8 Sept 2019

On the face of it class 12 NCERT solutions

On the face of it class 12 NCERT solutions

On the face of it class 12 ncert solutions

On the face of it class 12 NCERT solutions: On the face of it is a play from class 12 NCERT English main textbook Flamingo. On the face of it is written by Susan Hill. Here you'll get On the face of it class 12 NCERT solutions.

The play on the face of it deals in two characters, an old man and a young boy. Both of them suffer from physical deformities due to which they face ridicule and neglect. Both yearn to love and be loved. The young Derry has face burnt down by an acid attach and the Old man Mr. Lamb has a tin leg because one of his leg was blown off in a war.

On the face of it class 12 questions answers

The play also raises the issue of how we form our own impressions and prejudice about others,especially the physically challenged and forget to treat them as are among us. The old man, by his wisdom and eccentric views transform the life of the young boy and motivates him to love himself.

Susan Hill : Introduction about the author

Susan Hill was born on 5 February in 1942 in Scarburg, North Yorkshire. She attended Scarburg convent school,where she became interested in theatre and literature. She is a British fiction author. Her novels inculde " The Woman in black, The Mist in the mirror and I'm the king of Castle" For which she received the Somerset Maugham Award in 1971.

On the face of it textbook questions answers

Read and find out

Q1. Who is Mr Lamb ? How does Derry get into his garden ? 
Ans: Mr. Lamb is an old person who has got a tin leg. He owns a big house and a garden where he grows fruits, flowers and weeds. He is fond of nature and open minded. One of his legs was blown off in a war. Derry climbed over the garden wall.

Q2. Do you think all this will change Derry's attitude towards Mr. Lamb ? 
Ans: Mr. Lamb's ideas, advice and suggestions can change Derry's attitude towards Mr. Lamb. Mr. Lamb leaves a deep impression on Derry's mind. His words motivates Derry to take his life positively and look at life differently.

Reading with insight

Q1. What is it that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb inspite of himself ? 
Ans: Derry is a young boy of fourteen, he suffered inferiority of complex. But after meeting Mr. Lamb he realized that things have nothing to do with his face and what he looks like.He stopped to care for the things those are not important. He was much motivated by Mr Lamb's words and learned to move forward thus he wanted to go back to Mr Lamb.

Q2. In which section of the play does Mr. Lamb display signs  of loneliness and disappointment ? What are the ways in which Mr. Lamb tries to overcome these feelings ? 
Ans: In the whole play, we find that Mr. Lamb remains always positive. He is a very optimistic person. He accepts life as it comes. Though he lives alone and teased by other people children. He has a tin leg, as one of his legs got blown off in the war. But he never allows his physical disability to come in his way, He mentions that his leg pains now and then, particularly in wet weather, but loneliness and disappointment don't find any place in his way of life. Mr. Lamb tries to overcome his pain of being loneliness by opening his heart to others. He owns a garden, where he grows fruits and flowers and he likes to share fruits with others. He welcomed everyone in his garden and house. He treat everyone as his friends, he likes company. There is nothing that doesn't interest him. He enjoys sitting in the sun and reading books. He likes sounds of wind and rain. He hates things shut inside and outside. 

Q3. The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the scene of alienation felt by the person with disabilities. What is that kind of behaviour that the person expects from others ? 
Ans: Agreeable that actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairement can be quite painful, but the sense of alienation is much more painful. All these come from the surroundings of a person. And that surroundings includes people also. The reactions of the people towards the disabled persons hardly use to be normal, most of the time they pretend to be normal with them. Derry suffers from his own inferiority complex. He avoids people, he doesn't like to mingle with them. He tries to alienate himself from the mainstream of life and the world. He likes loneliness and stays always disappointed.

Through the role of Derry, we feel that a physically disabled person seeks for normal behaviour from the outside world. They become angry, upset and even frustrated when they get care with extra softness all the time. They don't like pretentions Derry himself, is seen in need of human touch, friends and supports. He doesn't want to be something to feel pity or sympathize.

On the face of It short questions answers for board exam 2021             

Q1. Who is the writer of the play 'On the face of it' ? 
Ans: Susan Hill is the writer of the play On the face of it.

Q2. What did Derry think when he entered the garden ? 
Ans: When Derry entered the garden, He thought that was an empty place.

Q3. Did Derry come to steal anything ? 
Ans: No, Derry did not come to steal anything.

Q4. How old Derry was ? 
Ans: Derry was fourteen years old.

Q5. Did Derry believe everything he heard ? 
Ans: No,Derry did not believe everything he heard,instead he tried his best to prove himself.

Q6. Has Derry's attitude changed finally ? 
Ans: Yes, finally Derry's attitude was changed after he met Mr. Lamb.

Q7. Is everyone welcome into Mr. Lamb's garden ? 
Ans: Yes, Mr. Lamb welcomes everyone into his garden.

Q8. What draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb ? 
Ans: The qualities of Mr. Lamb's draws Derry towards him.

Q9. What does Mr. Lamb tell Derry about him ? 
Ans: Mr. Lamb tells Derry that he is old and has a tin leg and also that children call him Lamey lamb.

Q10. What did Derry's mother think of Mr. Lamb ? 
Ans: Derry's mother thought that Mr. Lamb was not a good man and therefore she did not want her son to meet or talk with him.

Q11. How did Derry's face was burnt ? 
Ans: Derry got acid all down on a side of his face thus his face was burnt.

Q12. Why does Mr. Lamb have a tin leg ? 
Ans: One of Mr. Lamb's leg got blown off in the war, so he has a tin leg.

On the Face of It important questions answers for board exam 2021

Q1. Who is Mr. Lamb ? 
Ans: Mr Lamb is an old person,one of his leg was blown off in the war but he never bothered about his tin leg. He owns a big house and a garden and he loves beautiful and lovely things around him.

Q2. Why and how did Derry enter Mr. Lamb's garden ? 
Ans: Derry entered Mr Lamb's garden by climbing over the garden wall behind the bushes. He thought that place must be empty, insearch of solitude Derry entered Mr Lamb's garden.

Q3. What are the sounds heard in Mr Lamb's garden ? 
Ans: The sounds that are heard in Mr lamb's garden are the noise of a branch shifting, apples thumping down and shifting again, occasional sounds of birds singing and leaves rustling etc.

Q4. Why does Derry go back to Mr. Lamb in the end ? 
Ans: Derry realized that things have nothing to do with his face and what he looks like.He stopped to care for the things those are not important.He was much motivated by Mr Lamb's words and learned to move forward thus he wanted to go back to Mr Lamb.

Q5. Why aren't there any curtains at the windows of Mr. Lamb's house ? 
Ans: There aren't any curtains at the windows of Mr Lamb's house because he was not fond of it. He is an open hearted man, He hates things shut out and in. He likes light, darkness and sound of wind.

Q6. How do people comment so painfully about Derry's face and why ? 
Ans: Derry is a young boy, One side of his face was burnt down by acid, He suffers inferiority of complex. People often comment on his face badly that he has so ugly face that nobody can love him except his mother.

Q7. Who should be friends according to both Derry and Mr. Lamb ? 
Ans: According to Derry people are should be friends with those whom he know well and meet frequently but for Mr Lamb people could be friends with anybody whom he met,see.

On the face of it extra questions answers for H.S. final

Q1. How has Derry overcome the inferiority complex that he suffered all the time ? 
Ans: Earlier Derry used to feel sad for his burnt face. He hated people staring at him. He hated to be a part of a crowd. He is totally inspired and motivated with the positive ideas of Mr. Lamb. He has overcome his inferiority complex that he suffered all the time. Now he is not bothered what he looks like or what people think about him. He has changed his vision of life.

Q2. Why does Mr. Lamb has a tin leg ? Is he bothered because of that ? 
Ans: Mr.Lamb has got a tin leg because one of his legs got blown off in the war. No, Mr. Lamb is never bothered of that, he doesn't suffer from any inferiority complex neither he regard himself to be a physically disabled though the leg pains now and then.

Q3. Once you got home, you'd never let yourself come back, says Mr. Lamb to Derry. Is he right in his assessment ? 
Ans: Once Mr. Lamb said to Derry that Derry gets home, he would never let himself come back. But Derry promised he would come back and asked Mr. lamb to wait for him. And Derry did come back. His mother tried to hold him back but Derry kept his promise and come back to Mr Lamb.

Q4. How does Mr. Lamb look at life ? 
Ans: Mr. Lamb is totally a positive person. He is full of life. He enjoys sitting in the sun and reading books. He grows plants, flowers and fruit trees. He collect honey and makes jelly from apples and he shares all these stuffs with the children who tease him as lamey lamb. He looks at life a total positive attitude.

Q5. What kind of face does the world have ? 
Ans: The world have a kind of face which is beautiful and admirable from outside only. From inside, it is ugly. It does not look for the enternal beauty, instead it admires the external appearance and beauty.

Q6. What do people tell Derry to make him forget his pain ? 
Ans: People tell Derry to look at all those people who are in pain and brave and never cry and never complain and don't feel sorry for themselves. People try to make Derry forget his plain by saying all these things.

Q7. Why does Derry says, 'I'm not afraid, people are afraid of me' ? 
Ans: Derry is a very young boy who has got his face burnt by acid. For that reason he suffers from an inferiority complex. He doesn't like people staring at him. And he believes that people think him to be a terrible and the ugliest of all. When he looks in the mirror, he gets scared of his horrible face and he believes that people too get scared of him. Thus Derry says he is not afraid of the people, but people are afraid of him.

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