The Voyage class 12 Alternative English Question Answer
The Voyage class 12 Alternative English Question Answer: The Voyage is the second lesson from class 12/HS 2nd Year English AHSEC Alternative English Harmony: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry. "The Voyage" is an extract taken the transcripted autobiography "Moi Eti Jajabor" by Bhupen Hazarika. Here you can avail The Voyage class 12 Alternative English Question Answer.
The Voyage class 12 English Summary in English
"The Voyage" is an extract taken the transcripted autobiography "Moi Eti Jajabor", of the eminent versatile artist from Assam Bhupen Hazarika. "Moi Eti Jajabor" is Bhupen Hazarika's transcripted account of his life, where he has recorded his experience of embarking on a journey to the United States of America in 1949.
The excerpt entitled "The voyage" begins with Hazarika preparing for the journey after receiving the scholarship to go to America. He takes the name of a pastor Robert Brown who prepared his research curriculum. During that time, Gopinath Bordoloi was the chief Minister of Assam who helped him in getting the scholarship for his study abroad.
The time in which the journey was undertaken was quite different from today, which is why he had the experience of travelling by all three modes: land, air, and sea.
In this account, Hazarika talks about his journey from the Kanhikuchi Airport in Guwahati (Now known as Lokopriyo Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport) where he overcame a minor hurdle. Hazarika records the incident after boarding the plane and calls it a fanciful story. After boarding the plane, as the wheels ted rolling, he realised that the bag containing all the important papers including his passport was not with him. The plane had to be stopped and the journey began when things were in order.
Bhupen Hazarika writes that he did not choose a direct route as he wanted to see different locations during his journey. He first travelled to Dumdum airport and then to Visakhapatnam. His next stop was the Sri Lankan capital Colombo.
He writes of his memorable experience in Sri Lanka where he witnessed a dance that reminded him of Assam's cultural ethos. He reflects how the threads of culture create a harmonic bond. The demon dance which he witnessed in the Sri Lankan city of Kandy and his memory of Assam's deodhani dance provided him the scope to reminisce about his own cultural traditions, even when he was in a foreign country.
From Sri Lanka, Bhupen Hazarika embarked on a ship-journey that was to undertake thirteen days. This was a part of the voyage which he looked forward to with great anticipation. During the stop at the city of Djibouti, which under Italian occupation then Hazarika disembarked and visited the place.
He was surprised to find that there was hardly any development in the region with stark signs of rampant poverty. From Djibouti the ship went to Cairo, the capital city of Egypt. Although he had hoped to see the famed Pyramids, he could not do so during the course of this voyage.
Hazarika also recounts his incredible memory at sea when he was witness to a star above the crescent moon, a very rare occurrence. Hazarika took snapshots of the event with his Rolleiflex camera, which was something he cherished immensely.
He was witness to another remarkable vision during the course of this voyage: a herd of phosphorous fish lit up the sea with a dazzling array of lights. The journey of Bhupen Hazarika is not only an account of an individual's voyage into a new territory, it is also a chronicle of an artist's vision of life, society and culture which enables us to see things from a fresh, new perspective.
The Voyage class 12 English Summary in Hindi
"The Voyage" असम के प्रख्यात बहुमुखी कलाकार भूपेन हाजरिका की लिखित आत्मकथा "Moi Eti Jajabor", 1949 में संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका की यात्रा का एक उद्धरण है।
"यात्रा" शीर्षक अंश की शुरुआत भूपेन हाजरिका द्वारा अमेरिका जाने के लिए छात्रवृत्ति प्राप्त करने के बाद यात्रा की तैयारी से होती है। वह एक पादरी रॉबर्ट ब्राउन का नाम लेते हैं जिन्होंने उनका शोध पाठ्यक्रम तैयार किया था। उस दौरान गोपीनाथ बोरदोलोई असम के मुख्यमंत्री थे जिन्होंने उन्हें विदेश में पढ़ाई के लिए छात्रवृत्ति दिलाने में मदद की थी।
जिस समय यात्रा की गई वह आज से काफी अलग थी, यही कारण है कि उन्हें भूमि, वायु और समुद्र तीनों तरीकों से यात्रा करने का अनुभव था।
इस लेख में, भूपेन हाजरिका ने गुवाहाटी के कान्हीकुची हवाई अड्डे (जिसे अब गोपीनाथ बोरदोलोई हवाई अड्डे के रूप में जाना जाता है) से अपनी यात्रा के बारे में बात की है, जहां उन्होंने एक छोटी सी बाधा पार की थी। हज़ारिका ने विमान में चढ़ने के बाद की घटना को रिकॉर्ड किया और इसे एक काल्पनिक कहानी बताया। विमान में चढ़ने के बाद जैसे ही पहिये घूमने लगे, उन्हें एहसास हुआ कि पासपोर्ट सहित सभी महत्वपूर्ण कागजात वाला बैग उनके पास नहीं है। विमान को रोकना पड़ा और हालात ठीक होने पर यात्रा शुरू हुई।
भूपेन हाजरिका लिखते हैं कि उन्होंने सीधा रास्ता नहीं चुना क्योंकि वे अपनी यात्रा के दौरान विभिन्न स्थानों को देखना चाहते थे। उन्होंने पहले दमदम हवाई अड्डे और फिर विशाखापत्तनम की यात्रा की। उनका अगला पड़ाव श्रीलंका की राजधानी कोलंबो था।
वह श्रीलंका में अपने यादगार अनुभव के बारे में लिखते हैं जहां उन्होंने एक नृत्य देखा जिसने उन्हें असम के सांस्कृतिक लोकाचार की याद दिला दी। वह दर्शाता है कि कैसे संस्कृति के धागे एक सामंजस्यपूर्ण बंधन बनाते हैं। श्रीलंका के कैंडी शहर में उन्होंने जो दानव नृत्य देखा और असम के देवधानी नृत्य की स्मृति ने उन्हें अपनी सांस्कृतिक परंपराओं को याद करने का मौका दिया, तब भी जब वे विदेश में थे।
श्रीलंका से, भूपेन हाजरिका तेरह दिनों की जहाज-यात्रा पर निकले। यह उस यात्रा का एक हिस्सा था जिसका वह बड़ी आशा से इंतजार कर रहे थे। जिबूती शहर में रुकने के दौरान, जो उस समय इटली के कब्जे में था, हजारिका उतरे और उस स्थान का दौरा किया।
उन्हें यह देखकर आश्चर्य हुआ कि इस क्षेत्र में लगभग कोई विकास नहीं हुआ था और बड़े पैमाने पर गरीबी के स्पष्ट संकेत थे। जिबूती से जहाज मिस्र की राजधानी काहिरा गया। हालाँकि उन्हें प्रसिद्ध पिरामिड देखने की आशा थी, लेकिन इस यात्रा के दौरान वह ऐसा नहीं कर सके।
भूपेन हाजरिका ने समुद्र में अपनी अविश्वसनीय यादों को भी याद किया जब उन्होंने अर्धचंद्र के ऊपर एक तारे को देखा था, जो एक बहुत ही दुर्लभ घटना थी। हजारिका ने अपने रोलेइफ्लेक्स कैमरे से कार्यक्रम के स्नैपशॉट लिए, जिसे उन्होंने बेहद पसंद किया।
इस यात्रा के दौरान वह एक और उल्लेखनीय दृश्य के साक्षी बने: फॉस्फोरस मछलियों के एक झुंड ने समुद्र को चमकदार रोशनी से जगमगा दिया। भूपेन हजारिका की यात्रा न केवल एक व्यक्ति की एक नए क्षेत्र की यात्रा का विवरण है, बल्कि यह एक कलाकार के जीवन, समाज और संस्कृति के दृष्टिकोण का भी इतिहास है जो हमें चीजों को एक नए, नए दृष्टिकोण से देखने में सक्षम बनाता है।
The Voyage class 12 English Summary in Assamese | The Voyage HS 2nd Year English অসমীয়াত সাৰাংশ
"THE VOYAGE" অসমৰ বিশিষ্ট বহুমুখী শিল্পী ভূপেন হাজৰিকাৰ প্ৰতিলিপিবদ্ধ আত্মজীৱনী "মই এটি জাজাবৰ"ৰ পৰা লোৱা এটা উদ্ধৃতি। "মই এটি জাজাবৰ" হৈছে ভূপেন হাজৰিকাৰ জীৱনৰ লিপিবদ্ধ বিৱৰণ, য'ত তেওঁ ১৯৪৯ চনত আমেৰিকা যুক্তৰাষ্ট্ৰলৈ যাত্ৰা আৰম্ভ কৰাৰ অভিজ্ঞতা লিপিবদ্ধ কৰিছে।
"THE VOYAGE" শীৰ্ষক উদ্ধৃতিটোৰ আৰম্ভণিতে হাজৰিকাই আমেৰিকালৈ যোৱাৰ বৃত্তি লাভ কৰাৰ পিছত যাত্ৰাৰ বাবে প্ৰস্তুতি চলাইছে। তেওঁ এজন পাষ্টৰ ৰবাৰ্ট ব্ৰাউনৰ নাম লয় যিয়ে তেওঁৰ গৱেষণাৰ পাঠ্যক্ৰম প্ৰস্তুত কৰিছিল। সেই সময়ত গোপীনাথ বৰদলৈ অসমৰ মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰী আছিল যিয়ে তেওঁক বহিঃৰাজ্যত অধ্যয়নৰ বৃত্তি লাভ কৰাত সহায় কৰিছিল।
এই যাত্ৰা আৰম্ভ হোৱা সময় আজিৰ তুলনাত যথেষ্ট বেলেগ আছিল, যাৰ বাবে তেওঁৰ স্থল, বায়ু আৰু সাগৰ তিনিওটা ধৰণেৰে যাত্ৰা কৰাৰ অভিজ্ঞতা আছিল।
এই বিৱৰণীত হাজৰিকাই গুৱাহাটীৰ কাঁহীকুছি বিমানবন্দৰৰ পৰা (বৰ্তমান লোকপ্ৰিয় গোপীনাথ বৰদলৈ আন্তঃৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় বিমানবন্দৰ নামেৰে পৰিচিত) যাত্ৰাৰ কথা কৈছে য’ত তেওঁ এটা সৰু বাধা অতিক্ৰম কৰিছিল। বিমানত উঠাৰ পিছত ঘটনাটো লিপিবদ্ধ কৰি হাজৰিকাই কাল্পনিক কাহিনী আখ্যা দিয়ে। বিমানত উঠাৰ পিছত চকাবোৰ টেড ৰোলিং হোৱাৰ লগে লগে তেওঁ বুজি পালে যে তেওঁৰ পাছপ’ৰ্টকে ধৰি সকলো গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কাগজ-পত্ৰ থকা বেগটো তেওঁৰ লগত নাই। বিমানখন ৰখাব লগা হ’ল আৰু কথাবোৰ ঠিক হ’লেই যাত্ৰা আৰম্ভ হ’ল।
ভূপেন হাজৰিকাই লিখিছে যে যাত্ৰাৰ সময়ত বিভিন্ন স্থান চাব বিচৰাৰ বাবে তেওঁ প্ৰত্যক্ষ পথ বাছি লোৱা নাছিল। প্ৰথমে ডুমডুম বিমানবন্দৰলৈ আৰু তাৰ পিছত বিশাখাপট্টনমলৈ যাত্ৰা কৰে। তেওঁৰ পৰৱৰ্তী ষ্টপ আছিল শ্ৰীলংকাৰ ৰাজধানী কলম্বো।
তেওঁ শ্ৰীলংকাত তেওঁৰ স্মৰণীয় অভিজ্ঞতাৰ বিষয়ে লিখিছে য’ত তেওঁ অসমৰ সাংস্কৃতিক নীতি-নিয়মৰ কথা মনত পেলোৱা নৃত্যৰ সাক্ষী হৈছিল। সংস্কৃতিৰ সূতাবোৰে কেনেকৈ এক সুসম বন্ধন সৃষ্টি কৰে, সেই কথা তেওঁ প্ৰতিফলিত কৰে। শ্ৰীলংকাৰ কাণ্ডী চহৰত যি অসুৰ নৃত্য তেওঁ প্ৰত্যক্ষ কৰিছিল আৰু অসমৰ দেওধনী নৃত্যৰ স্মৃতিয়ে তেওঁক বিদেশত থকাৰ সময়তো নিজৰ সাংস্কৃতিক পৰম্পৰাৰ কথা মনত পেলোৱাৰ পৰিসৰ প্ৰদান কৰিছিল।
শ্ৰীলংকাৰ পৰা ভূপেন হাজৰিকাই তেৰ দিনীয়া জাহাজ যাত্ৰাত নামিল। এইটো আছিল যাত্ৰাৰ এটা অংশ যিটোৰ বাবে তেওঁ অতি আশাৰে বাট চাই আছিল। তেতিয়াৰ ইটালীৰ দখলত থকা জিবুতি চহৰত ষ্টপৰ সময়ত হাজৰিকাই জাহাজৰ পৰা নামি সেই ঠাইখন পৰিদৰ্শন কৰিছিল।
তেওঁ আচৰিত হৈছিল যে অঞ্চলটোত অবাধ দৰিদ্ৰতাৰ তীব্ৰ চিন থকা অঞ্চলটোত প্ৰায়েই কোনো উন্নয়ন হোৱা নাই। জিবুতিৰ পৰা জাহাজখন ইজিপ্তৰ ৰাজধানী চহৰ কায়ৰোলৈ যায়। যদিও তেওঁ বিখ্যাত পিৰামিডবোৰ দেখাৰ আশা কৰিছিল, তথাপিও এই যাত্ৰাৰ সময়ছোৱাত তেওঁ তেনে কৰিব পৰা নাছিল।
হাজৰিকাই সাগৰত অৰ্ধচন্দ্ৰৰ ওপৰত এটা তৰাৰ সাক্ষী হোৱাৰ সময়ত তেওঁৰ অবিশ্বাস্য স্মৃতিও কৈছে, যিটো অতি বিৰল পৰিঘটনা। হাজৰিকাই তেওঁৰ ৰ’লেইফ্লেক্স কেমেৰাৰে অনুষ্ঠানটোৰ স্নেপশ্বট তুলিছিল, যিটো তেওঁৰ অসীমভাৱে লালন-পালন কৰা বস্তু আছিল।
এই যাত্ৰাৰ সময়ছোৱাত তেওঁ আন এক উল্লেখযোগ্য দৰ্শনৰ সাক্ষী আছিল: ফছফৰাছ মাছৰ জাক এটাই সাগৰখনক এক চকু কপালত তুলিব পৰা পোহৰৰ শৃংখলেৰে পোহৰাই তুলিছিল। ভূপেন হাজৰিকাৰ যাত্ৰা কেৱল এজন ব্যক্তিৰ নতুন ভূখণ্ডৰ যাত্ৰাৰ বিৱৰণী নহয়, ই এজন শিল্পীৰ জীৱন, সমাজ আৰু সংস্কৃতিৰ দৃষ্টিভংগীৰ বুৰঞ্জী যিয়ে আমাক সতেজ, নতুন দৃষ্টিকোণৰ পৰা বস্তুবোৰ চাবলৈ সক্ষম কৰে।
The Voyage class 12 AHSEC Alternative English Question Answer
A. State whether these sentences are True or False.
1. Bhupen Hazarika had brought his Rolleiflex from home.
Ans: False.
2. The sight of the Egyptian pyramids enthralled Bhupen Hazarika.
Ans: False.
3. Bhupen Hazarika’s companion on the flight from Guwahati to Dumdum was Bhaben Das.
Ans: False.
4. Bhupen Hazarika had a weakness for Kalmou saak.
Ans: True.
B. Answer in one or two words.
1. What was the name of the airport situated in Guwahati in 1949 ?
Ans: The airport situated in Guwahati in 1949 was known as Kanhikuchi Airport or the Borjhar Airport.
(Now this airport is known as Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport)
2. Who was the Governor of Assam during the inauguration of the airport in Guwahati ?
Ans: Sir Akbar Hydari was the Governor of Assam during the inauguration of the airport in Guwahati.
3. How much was the air fare from Guwahati to Dumdum in 1949 ?
Ans: The air fare from Guwahati to Dumdum in 1949 was (55 rupees) Fifty five rupees.
4. In which country is the Temple of the 'Tooth Relic’ located ?
Ans: Temple of the 'Tooth Relic’ is located in Sri Lanka.
5. What type of leave did the French sailor avail when he came to the shore ?
Ans: The French sailor availed 'Shore Leave' when he came to the shore.
AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English SOLVED Question Paper 2024
C. Answer in a few words each.
1. Name the two locations that Bhupen Hazarika reminisces about in The Voyage.
Ans: The two locations that Bhupen Hazarika reminisces about in The Voyage are are Guwahati and Sri Lanka.
2. What did Hazarika consider to be his only aim ?
Ans: Hazarika considered his only aim to be a singer.
3. The ship set sail later than the scheduled time. How late was the ship ?
Ans: The ship was one and a half day late than the scheduled time.
4. Name the two places associated with Buddhism mentioned by Bhupen Hazarika in "The Voyage”.
Ans: The two places associated with Buddhism mentioned by Bhupen Hazarika in ‘The Voyage” are Sarnath and Bodh Gaya.
5. Which two Indian states associated with dances, other than Assam, are mentioned by Bhupen Hazarika in “The Voyage” ?
Ans: The two Indian states associated with dances mentioned by Bhupen Hazarika in "The Voyage" are Gujrat and Manipur.
D. Answer briefly in your own words.
1. Write a brief account of Hazarika's stopover in Sri Lanka.
Ans: Hazarika's stopover in Sri Lanka, also known as Ceylon at the time, left a lasting impression on him. He arrived in Colombo and was struck by the scenic beauty of the city, with its coconut trees and the Indian Ocean. He observed a blend of cultures and influences, from English and Hindi music playing on the radio to stalls selling American dresses and watches. Hazarika encountered a French sailor on shore leave and witnessed the multicultural atmosphere of the city. He also visited Kandy, a city known for its Buddhist heritage. The Temple of the Tooth Relic left a deep impact on him, and he felt as if he was in Sarnath or Bodh Gaya, experiencing the same spiritual ambience and echoes of Buddham Sharanam Gachchami. Hazarika's visit to Sri Lanka highlighted the cultural affinities between the people of Sri Lanka and India, particularly South India, evident in their participation in dances and music together.
2. Briefly present your view about Hazarika's experience of visiting a Sri Lankan family home.
Ans: Hazarika's experience of visiting a Sri Lankan family home was a unique one. He describes entering the drawing room of a modern Lankan family, where he found a piano and a Madonna painting by a European artist. The children were singing English songs, and Hazarika was surprised by the similarities between this Lankan home and his own experiences in Shillong. Despite being far away from Assam, Hazarika felt a sense of familiarity and connection, emphasizing the universality of certain cultural aspects.
3. Present your views on the food and flavours mentioned by Hazarika in 'The Voyage'.
Ans: In Hazarika's account, he mentions a dish called "kalmou" that his grandmother used to cook for him. Although he longs for it during his journey, he is unable to find it in Sri Lanka. He also mentions "tenga" and "bamboo shoot," which are traditional Assamese ingredients. These references to food and flavors highlight Hazarika's nostalgia for his native Assam and his longing for the tastes and aromas of home. It reflects how food can evoke powerful memories and emotions, especially when one is far away from familiar surroundings.
4. How does Bhupen Hazarika recount his feeling about being an Indian as he moves forward in his journey ? Give a brief description.
Ans: As Hazarika continues his journey, he reflects on his evolving sense of identity. He realizes that as he moves beyond India's boundaries, he begins to see himself more as an Indian student rather than solely identifying with his Assamese or Bengali roots. The experience broadens his perspective and deepens his love for all of India, blurring the distinction between being an Assamese or an Indian. Hazarika's journey helps him embrace a larger national identity and see himself as part of a diverse and united India.
The Voyage class 12 AHSEC Alternative English Question and Answer
E. Answer the following Questions in Details.
1. Present an overview of Bhupen Hazarika's experience during the course of his journey abroad from your reading of 'The Voyage!
Ans: Bhupen Hazarika's journey abroad, as described in The Voyage, is a transformative experience that exposes him to various cultures, languages, landscapes, and people. It serves as a catalyst for his personal growth, broadening his perspective on life, identity, and the interconnectedness of cultures.
Throughout his journey, Hazarika encounters diverse cultures and observes their influences in different locations. From Sri Lanka to Europe, he witnesses the fusion of local traditions with external influences, such as European colonial legacies. In Sri Lanka, he notices the coexistence of Lankan and European elements in the architecture, music, and lifestyle. The Yakuma Natum dance, reminiscent of the deodhani nritya of Kamrupa, illustrates the similarities and shared roots of different cultures.
As Hazarika continues his journey to Europe, he encounters a convergence of cultures on a larger scale. In London, he experiences the vibrancy of multiculturalism, where people from various backgrounds coexist and interact. He attends gatherings where people from different nations come together, breaking barriers of language and nationality. Hazarika also witnesses the blending of cultures in the music of the streets, where British melodies mix with African rhythms and create a unique harmony.
2. 'Bhupen Hazarika's representation is not merely an account of a journey; it is also a narrative about the convergence of cultures in different locations. Comment on the statement based on your reading of 'The Voyage'.
Ans: The statement that Bhupen Hazarika's representation in 'The Voyage' is not merely an account of a journey but also a narrative about the convergence of cultures holds true based on the reading of the text. Hazarika's narrative goes beyond describing his personal experiences and observations; it delves into the interconnectedness and fusion of cultures that he encounters during his journey.
Hazarika's encounters with different cultures highlight the fluidity and adaptability of human expressions. He acknowledges the influences and overlaps between cultures, emphasizing that they are not isolated entities but intertwined in various ways. The representation of cultures in 'The Voyage' showcases the dynamic nature of human interactions and the continual exchange of ideas, traditions, and values
Through his experiences, Hazarika emphasizes the importance of cultural understanding, respect, and appreciation. He recognizes that despite cultural differences, there are shared elements that unite people across borders. His narrative serves as a reminder of the beauty and richness that emerges when cultures converge, resulting in a more diverse and interconnected world.
Overall, Hazarika's representation in 'The Voyage' captures the essence of cultural convergence, showcasing the transformative power of travel and the potential for meaningful connections between people of different backgrounds. It celebrates the diversity of human experiences while emphasizing the common threads that bind us together as a global community.
The Voyage class 12 Alternative English Extra Question Answer
1. Who was the Chief Minister of Assam at the time of the narrator’s voyage to America ?
Ans: At the time of the narrator’s voyage to America, the Chief Minister of Assam was Lokopriyo Gopinath Bordoloi.
2. What was the name of the ship the narrator boarded for their sea voyage ?
Ans: The name of the ship the narrator boarded for their sea voyage was SM Samponio.
3. Who accompanied the narrator to the airport in Guwahati ?
Ans: The narrator’s mother, father, Queen (Sudakshina Sarma), mahi, and younger brother, Jayanta Hazarika.
4. Who did the narrator retrieve their bag from after realizing they had left it behind ?
Ans: The bag was brought by the narrator’s friend, Syed Abdul Malik.
5. Who was the pastor in Guwahati who prepared the narrator’s research curriculum for their voyage to America ?
Ans: The pastor’s name was Robert Brown who prepared the narrator’s research curriculum for their voyage to America.
6. Who accompanied the narrator to the airport on the day of their journey ?
Ans: The narrator was accompanied by their mother, father, Queen (Sudakshina Sarma), mahi, and their younger brother Jayanta Hazarika.
7. Which newspaper from Assam did the narrator find among the newspapers and journals offered on the plane ?
Ans: The Assam Tribune.
8. What dance did the narrator witness during their visit to Colombo ?
Ans: The narrator witnessed The Yakuma Natum, also known as the demon dance during their visit to Colombo
9. Who received the narrator at the airport in Calcutta ?
Ans: The narrator was received at the airport in Calcutta by Bhaben Das, his classmate at Cotton College.
10. What did the professor whom the narrator met in Lanka attribute the lack of camaraderie between Lankans and Indians to ?
Ans: The professor mentioned concerns about India’s economic exploitation and the Lankan government’s apprehension of progressive Indian laborers.
11. What item did the narrator purchase during the ship’s stop in Aden ?
Ans: The narrator purchased a Rolleiflex camera during the ship’s stop in Aden.
12. Where did the ship stop after Djibouti ?
Ans: The ship made a stop in Cairo.
13. What news did the narrator hear in Cairo ?
Ans: The narrator heard the news of Zedong’s successful Long March and China’s freedom.
14. What did the ship’s captain point out to the passengers in the Red Sea ?
Ans: The captain pointed out the star above the holy crescent moon a rare sight.
15. What natural phenomenon did the narrator witness in the sea ?
Ans: The narrator saw herds of phosphorus fish lighting up the sea with their bioluminescence.
16. Who was the French young man the narrator met on the ship ?
Ans: The French young man introduced himself as “one of millions of Andres.
17. What prayer did the narrator make after witnessing the rare sight in the Red Sea ?
Ans: The narrator prayed for the blessing of a joyful journey and the endurance to travel from country to country, beyond borders.
18. What did the narrator feel upon reaching New York City ?
Ans: Upon reaching New York City, the narrator felt a strange loneliness, as if they had been uprooted from their surroundings and thrown into an unfamiliar world.
19. Who was the first person the narrator met at the International House ?
Ans: The first person the narrator met at the International House was a Sikh student named Gurcharan Singh.
20. Why did the captain say they were fortunate to behold that sight ?
Ans: The captain mentioned that although they had travelled that route numerous times they had the great fortune of seeing that sight only once or twice it was considered a rare occurrence.
The Voyage class 12 Common Question Answer
1. What was the incident that caused the plane to halt and return to its starting place ?
Ans: The incident that caused the plane to halt and return to its starting place was when the narrator realized that he had left their bag containing their passport, dollars, tickets, air passage, and other papers behind with either of their parents.
2. What was the route chosen by the narrator for their journey to America ?
Ans: Guwahati to Dumdum by air, then Dumdum to Visakhapatnam by Indian airlines flight, followed by Visakhapatnam to Colombo by another plane, and finally a sea voyage from Colombo to Marseille.
3. Explain the route chosen by the narrator for their journey to America in your own words.
Ans: The narrator chose to travel by air from Guwahati to Dumdum, and then take an Indian airlines flight from Dumdum to Visakhapatnam. From Visakhapatnam, they planned to take a plane to Colombo and then a sea voyage to Marseille aboard the SM Samponio.
4. Why did the narrator feel heavy-hearted for their country when leaving Visakhapatnam ?
Ans: The narrator felt heavy-hearted for their country because they were leaving India itself and had uncertainties about whether or not they would be able to return to their native place. They were aware that many who went to America never came back during that time.
5. What was the problem faced by the narrator when they boarded the ship in Aden ?
Ans: The narrator had a problem as hardly anyone on the ship knew English. They had left everyone behind and had uncertainties about the journey ahead.
6. What was the incident witnessed by the narrator on the ship before entering the Red Sea ?
Ans: The ship’s alarm bell started ringing in the middle of the night and everyone gathered on the deck. The captain explained that from that exact spot, once in a long while, the star above the holy crescent moon of Muslims could be seen. The narrator witnessed this rare sight and took photographs of it.
The Voyage class 12 Common Question Answer Extra
7. What did they see in the sea that surprised them ?
Ans: The narrator saw a thousand neon lights in the sea which turned out to be herds of phosphorus fish lighting up the sea with a dazzling display.
8. Who was the French young man the narrator met on the ship ?
Ans: The French young man’s name was Andres He was around twenty- three or twenty-four years old and had joined the French army at the age of seventeen.
9. What did the narrator observe about the city of Djibouti during their brief visit ?
Ans: The narrator noticed that the imperialist Italians had not brought any development to Djibouti. The place was littered with wine shops, and most people seemed poor. Women roamed the streets wearing burqas.
10. What news did the narrator hear in Cairo that made them think about their own journey ?
Ans: In Cairo, the narrator heard the news that Mao Zedong and his communist forces had taken over China. This news made the narrator think about the path they had chosen and whether they had made the right decision to leave India
11. Who did the narrator meet in Alexandria and what advice did they give ?
Ans: The narrator met a Bangladeshi Muslim at the Youth Hostel in Alexandra. He advised the narrator to focus on their studies, keep away from politics, and not get involved in religious activities.
12. What were the initial challenges faced by the narrator in the United States ?
Ans: The initial challenges faced by the narrator in the United States included getting acclimated to the new environment dealing with homesickness adjusting to the cultural differences, and overcoming language barriers.
13. How did the narrator describe the atmosphere at the International House ?
Ans: The narrator described the atmosphere at the International House as one of camaraderie and diversity. Students from various countries and cultures lived together, sharing their experiences and lasting friendships.
14. What motivated the narrator to continue their studies in the United States despite the challenges ?
Ans: The narrator was motivated to continue their studies in the United States by their strong desire to gain knowledge and contribute to the development of can country. They believed that the opportunity to study abroad would provide them with valuable insights and skills that they could later apply in India.
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