23 Dec 2020

How to prepare for board exams

How to prepare for board exams

How to prepare for board exams

How to prepare for board exams: Your board exam is coming near, are you confuse how to prepare for board exams ? Here in this post I am going to share some tips for how to prepare for board exam and study hack how to study for board exams. I hope this going to be very helpful. 

How can you prepare for your board exams this is actually a very important topic. There are some very very important points which we are going to look at okay so if you follow all these tricks or maybe all these tips it will definitely help you to score better than other. 

How to prepare for the board exam

How to prepare for your board exams, there are many things actually many many situations which we are going to discuss in this post. Whenever I visit a school or college and have talk with the students, a majority of students ask me how to prepare for a board exam, how to prepare for board exams class 10, how to prepare for board exams class 12. So I have tried to cover up all the answers in this post. 

How to prepare for board exams
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Tips to prepare for board exam

Know your syllabus

Because of the Covid 19 situation your syllabus is being reduced. There are a lot of deleted portions in your syllabus, so please go through your syllabus properly and study whatever is given to you. 

So first thing is about you should know what is your syllabus. You should be updated with your syllabus, don't study extra. Of course you can study extra for your knowledge if you're preparing for exams be updated guys. 

Study according to weightage

My second tip is study according to the weightage. You should find out what is the weightage of each and every chapter it's given to you. You can just find it on the net or maybe go to the official website you will find whatever is the weightage allotted to you. 

There will be certain chapters which will have high weightage okay so study that chapters particularly study that chapters very well. 

Also read:

Increase self study time

If you are going to appear for your board exam, increase duration of self study. Increase the duration of self study if you're studying for two hours, now if you're studying for two hours please try to study for more hours. Like if you can study for four hours, of course keep on taking break in between but do study properly for more hours. 

Please do study properly because that is actually very important thing. There's no alternative for studying okay you will have to study. But if you follow these additional add-ons like keep your syllabus proper just know what the weightage of the chapters are increase self study time.

And there are many hacks which you can follow and it will help you to score better. Of course you will have to study but these all tricks will help you score better, so let's look 

Be consistent

very important point be consistent do not procrastinate okay guys be consistent do not procrastinate. Of course who doesn't like to procrastinate I'm not telling you to don't procrastinate at all of course but set your priorities.

You should know what is your priority ? your priority is to score in your board exam. Okay you can procrastinate on other things like um if you're feeling lazy for something else don't do it. But don't skip your studying, do not procrastinate your studies be consistent. 

How to prepare for board exams
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Make plan and timetable

Make a plan follow it there are many many plans given by your teachers, elders or on YouTube. You can follow them or you can make your own timetable. friends plan or timetable is actually very very important which we should follow in our lives so just follow and study according to your timetable properly. 

Study each and every chapter

The next thing study each and every chapter or each and every subject actually. There are many students or every student has their personal favourite subject. like I personally love Geography and science so these are the two chapters which are my personal favourite. 

There are other chapters like History, geography, social studies, economics, biology or maybe you can say languages. If you don't like that subject, you are not supposed to skip those subjects or only particularly study your favourite subjects. You are supposed to study all the chapters or maybe all the subjects given, do your theories properly. 

How to prepare for board exams
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Improve writing skill

Friends give equal time to your writing skill, writing skills that is very very important. There are various languages and subjects for your board. You will be given only three hours to write down your answer sheets. Your board's question papers are of 100 marks. You have to answer the question paper within that time. So improve your writing skill and gear up writing speed with out any mistakes. 

Your board exam is over head and time is running very fast. It's a very crucial time friends, many a time we are puzzled about what to study, what not. So you should be consistent in studying.

Also read:

Keep your table clean

The next thing is keep your table clean, don't keep phones around you. This is actually a very important thing which every parent says that don't keep your phone around you keep your tables clean okay. 

What do I mean by keep your table clean ? So if you have a study table keep all the books. Suppose if you are studying math keep all the books for math which you require all the textbooks or maybe uh the guidebooks whichever you require. Keep the books with you on your table, keep the table fully arranged, have your pencils, get your erasers, pens everything keep them on the table. 

How to prepare for board exams
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Don't keep a mess on your table like don't keep unnecessary things or papers. Maybe a lot of papers on your table that looks shabby actually and that will actually disturb you. 

I feel you should keep your tables clean. Try to avoid keeping phones on your study table because there you will get distracted. So please friends don't keep your phone around you while studying.

I will suggest that avoid reading or studying on your bed. If you study on your bed you will definitely feel sleepy. So avoid studying on bed try to sit on a table and try to keep the area lighted don't keep the area dim that will help you.

Highlight important points

So while reading the textbook you will find certain points are very very important. Please mark those points, highlight those points. Those points can be asked in your exams okay those are the questions can be potential questions which can be asked in your question papers. 

Also read:

Solve and practise question papers

This is actually very very important, you should solve your previous year's question paper. Of course you won't find any previous year matching question paper because a lot of portion is actually being reduced due to Covid 19. So what you can do is, just browse on net if possible. 

There you can find some papers, sample papers which you can solve. Try to solve more specific sample papers that will really help you if you are aiming to score better in your exams. 

How to prepare for board exams
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There are sample question paper released by your respective boards you can just go through that sample question paper and you will get to know what is the pattern they are following or what kind of questions are supposed to come. 

After solving the paper, try to check your own paper so that you get to know where you're exactly making mistakes. Okay so where exactly are you making mistake you will get to know so check your own paper. Question papers should be solved and question paper solving is actually very very important. 


If you are reading each and every chapter each and every or if you are reading a new chapter every day please make sure you revise them properly. Because at the end of the month when exams are near, you can't sit and revise all the chapters all together. You should revise all the chapters thoroughly and give a very good amount of time for revision.

Study hacks to score good marks in board exms

Read early in the morning

Try reading early in the morning and this is actually a very important point. If you're doing math so try to understand this all the theory subjects like biology or maybe social studies these are certain theory topics which you should read them in early in the morning. 

There are certain topics like physics, chemistry and math these are certain topics which you can do after your school studies like after you're done with your school.

Logical sub subjects like math requires logic, physics will require logic, chemistry at an extent will require logic but of course chemistry also requires a lot of practice so there will be a lot of chemical equations so to write them try practicing writing them. 

Because it will definitely help you, there's no alternative for the equations. You can't memorize the equations you will have to write the chemical equation so please keep in mind write the chemical equations properly. 

There may be questions in your mind like what should we do ? should we study late at night or early in the morning ? that totally depends on you, how kind of a person you are. Like are you a early morning reader or maybe a late night person. 

Like a late night person that really depends on your sleep pattern actually but for me, I prefer studying early in the morning because that keeps your mind fresh and that helps you to concentrate better for your exams or reading. Whatever you're reading you can grasp everything properly. You can definitely study late at night but the point is you should study.

Be happy and stay focused

If you are happy your concentration power increases, if you have low anxiety your concentration power increases. If your concentration power increases you can concentrate better you will have a better focus you can understand and grasp everything very very fast. 

So there are certain points which I'm going to state in this post. The first thing is talk to your parents, like if you're feeling nervous, if you're not feeling like studying if you're not feeling like doing anything please try to talk to your parents because that will really really help you. 

Also music helps us to increase our concentration power. I am saying about pop music or dj or maybe idioms that's not the music you're supposed to hear. You can listen to the relaxing music or the meditation music which are easily available on the YouTube. 

How to prepare for board exams
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Music like sea waves actually used to calm down. Like if you used to get anxious a lot then try to listen some relaxing music. Don't concentrate on the lyrics while you're listening to the music don't concentrate on the lyrics concentrate on the music that will really help you. 

You can try this thing, you can try the various relaxing music or maybe whichever music you like. Try taking a day off, there was a point where I said that you should study every day.

But don't study every day, try taking a day off. You can take sunday as a day off don't study on sunday. Try watching some good movies, talking to your parents, try spending time with them. Try to relax, friends the more you're relaxed the better your concentration power. 

If you are relaxed, if you are focus your concentration power will increase and you will quickly understand the chapter. 

There's a question how many hours to sleep to get a sufficient amount of time or a sufficient sleep. I would say the amount of sleep for each and everyone actually differs. Actually sleeping a lot of time is very bad but as it's your board you should get sufficient amount of sleep. Because sleep is actually somewhere directly related to your concentration power. 

For a sufficient amount of time that is seven hours to eight hours, this is a sufficient amount of time which you should sleep for. But try waking up early also try going early to bed, wake up early and try reading. 

How to study language subjects, for language subjects you should keep practicing your writing skills. Writing skills are actually very very important, in language paper that carries a lot of marks and that consumes a lot of time. Writing skills you should practice it and try to solve previous your question paper. This will gear up your writing speed. 

Also read:

How to study Math, for maths you should get the logic first, logic is actually very important. If you get the logic you get the sum okay.The next thing is math should be practise every day. I'll suggest you, for math do try to explain the concepts of math to your siblings or maybe to your friends. While you teach others you learn more and in a better way. It will really help you to understand the concept properly, so this is actually very important device revise all the syllabus properly. 

While solving math actually don't think I'm solving a particular sum for these many amount of time. Try to understand the logic if you understand the logic you will remember the sum easily. 

Don't try to byheart the formulas never try to byheart the formulas, try to understand the formulas try to look behind the logic and keep on repeating. 

If you know what does area of um cylinder means or what is the logic behind circumference area of cylinder, total surface area of cylinder occurs, surface area of cylinder or what do you mean by slope of a line. You get the logic, you get the formulas you get math in a very easy way. 

How to study for science for physics solve numerical in physics, try to get the concepts what are the various laws that will be helpful. How to study for chemistry effectively, you should practice writing the equations. Writing the chemical equations it will definitely help you.


Be confident, if you are confident, if you have the confidence in you, if you believe that you can do something you can definitely achieve it. This is what is important thing, you should be confident in yourself. If you believe that you want to score or you can score 95 of course you can. Keep your mind relaxed, stay focused, set your goal and work hard to achieve it. 

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