Keeping Quiet Class 12 Important Questions Answers AHSEC 2023
Keeping Quiet Class 12 Important Questions Answers AHSEC 2023: Keeping Quiet is a poem from class 12 ncert English main text book Flamingo. keeping Quiet is penned by poet Pablo Neruda. Here, you'll get Keeping Quiet Class 12 Important Questions Answers AHSEC 2023.
Keeping Quiet HS 2nd Year Important Questions Answers AHSEC 2023
Q1. "Those who prepare green wars,
Wars with gas, wars with fire,
victory with no survivors,
and walk about with their brothers
in the shade, doing nothing. AHSEC 2015, 2017, 2022
(i) What are the different kinds of wars mentioned by the poet in the passage ?
Ans: The different kinds of wars mentioned by the poet in the passage are Green wars, Wars with gas and Wars with fire.
(ii) What kind of victory do they achieve ?
Ans: The achieve the victory of no survivors to celebrate victory.
(iii) What should the warmongers do ?
Ans: The warmongers should put on clean clothes and walk in shadow holding their hands of brother and sisters.
(iv) Find the words in the passage that mean 'those left alive' and 'win'.
Ans: those left alive - survivors
win - victory
Q2. Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still.
For once on the face of the Earth
let's not speak in any language,
let's stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much". AHSEC 2016, 2020
(i) How long does the poet want to stay still ? 1
Ans: The poet asks us to keep still for a second at least for few moment or until count to twelve.
(ii) Why does he ask us to keep still and not use any language ? 2
Ans: The poet wishes that no one should speak. If we speak more unnecessary then it leads to quarrel and then to war. Words often gives rise to disagreements and disputes but silence speaks the language of heart and create a feeling of unity.
(iii) What does the poet mean by not move our arms so much ? 1
Ans: By this statement, ‘not move our arms so much’, the poet means that everyone should not involve any physical activity.
Q3. Perhaps the earth can teach us
as when everything seems dead
and later proves to be alive
and you keep quiet and I will go. AHSEC 2018
(i) What can the earth teach us ?
Ans: The earth can teach us that she can sustain life when everything else appears to be dead.
(ii) Why does the poet count up to twelve ?
Ans: The poet counts up to twelve so that during the time of counting,the whole mankind would keep quite and experience an exotic moment. It would help us know about our activities.
(iii) What will keeping quite help us to achieve ?
Ans: Counting up to twelve and keeping quite will provide us an opportunity to introspect about ourselves.
Keeping Quiet Class 12 Common Questions Answers AHSEC 2023
Q1. Why does the poet address the fishermen and the man gathering salt ?
Ans: Poet Pablo Neruda does not like violence. He addressed the fishermen that they should not kill whales and he also asks man gathering salt to look at their hands and not to hurt it and look after himself.
Q2. What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us to achieve ?
Ans: Counting upto twelve and keeping still will help us to pause and think about the results of our activities. Give us a respite from the mundane activities and help us to introspect into our lives.
Q3. What can the earth teach us ?
According to Pablo Neruda, what important lesson can the Earth teach us ? AHSEC 2022
Ans: The earth can teach us that there can be life under apparent stillness, because stillness does not mean total inactivity. The earth keeps its productivity under its apparent silence.
Q4. What is the message of the poem keeping quiet ?
Ans: The message of the poem "Keeping Quiet" is that we should be quite and silent for some time and introspect ourselves. By doing this we will have more time for understanding each other and we will realise how our activities are damaging the earth.
Q5. What is the sadness that Neruda talks about ? AHSEC 2014
What is the sadness that the poet refers to in the poem "Keeping Quiet" ? AHSEC 2015, 2020, 2022
Ans: The sadness that the poet refers to in the poem that human being unable to understand themeselves.We are indulging in a blind race of progress but we are inviting our own end as all the destructive activities are created by human being itself.Our actions are threatening the entire world.
Q6. What is the exotic moment the poet Pablu Neruda wishes for ? AHSEC 2016
What is considered to be an exotic moment in the poem ? AHSEC 2018
Ans: An exotic moment is considered to be that moment when everything and everyone will go still. There will be no movement and there will be understanding each other.
Q7. Why does the poet wish to count to twelve ? AHSEC 2017
Ans: The poet wishes to count to twelve so that his listeners remain quite and still. The number twelve refers to a period of one year of twelve sign. When the human being stop their destructive activities and the nature could have time to regenerate.
Q8. Why quietness would be an exotic moment for the speaker in Keeping Quiet ? AHSEC 2019
Ans: The poet refers to the moment of stillness and quietness as an exotic moment because it will initiate peace and brotherhood. There would be no movement, no rush, no talk, no activity and consequently, no violence.
Q9. What is Pablo Neruda's opinion about different kinds of wars ? AHSEC 2019
Ans: Pablo Neruda in his poem 'Keeping Quiet' talks about various kinds of wars. He talks about green wars, wars with gas, and wars with fire. The poet feels any type of war is not good for anyone as it leaves nothing in its wake. People should try to maintain peace and brotherhood. These problem can be overcome by mutual understanding and by keeping quiet.
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