26 Jul 2020

How to Study for Exam in 2023

How to Study for Exam in 2023

How to study for exam

How to Study for Exam in 2023  : 
Hey, Are you confused how to study for exam. Many of us waste time thinking we have plenty of time for study or we will study before exam. Here I will get to read "How to study for exam to get good marks". You may also visit this page to know how to study before exams


When exam comes overhead and then we realise that we have studied nothing, and we start to study whole night and day before the exam day. Most of us confused about How to prepare for Board ExamsHow to study, how to write in exam, how to score good marks (Best & Practical tips), how to stay focused, How to concentrate on study for board examBut now no issue, here in this post you'll get answers of all your quaries.

Exam coming closer your family and friends and people surrounding you tell you how to study and how not to study. Visit our page to know how to study at home effectively

Some students search for best tips to study, best scientific tips to study, tips to stay focused, how to memorise answers etc.

How to score good marks in exam

Just writing at the examination hall and simply answering questions wouldn't score you good marks. For that you need to follow some basic and practical tips inorder to write your exam more effectively. Here we'll discuss about how to write in exam and how to score good marks.

The examiner does not know you personally,  your answer sheet is your identity and prove of your knowledge. So try to write your answers in the way that help you to score better marks. Know the Perfect exam day routine that toppers follow.  

Read the Question Paper
Think of the question paper like a restaurant menu just like in a restaurant you look at the dish and it's priced before our drink or maybe you don't look at the price your parents look at the price.

Similarly in the exam hall have a look at the question paper, marks of each question and write your answer based on that. Don't write a long answer for a 1 mark question and a short answer for a 3 marks question. write your answer based on the marks of the question.

if you're given some reading time before you can start writing the exam. Use it effectively read the instructions very carefully read the entire paper if there are choices to be made. Make the choice decisions in the reading time so that you are not doing that while writing the exam.

Start Fast
Usually when you start the exam, if you tend to write slowly with beautiful handwriting and detailed answers and towards the end you run out of time.

You are scribbling the answer in a hurry and the teacher is pulling away our paper the examiner can't even read what you have written. so remember start fast keep a good pace in the exam so that you're not short of time.

Write Legibly
It is okay if your handwriting isn't beautiful after all haven't we seen doctor's prescriptions what matters is that. The examiner should be able to easily decipher what you have written.

Write in Points
Whenever possible elicit your answers in points and then explain it further to be able to write endpoints indicates your confidence and clarity on the answer this also helps the examiner to skirt through the points and he will get a general idea on the extent of your understanding and knowledge.

Sometimes writing in points is not possible either because it is not apt or you aren't very clear on the answer so in such situations rather than going on and on and on split your answers into paragraphs every four to five lines this will also hit the examiner quickly glance through to judge your knowledge.

Highlight Important Points
Especially when you write in paragraphs ensure that you underline or highlight key words so that it will catch the examiners eyes.

Don't leave Blank Answer
Remember there's no negative marking so don't leave an answer blank. Write something, take a smart guess you never know it may turn out to be right.

It happens to many students you were thinking the right answer but you didn't write it since you were not sure. So write some answer because you may get step marks even if your answer is wrong.

Draw Diagrams or Pictures
Whenever possible draw diagrams or sketches to illustrate the idea you're conveying. This is another way where the examiner can quickly ascertain your knowledge when you write a lot.

It is also important for you to briefly summarize what you have written the key is for you to give the examiner an opportunity to allow him to give you marks. Cryptic answers will not fit your marks in most situations.

Value your Time
Don't waste time on one question, don't get stuck on one tough question. Leave some blank space for it and go to the next one you don't want to waste 20 minutes on a three marks question and lose out on ten marks because you couldn't complete the test paper so come back to the tough question at the end.

Then you're more relaxed since you've completed the paper and the answer may strike you once you take a second look at it.

Don't solve extra questions for example if there is a choice to solve three out of four questions many students solve all four and hope that the examiner will select the best three remember the examiner has so many papers to correct so don't irritate them by asking them to check extra questions.

They will probably cancel the last question so choose the three questions that you're most confident of don't solve extra questions rather use the time for rechecking your answers.

Don't look around when you're in the examination hall. Focus on your paper, don't look at the expression of your friends are they finding it easy or is it hard for them.

because there's limited time in the exam and it's all your time so give it your best shot be in the moment and just focus on giving your best don't bother about the rest.

You should check if you have solved the entire question, check if you have not missed any parts as often it happens. So I would advise you to check before you move on to the next question.

Remember the examiner is going through hundreds of answer papers and the easier you make a starts to evaluate the better would be your marks. of course all these points would only work if you know your subject well.

Best Scientific tips to study 

Your parents or relatives ask you to study hard, they suggest you a lot of study techniques, fear of them may work and few may not. So do we have any study techniques that works scientifically well ?

Today here I am going to share with you the 9 scientific tips that actually work and will help you to study faster and better.

Tips that help you to study and stay focused. 

Tip number 1

Try to avoid to study at night it has been scientifically proven that studying at night or sleep deprivation causes less working memory reduced ability to execute functions.

It also lowers your physical reaction time, lack of sleep causes a lot of tiredness which eventually lowers your brain functionality. Study during daytime as much as possible and have a peaceful sleep at night.

Then how to study and when ?

Tip number 2

You will be surprised to know according to a study by Microsoft the average human being now has an attention span of 8 seconds and the average concentration span can be between one to two hours.

According to Pomodoro technique you should study in small chunks of 25 to 30 minutes and take a 5-minute break. If you are not able to finish a particular topic in 30 minutes, this is where the Zeigarnik effect comes into picture which says that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks sitting for 8 to 10 hours at once is not a good idea.

Now why this ? This is because in short repetitive sessions the brain is better at translating information into sign apps.

Tip number 3

Third make a plan and keep a goal keep, small small goals for yourselves like learning the Pythagoras theorem or the parts of a human brain study one topic at a time and make sure that you not just understand the topic but you should also be able to teach that concept to someone else too.

Tip number 4

How to study for exam
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If you have one target then you can focus more and better. During a study, two groups of people were given a topic to study. In Group A the students were just asked to study a topic and in Group B they were told that they had to teach the topic to a class of students after they have studied. The result showed that group B performed better than group A.

This means if you teach a particular topic to someone, your brain trains itself in a more coherent manner. So try to study in groups or teach your friends that is a more logical and consistent way.

Tip number 5

Design a study table and fix the spot for your study. Your study should have everything that you might need while studying. When you study sit on a chair, this will keep your posture proper. Always remember do not study on bed, bed are meant for sleeping.

Make sure the room is lightened enough, the direction of light is best if it comes from behind and over the shoulder and light directly from above is also good.

Tip number 6

How to study for exam
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Music helps in studying but what matters the most is that which type of music you are listening. The trick is to choose music that is different from your favourite genre and music with a repetitive pulse.

Choose neutral music or any classical music and don't play too loud. The Mozart Effect is the most famous theory that links music and cognitive performance which is closely related to learning and problem-solving skills.

People also see that listening to Mozart can make you smarter but there's no scientific proof to that. Also remember we are talking about music and not songs there should be bare minimum or zero lyrics.

Tip number 7

How to study for exam
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A lot of you must be marking important statements in your book so that it will be easier for you to revise it later. they're scientifically there is a better option to revise that is by making flashcards when you randomly highlight a lot of things on a paper your brain cannot connect any of those topics together causing a fright.

It also draws unnecessary attention to the topics which are not very important, also on the other hand when you look at the front side of a flashcard and think of an answer you are engaging.

A mental faculty known as active recall. In other words you try to remember the idea from the scratch instead of just looking at the paragraph in your textbook or remembering it. On a questionnaire with multiple choices for this memory trail successful recall has been shown to create stronger neural connections flashcards help you practice faster.

Tip number 8

As there's a proverb, practice makes a man perfect so practice as much as you can. The more you practice the more confident you get by taking practice tests. You can know how much more efforts you still want to put in, so just practice practice practice.

Tip number 9

How to study for exam
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Last but not the least keep your phone away and start studying. the continuous updates on your phone are extremely distracting and kill your concentration.

keep yourself away from the electronic gadgets and social media to do this you can try a few tips like turn the notifications of reduce the number of times you check your phone time yourself be more disciplined and if required remove a few apps from your phone.

Friends these are the 9 scientific tips that helps to study better there are always exceptions in life so there may be students for whom few of these tips may not work so don't worry just find your best way to understand and study your topic.

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