exciting phase of growing up. Whether you are in high school or college, the time you spend learning in class and outside of it will teach you some valuable life lessons. But what is important is to make sure that these have a positive impact on you.

1. Know Your Learning Style

At some schools students are helped to understand their learning styles. Have you heard the terms kinaesthetic, auditory, visual, verbal, logical, social, solitary and aural? These are all ways in which a student learns. You could be a combination of learning styles for instance, auditory and verbal style of learning.

If you are aware of or can understand what is the best way you grasp lessons then you can make your lesson plans accordingly. It is an effective way of learning and remembering what is taught in class.

2. Make A Time Table With Important Events with Dates

As a young student, preparing ahead of time is going to be very important for you. Whether it is a schedule to study, or to prepare for scholastic and extracurricular events, making a schedule for your activities has its benefits. 

Marking the calendar and making a schedule for your school activities and other events will help anyone stay organized and never miss out on important events. 

You can opt for a physical calendar and keep it accessible at your study desk,or a digital calendar like for instance, Google Calendar to note down important exam dates, project submissions, presentation deadlines, homework, etc. Making notes on a daily basis will help you avoid last-minute hassles.

Suggested Reading 

3. Keeping Notes Organised

A big reason for keeping your study notes and references organised is that you will find them quicker when you need them and also avoid all the panic that comes with losing your study material. 

You may require Monica Geller level help if you have to gather a bunch of books and papers from all over your study desk or folders. Keeping things organised from day one will save you a lot of time when you need material to complete homework, submit assignments or study for an exam.

4. Set Aside Time To Study for An Upcoming Exam

This is something every student knows – making a clear and comprehensive time table to prepare for your exams is the first step towards being organised about completing your syllabus. 

When you prepare a timetable, you know exactly what you have to study, how much time you need to complete topics you find easier or difficult, you can set time for revision, paper solving and also manage break time.

This will also help you organise your time and decide the right approach to study or complete your assignments and projects that are due for submission. If you have an exam that is around the corner, then assess your strengths and weaknesses and make changes in your schedule.

5. Complete Pending Projects Before Deadline

Submitting a completed assignment on time is one of the most important things to do as a student. Making use of your time and providing your finished project on time is a sign of discipline. No one would prefer to be a part of the last-minute project situation. You must make sure to check your homework list regularly so that you do not miss any deadlines.

6. Be Regular And Consistent

Whether it is a home assignment or a in class assignment, some students may keep it pending until the next day. But some students are eager to complete work on or before time, that too with utmost care of submitting good work. 

A very worthy quality of being a good student is to be serious about studies and submissions. If you have project or homework assignment submissions of more than one subject in a week, make sure you are ready with both. This prevents delays and shows your commitment to yourself.

Suggested Reading;

7. Tackle Difficult Tasks When You’re Most Productive

A perfect study time is different for different people. Some like to study in the wee hours of the morning while others in the silence of the night. You have to find out what is your most productive time. Facing your challenges with a refreshed body and mind will help you find new solutions to the problems. 

Many students tend to escape their fears which is not a good habit. For instance you may fear maths, or physics, but do not intimidate yourself by taking that subject first. In your productive time, set aside an hour to revise something that you are sure of and then give your most productive self to the difficult chapters or subjects.

8. Take Enough Breaks

Long hours of study are the norm, especially in higher grades, but it can cause exhaustion as well. This can make things difficult to understand more clearly. Remember to take enough breaks during study time. 

Drinking water, taking a short walk around the house, or a 15 minute power nap can be a big help. Your brain will take its time to rest and gather fresh energy during the time to help you with a mood boost when you get back to your study table after the break. 

It has been shown that consecutive small sessions of learning with breaks increase your concentration and focus for remembering every new content that is learned. The Podomoro technique is known to be a unique time management way to study during productive intervals and rest during breaks.

9. Help Others In Need

This is a quality you must inculcate even otherwise in life. But when it comes to studying, often students are competitive. This competition can make things really hard for some students. Try and help your friends out. 

Wouldn’t you be a bit more relaxed if you knew you could turn to your friends if you have not understood what was taught in class ? Yes, right ? It could be a math problem, or understanding languages or social sciences, offer help when you see someone struggle. Working or studying in groups can benefit all. So, help out and see how a good deed finds its way back to you.

10. There Is More To You Than Your Grades

Finally, knowing and believing that there is more to you than your grades. Exams are only a way of knowing how you can present your understanding of a particular subject. The grades or marks you receive are only a percentage of you as an individual. So, believe in yourself and keep working hard to learn and acquire knowledge not just to present it during an exam, but in way that it helps you excel in the field of your choice.

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Successful students review what they've learned during the week over the weekend. This way they're well prepared to continue learning new concepts that build upon previous coursework and knowledge acquired the previous week. We're confident that if you'll develop the habits outlined above that you'll see a major improvement in your academic success.

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