26 Oct 2019

Footprints without Feet ncert solutions class 10

Footprints without Feet ncert solutions class 10

Footprints without Feet ncert solutions class 10 :Footprints without Feet chapter no 5 from ncert supplementary reader in English, class 10. The story Footprints without feet is written by H.G. Wells. Here you'll get Footprints without Feet ncert solutions class 10.

Footprints without Feet class 10 CBSE questions answers

This story is about a lawless scientist named Griffin and all about his experiment, his unsocial adventure and misuse of his discovery. Here you'll get Footprints without Feet class 10 NCERT solutions and Footprints without Feet summary in English, Footprints without Feet summary in Hindi. 

Footprints without Feet summary in English

The story Footprints without feet is about a lawless scientist named Griffin. He has been trying to discover ways which could make a man invisible and finally he discovered, One day he swallowed that certain rare drugs and made himself invisible but could be felt as his body remained as solid as glass.

Footprints without Feet ncert solutions class 10
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Then he set fire to his landlord house and burnt down it to take revenge upon his landlord. He removed all his wearings, became invisible and escaped from there.when he tries to escape somehow he steps in some mud thus he left his muddy foot prints wherever he wonder.

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He was first noticed by two boys in staircase of a house in the middle of the london where they could just see only his footsteps but his body could not. They thought what was going on so started following his footprints. The two boys follow it until the footsteps are fainter and cannot be seen. It was midwinter and air was very cold.

Griffin was without any clothe, feeling cold he enters in a big shop for some warmth. After the stores closed he decides to wear some warm clothes and eat something. He first unboxes few clothes and wears them.

Footprints without Feet ncert solutions class 10
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Then from the kitchen of a restaurant he eats cold meat and some coffee. Later he goes to a grocery store and eats sweets and drinks wine. He was tired, After the meal then falls asleep on a pile of quilts.

He then wakes up late in the morning when some of the store assistants had arrived in the shop, seeing them Griffin afraid and started to run and the store assistants chased him. Then again he had to threw away all the clothes he was wearing and became invisible again and escaped. 

Then he started wondering around again without any clothes in the cold winter of London. He then decides try something extra. He goes to Drury lane there he found a suitable shop.

He decides to steal clothes from a theatre company as he knew he would get something to cover up his face. He goes upstairs, then wear bandages on his face, dark glasses, false nose and a hat for covering himself. He then hits the shopkeeper from behind and steals all his money.

Soon he realizes that London is too crowded to live like this and decides that he would go to a remote village. He books two rooms at a local inn at the Iping village.

He reaches in Iping and it is strange for the people of Iping as a stranger with such a uncommon appearance has come to stay at an inn during the winter season. There Mrs Hall the landlord's wife tries to talk to Griffin but He shows no desire and warns her not to disturb him.

Once his stolen money finished, he steals from a Clergyman's house and also hits the landlord and his wife when they try to check his room in his absence.

Then the village constable is sent for help but before that Mrs. Hall enquires him questions regarding who he is and what he did to her furniture. This makes him really furious and he decides to show her who he really is.

Footprints without Feet ncert solutions class 10
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Then The people see a headless man and Mr. Jaffers, the constable also finds out that he would have to arrest a man who does not have a head. But he is suppose to follow his megistrate's order. They are unable to catch Griffin as he removes all his clothes one after one and becomes invisible. He even knocks out Jaffers as he tries to catch him.

Footprints without feet summary in Hindi

Footprints without Feet ncert solutions class 10
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Footprints without feet कहानी Griffin नामक एक अराजक वैज्ञानिक के बारे में है। वह उन तरीकों की खोज करने की कोशिश कर रहा है, जो एक आदमी को अदृश्य बना सकता है और आखिरकार उसने खोज लिया, एक दिन उसने कुछ दुर्लभ दवाओं को निगल लिया और खुद को अदृश्य बना लिया, लेकिन महसूस किया जा सकता है कि उसका शरीर कांच की तरह ठोस बना रहा।

फिर उसने अपने मकान मालिक के घर में आग लगा दी और अपने मकान मालिक से बदला लेने के लिए उसे जला दिया। उसने अपने सारे कपड़े उतार दिए, अदृश्य हो गया और वहाँ से भाग गया। जब वह किसी तरह से निकलने की कोशिश करता है तो वह कुछ कीचड़ में गिर जाता है और वह आश्चर्यचकित रह जाता है।

उन्हें पहली बार दो लड़कों ने लंदन के बीच में एक घर की सीढ़ी पर देखा था जहां वे सिर्फ उनके नक्शेकदम को देख सकते थे लेकिन उनका शरीर नहीं देख सकता था। उन्हें लगा कि उनके पदचिह्नों पर चलना शुरू हो जाएगा। दो लड़के इसे तब तक फॉलो करते हैं, जब तक कि पैर फिसल न जाएं और दिखाई न दें। यह मध्यांतर था और हवा बहुत ठंडी थी।

Griffin बिना किसी रोक-टोक के था, ठंड महसूस करते हुए वह कुछ गर्मजोशी के लिए एक बड़ी दुकान में घुस गया। दुकानों के बंद होने के बाद उन्होंने कुछ गर्म कपड़े पहनने और कुछ खाने का फैसला किया। वह पहले कुछ कपड़े उतारता है और उन्हें पहनता है।

फिर एक रेस्तरां की रसोई से वह ठंडा मांस और कुछ कॉफी खाता है। बाद में वह एक किराने की दुकान में जाता है और मिठाई खाता है और शराब पीता है। वह थका हुआ था, भोजन के बाद फिर रजाई के ढेर पर सो जाता है।

वह सुबह देर से उठता है जब दुकान के कुछ सहायक दुकान में आ गए थे, उन्हें देखकर ग्रिफिन डर गया और भागने लगा और स्टोर सहायकों ने उसका पीछा किया। फिर फिर से उसे अपने पहने हुए सारे कपड़े फेंकने पड़े और फिर से अदृश्य हो गया और भाग निकला।

फिर वह लंदन के कड़ाके की ठंड में बिना कपड़ों के फिर से इधर-उधर सोचने लगा। वह फिर कुछ अतिरिक्त करने का प्रयास करता है। वह Drury लेन में जाता है वहाँ उसे एक उपयुक्त दुकान मिली।

वह एक थिएटर कंपनी से कपड़े चोरी करने का फैसला करता है क्योंकि वह जानता था कि उसे अपना चेहरा ढंकने के लिए कुछ मिलेगा। वह ऊपर चला जाता है, फिर अपने चेहरे पर पट्टियाँ, काले चश्मे, झूठी नाक और खुद को ढकने के लिए एक टोपी पहनता है। फिर वह दुकानदार को पीछे से मारता है और उसके सारे पैसे चुरा लेता है।

जल्द ही उसे पता चलता है कि लंदन में इस तरह रहने के लिए बहुत भीड़ है और वह तय करता है कि वह एक दूरस्थ गांव में जाएगा। वह Iping गांव में एक स्थानीय सराय में दो कमरे बुक करता है।

वह Iping में पहुंचता है और इपिंग के लोगों के लिए यह अजीब है क्योंकि इस तरह की असामान्य उपस्थिति के साथ सर्दियों के मौसम के दौरान एक सराय में रहने के लिए आया है। वहाँ Mrs. Hall, मकान मालिक की पत्नी Griffin से बात करने की कोशिश करती है लेकिन वह कोई इच्छा नहीं दिखाता और उसे परेशान न करने की चेतावनी देता है।

एक बार जब उनका चुराया हुआ धन समाप्त हो गया, तो वह एक पादरी (clergyman) के घर से चोरी करता है और मकान मालिक और उसकी पत्नी को भी मारता है जब वे उसकी अनुपस्थिति में उसके कमरे की जांच करने की कोशिश करते हैं।

फिर गांव के कांस्टेबल को मदद के लिए भेजा जाता है, लेकिन इससे पहले कि Mrs. Hall उनसे सवाल पूछती हैं कि वह कौन हैं और उन्होंने अपने फर्नीचर का क्या किया। यह उसे वास्तव में उग्र बनाता है और वह उसे दिखाने का फैसला करता है कि वह वास्तव में कौन है।

तब लोग एक सिरहीन व्यक्ति और Mr. Jaffer को बुलाय़ा गय़ा, कांस्टेबल को यह भी पता चलता है कि उसे एक ऐसे व्यक्ति को गिरफ्तार करना होगा जिसके पास सिर नहीं है। लेकिन उसे लगता है कि वह अपने मजिस्ट्रेट के आदेश का पालन करेगा। वे Griffin को पकड़ने में असमर्थ हैं क्योंकि वह एक के बाद एक अपने सारे कपड़े निकालता है और अदृश्य हो जाता है। जब वह उसे पकड़ने की कोशिश करता है, तो वह Jaffer को भी मार देता है।

Footprints without Feet class 10 Textbook Questions Answers

Q1. How did the invisible man first become visible ?
And: Griffin has become become invisible when he made his experiment to make his body invisible, for that he had to remove his clothes but he had chosen a bad time. It was mid winter and air was very cold and Griffin could not do without clothes. So he step into a big london store for some warmth, when the shutter was closed he broke open boxes and fitted himself with warm clothes. He became a fully dressed person with shoes, overcoat and a wide brimmed hat thus he became a visible person for the first time after he became invisible.

Q2. Why he was wandering the streets ?
Ans: Griffin was a lawless person. He made his experiment with himself and became invisible. Then set fire to his landlords house take revenge upon him and escaped from there. He became a homeless person. So he was wandering the street without clothes without money.

Q3. Why does Mrs Hall find the scientist eccentric ?
Ans: Mrs Hall found the scientist eccentric. When Griffin arrived at the local inn in the Village of Iping with his uncommon appearance. Mrs Hall the landlord's wife came to Griffon to be friend, but Griffin showed no desire to talk to her infact he warned her not to disturb him in his work. Griffin was always quick tempered and his behaviour was strange so Mrs Hall found him eccentric.

Q4. What curious episode occurs in the study ?
Ans: On that certain morning a Clergyman and his wife were awakened very early in the morning by the noise in the study. They heard noise of chink of money. So they went down with a poker stick in hand but they found the room to be empty. They even looked under the desk, behind the curtains and up in the chimney, there wasn't a sign of anybody but they found drawer was opened and housekeeping money was missing. This was the curious episode occured in the study.

Q5. What other extraordinary things happen at the inn ?
Ans: That day morning the landlord and his wife Mrs Hall were up very early. They saw the scientist door was wide open but usually it was shut and looked. So they were amazed and peeped round the door, saw nobody inside and decided to investigate. Then they found bedclothes were cold but the clothes and bandages that Griffin wore were lying about the room. Suddenly Mrs Hall heard a sniff close to her ear. A moment later the hat on the bedpost leapt up and dashed itself into Mr Hall's face. Then the bedroom chair became alive, springing into the air it charged straight at them. And then the chair pushed them both out of the door and lock the door.

Footprints without Feet class 10 long questions answers

1. " Griffin was rather a lawless person " Comment.
Ans: Griffin was a lawless person, after he became invisible, he engaged in manu unsocial activities. He didn't use his experiment for well being. At first he set fire to his landlord's house to take revenge upon him and escaped. Second he step into a london big store for warmth, there he feed himself and worn warm clothes without regard to expense. Then he went to Drury lane, there he stole clothes and money attacking the shopkeeper. He went to Iping, there he stole housekeeping money from a Clergyman's house and he attacked his new landlord and his wife and Mr Jaffers the onduty constable.

2. How would you assess Griffin as a scientist ?
Ans: Griffin had carried out experiment after experiment to prove how human body could become invisible. He was successful too, he discovered some rare drugs and he swallowed that certain drugs and his body became invisible and transparent when he remove his clothes. Though he didn't use his experiment for any good reason but he was a brilliant scientist.

Q3. If somehow you discovered how to become invisible, how would you use that opportunity ? (CBSE 2015) 
Ans: If I discovered how to become invisible, I would use this opportunity to punish all those people who cause trouble to others for their own selfish motives. I would catch them and hand them over to the police without letting them know that I was behind them. I will also help the law-enforcing agencies when they conduct raids on criminal hideouts, as I will be able to move in the open without fear of being seen. This will help the people of the country to become more law-abiding citizens. 

We all should also realise this that if we are bestowed with a power, we have to follow some duties and fulfil some responsibilities towards our society. We should use those powers in other's welfare. 

Q4. Describe the landlord's and his wife's experience with the strange scientist. (CBSE 2016) 
Ans: Both Mrs Hall and her husband were surprised to find the scientist's room door wide open because normally it was always closed ans locked. So they peeped in, but found nobody there. The clothes and bandages that he always wore were lying about the room. Suddenly, Mrs Hall heard a sniff close to her ear and the hat on the bedpost leapt up and  dashed itself into her face. Then the bedroom chair sprang into the air and pushed both of them out of the room and then appeared to slam and lock the door after them. 

Mrs Hall became hysterical and almost fell down the stairs. She thought that her furniture was haunted. They decided to confront the scientist next time when they met him.

Footprints Without Feet Class 10 Important Questions Answers for  HSLC SEBA

Q1. Who was Griffin ? How did he become invisible ? Why did Mrs Hall find him eccentric ? HSLC 2015
Ans: Griffin was a brilliant scientist and a lawless person. He conducted many experiments to discover how human body could become invisible. He discovered a certain rare drugs and swallowed, thus his body became invisible and transparent. When he reached in Iping, Mrs Hall, the landlord's wife tried to be friendly with the scientist but he has no desires to talk .He told Mrs Hall that he had came to Iping for solitude and would not like to disturbed in his work. Besides he had met an accident that had affected his face. The nature and behaviour of scientist made Mrs Hall to label him as eccentric scientist.

Q2. Briefly describe the extraordinary behaviour of Mrs Hall furniture. HSLC 2016
Ans: That day morning the landlord and his wife Mrs Hall were up very early. They saw the scientist door was wide open but usually it was shut and looked. So they were amazed and peeped round the door, saw nobody inside and decided to investigate. Then they found bedclothes were cold but the clothes and bandages that Griffin wore were lying about the room. Suddenly Mrs Hall heard a sniff close to her ear. A moment later the hat on the bedpost leapt up and dashed itself into Mr Hall's face. Then the bedroom chair became alive, springing into the air it charged straight at them. And then the chair pushed them both out of the door and lock the door.

Q3. Give a description of Griffin's experience in Drury Lane. HSLC 2017 or
 Describe Griffin's experience in Drury Lane. HSLC 2020
Ans: Griffin was feeling helpless and relatively cold. He was thinking of a way to let himself keep alive from the shivering cold. Griffin went to drury lane in hope of finding clothes and something that would hide his empty space above shoulders. He found a suitable shop and made his way invisibly upstairs and came out after wearing clothes, bandages round his forehead, dark glasses, false nose, big bushy side whiskers and a large hat. He attacked the shopkeeper from behind and stole money. 

Q4. Why did Griffin become a homeless wanderer ? Why did he slip into the big London store and what did he do there ? HSLC 2018
Ans: Griffin became a homeless wanderer. His landlord disliked him and tried to eject him, to take revenge upon Griffin set fire to the house and escaped removing all his clothes. Thus became a homeless wanderer. It was mid winter, air was bitterly cold and he could not do without clothes, so instead of walking about the streets he decided to slip in to a big London store for warmth. When the shop was closed he broke open boxes and wrappers, there he fed and fitted himself with warm clothes without regard of expense. After filling his stomach he felt tired and slept there .

Q5. How and why did Griffin come to the village of Iping ? Why does Mrs. Hall find him eccentric ? HSLC 2019
Ans: Griffin, the lawless scientist became invisible and misused his discovery. He engaged in many unsocial activities. But London was very crowded to live for adventures and live without clothes. He wanted to become visible after facing the problem of being invisible and escape from being arrested. So he booked a train ticket to the village of Iping, far from London. When he reached in Iping, Mrs Hall, the landlord's wife tried to be friendly with the scientist but he has no desires to talk .He told Mrs Hall that he had came to Iping for solitude and would not like to disturbed in his work. Besides he had met an accident that had affected his face. The nature and behaviour of scientist made Mrs Hall to label him as eccentric scientist.

Q6. Briefly describe the footprints seen by the two boys ? HSLC 2021
Ans: The two boys in London were surprised and fascinated when they saw fresh muddy footprints of human being on the steps of a house in the middle of the London, but no man was there making them! As they looked, a fresh footprint appeared from nowhere. The footprints progressed towards the street. The boys bewildered followed, until the footprints got disappeared.

Footprints without Feet Important questions for Board Exam 2022

Q1.Describe the curious episode that had happened one morning in the study room of the clergy man. 5 marks
Q2. What other extraordinary things that happen at the inn ? 5 marks
Q3. Griffin was a brilliant scientist and a lawless person, comment . 5 marks

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