29 Apr 2020

The Proposal class 10 NCERT solutions

The Proposal class 10 NCERT solutions

The proposal class 10 ncert solutions

The Proposal class 10 NCERT solutions: "The proposal" is chapter eleven from class  10 NCERT English text book "First Flight". The Proposal is written by " Anton Chekov". Here youcll get The Proposal class 10 NCERT solutions. No need to browse topics like the proposal class 10 summary, the proposal exaplanation, the proposal textbook questions answers, the propsal short questions, the proposal important questions answers again again on your browser. Here I have tried to cover up all your quaries in this single post. 

The Proposal class 10 questions answers

Here, in this article we have tried to cover up important topis from the chapter "The Proposal". You will get to read the following topis

1. The Proposal summary
2. The Proposal chapter highlight
3. The Proposal explanation in English
4. The Proposal explanation in Hindi
5. The Proposal NCERT textbook questions answers
6. The Proposal short questions answers
7. The Proposal extra questions answers
8. The Proposal important questions answers

The Proposal class 10 summary

The Proposal is a one act play. The play is set in a rural countryside Russia. This play is about a proposal for merriage. A long time wealthy neighbour of Chubukov, Lomov comes to asks Chubukov for his daughter's hand for merriage. But they start fighting over small issues. Any way the proposal of merriage is made finally but the quarrelling continues.

The Proposal highlight of the chapter

• Lomov comes to Chubukov's house to asks hand of Chubukov's daughter for merriage.

• Lomov tells Chubukov for purpose of his visit.

• Lomov starts talking of his land.

• Arguments starts over the land between Lomov and Natalya.

• Chubukov takes his daughter side.

• Arguments continues and Lomov leaves.

• Chubukov tells Natalya about Lomov's proposal

• Natalya tells Chubukov to call Lomov back.

• Again arguments starts on dogs

• Lomov faints, and Chubukov asks Lomov to merry Natalya

The Proposal class 10 explanation in English

The play begins with the scene set in Chubukov's house. Lomov comes there and meets Chubukov. Chubukov is very happy to meet him. He asks him to sit down and enguires why he is wearing an evening dress.

Lomov tells him that he has come there with a purpose. He tells him that he wants to request him about something and suddenly gets exicted. Chubukov feels that he must have come to borrow money from him. Lomov starts to talks about random things, finally he tells Chubukov that he has come there to ask for Natalya's hand, hearing this Chubukov gets extremely excited.

Chubukov becomes so happy that he starts to behave idiotically. He hugs Lomov and kisses him. Lomov tells Chubukov that he wants his conset for marriage. Chubukov tells him that he was always hoping that he would come to ask for Natalya's hand.

Due to overexcitment Lomov starts trembling. He says that if he would have looked for a perfect partner he would have never got one and remained unmarried. He feels that Natalya is a good housekeeper. He also says that she is not bad looking and very well educated. He feels he is already too old to get married and now he should lead a quiet and regular life. He starts to jump like a mad.

Natalya comes and asks Lomov why he had not come there for a long time. She informs Lomov about the harvest. She asks him why he ia dressed in an evening dress and enquired if he was going to a ball.

Before Lomov tells Natalya about his purpose for the visit, they are off the point. He starts telling her that he has know his family for a very long time. He also tells her how he inherited his land and how he respects her father. He tells her that his Oxen meadows touch her Birchwood. On hearing this, Natalya says that the Oxen meadows are theirs.

Natalya gets serious and tells him that Oxen meadows do not belong to him. They actually belong to them. Lomov clarifies that he is talking about the Oxen meadows that are between her Birchwoods and Burnt march. Natalya insists that they are theirs. Lomov refuses it. He tells her that his aunt's grandmother gave those meadows to her father's grandfather. The peasants used the land for forty years.

Natalya refuses and sticks on her point that those meadows are theirs. On the other Lomov tells her that he has documents to prove that it is his land. Natalya tells him that they had that land for nearly 300 years now.

Both of them continue fighting over the ownership of the land. Lomov offers to make a present of them to Natalya. She also says that she can make a present of them to him.

Chubukov enters the room, Natalya asks him to tell Lomov that the Oxen meadows are owned by them. Chubukov also supports her as the Oxen meadows are theirs. Lomov refuses, Chubukov says that by shouting, Lomov can not prove that the Oxen meadows are owned by him.

Chubukov accuses Lomov by saying that he can not talk to him so disrespectfully as he is twice of his age. Lomov says that he is calling his land as his and wants him to speak politely. He calls Chubukov a land grabber.

Lomov threatens that he would Chubukov to the court. A lot of abuses are exchanged between them. Chubukov says that Lomov's grandfather was a drunkard. His younger aunt Nastasya ran away with an architect. Lomov felt that he was dying so he could not say anything at that time. Natalya also calls Lomov a rascal. Chubukov calls him a villain and a scarecrow. He also calls him a monster who has the courage to propose.

As soon as Lomov leaves their house, Chubumov tells Natalya that he came to propose her. Hearing the word propose, Natalya enquires him. Chubukov tells her that Lomov had come there to ask Natalya's hand for merriage. Hearing this, Natalya starts crying. She asks Chubukov to bring Lomov back at once.

Lomov enters again. Natalya begs him to excuse her. They shift their talks to the dogs as Natalya tells him that the Oxen meadows are his. They now talk about the dogs. Lomov tells Natalya that his best dog coasted him 125 roubles. Natalya says that it is too much. She tells him that her father had given 85 roubles to her dog ( Squeezer ). She says that her dog is better than his dog. Lomov refuses and says that his lower jaw is shorter than his upper jaw. Natalya says that her dog Squeezer is of the finest pedigree. They both continue fighting over the breed of their dogs. Chubukov enters and enquires about the matter. Chubukov also says that Lomov's dog is old and short.

Lomov suddenly falls. Natalya asks her father what has happened to him. Chubukov thinks that he has difficulty in breathing. Natalya feels Lomov is dead. Chubumov calls for water as well as a doctor.

Chubukov seems helpless. He starts accusing himself. He asks for a knife and a pistol. He calls himself the most unhappy men. Lomov starts reviving then. Lomov says that he sees stars. He asks where he is. Chubukov says that he should hurry up and marty Natalya. Natalya becomes extremely happy on this. Chubukov also feels happy and offers some champange for this occasion.

The Proposal NCERT textbook questions answers

• Page No 157

Q1. What does Chubukov at first suspect that Lomov has come for ? Is he sincere when he later says " And I've always loved you, my angel, as if you were my own son"? Find reasons for your answer from the play.
Ans: At first Chubukov suspected that Lomov had come to borrow money as he was in his evening dress. He was not sincere when he told Lomov that he had always loved him and that he was like his own son, because he had decided to not give any money to Lomov. It was only when Lomov asked for his daughter's hand for merriage that his attitude changed and he rushed out to call his daughter.

Q2. Chubukov says of Natalya: ".... as if she won't consent ! She's in love; egad, she's like a lovesick cat...." Would you agree ? Find reasons for your answer.
Ans: Yes, Natalya is in love, This is clear by the way she behaves when she gets to know that Lomov came to propose her. She starts weeping and asks her father to bring lomov at once.

Q3. (i) Find all the words and expressions in the play that the character use to speak about each other, and the accusations and insults they hurl at each other. (For example, Lomov in the end calls Chubukov an intriguer; but earlier, Chubukov has himself called Lomov a 'malicious, doublefaced intriguer.' Again, Lomov begins by describing Natalya as "an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking, well educated. ")

(ii) Then think of five adjectives or adjectival expressions of your own to describe each character in the play.

(iii) Can you now imagine what these characters will quarrel about next ?
Ans: The words and expressions that have been used to describe each other by various characters of the play are
Chubukove: intriguer, grabber, old rat
Natalya : a lovesick cat, an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking, well educated
Lomov: a good neighbour, impudent, pettifogger, malicious, double faced intriguer, rascal, blind hen, turnip ghost, a villain, scare crow, stuffed sausage, etc.

The Proposal short questions answers

Q1. Which qualities are common in all three character of the play "The Proposal"?
Ans: All the three character in the play are argumentative, full of pride and possessiveness. They are always ready to argue for petty things.

Q2. Why did Lomov want to get married ?
Ans: Lomov wanted to get married as he was already 35 years old. Moreover, he was suffering due to a weak heart and sleep sickness and wanted company of someone to look after him.

Q3. How does Chubukov react when Lomov says that he has come to ask for the hand of his daughter ?
Ans: When Lomov says that he has come to ask for the hand of his daughter, Chubukov gets overexcited with joy. He hugs and kisses Lomov, sheds a tear of joy and calls for God's blessing for Lomov and Natalya.

Q4. How does Natalya excite Lomov to the point of verbal fighting ?
Ans: Natalya repeatedly insists that Oxen meadows are theirs and tells Lomov that upto now she considered him a good neighbour and friend. This excites Lomov to the point of verbal fighting.

Q5. How does Lomov react when Chubukov says that he is not used to misbehave by a young man like Lomov ?
Ans: Lomov reacts by saying that Chubukov thinks that he is a fool. He says that he cannot talk to him calmly and politely as he is making a false claim to his land. He accuses Chubukov of being a grabber and threatens to take him to the court.

Q6. Why does Natalya ask her father Chubukov to fetch Lomov in at once ? Why does she accuse her father ?
Ans: Natalya asks her father to fetch Lomov at once as she comes to know that Lomov had come to propose her. She accused her father of driving Lomov out of their house.

Q7. What happens to Lomov when he is in an excited state ?
Ans: When Lomov is in an excited state, his heartbeat increases, lips tremble and there is a twitch in his right eyebrow. When he goes to sleep in such state, then something pulls him from his left side and he jumps like a lunatic.

The Proposal extra questions answers

Q1. "What are you talking about ? Oxen meadows are ours, not yours !"

(i) Who is the speaker in the given extract ?
(a) Steven Chubukov      (b) Natalya
(c) Ivan Lomov                (d) Anton Chekov

(ii) 'Who' is being referred to by 'yours'?
(a) Anton Chekov           (b) Chubukov
(c) Natalya                       (d) Lomov

(iii) What does Natalya claim to own ?
(a) Oxen meadows        (b) Chubukov's house
(c) Birchwoods               (d) Burnt March

(iv)......... in the extract means 'a piece of grassland'.
(a) Oxen                         (b) Birchwood
(c) Burnt March            (d) Meadows

Ans: (i) (b) Natalya
         (ii) (d) Lomov
         (iii) (a) Oxen meadows
         (iv) (d) Meadows

Q2. Never mind about my people ! The Lomovs................embezzlement, like your grandfather !

(i) To whom are the above lines being spoken to ?
(a) Chubukov          (b) Lomov
(c) Natalya              (d) Chekov

(ii) How did Lomov describe his people ?
(a) As rude               (b) As honourable
(c) As dishonest     (d) As trust worthy

(iii) What have the people of Lomov never been tried for ?
(a) Treachery                (b) Crime
(c) Embezzlement       (d) Drugs

(iv)........ in the extract means 'theft of funds'.
(a) Honour                (b) Trial
(c) Pople                   (d) Embezzlement

Ans: (i) (a) Chubukov
         (ii) (b) As honourable
         (iii) (c) Embezzlement
         (iv) (d) Embezzlement

Q3. You make take it that I know whether I have....................... Without agitating yourself, and all that.

(i) Who is the speaker in the above lines ?
(a) Lomov                 (b) Chubukov
(c) Natalya                (d) Chekov

(ii) How did the speaker want Lomov to talk to him ?
(a) lovingly             (b) excitedly
(c) kindly                (d) calmly

(iii) What kind of tone did Lomov use in the said conversation ?
(a) aggressive        (b) soft
(c) abusive              (d) unconstitutional

(iv)....... in the extract means 'to disturb, incite or offend someone'.
(a) right                    (b) voice
(c) agitating             (d) spoken

Ans: (i) (b) Chubukov
         (ii) (d) calmly
         (iii) (a) aggressive
         (iv) (c) agitating

Q4. Hear me out, I implore you ! The peasants of your .................. my aunt's grandmother, wishing to make them a peasant.

(i) Who is the speaker in the above extract ?
(a) Natalya              (b) Chubukov
(c) Lomov                (d) Chekov

(ii) What did the peasants do ?
(a) Baked bricks for grandmother of Lomov's aunt
(b) Cooked food for aunt
(c) Did farming for Lomov
(d) Grew tea

(iii) Which word in the extract can be replaced by 'high respect' ?
(a) implore           (b) peasants
(c) bake                (d) honour

(iv)......... in the extract means 'to ask something in a very serious way'.
(a) honour           (b) implore
(c) bricks             (d) bake

Ans: (i) (c) Lomov
        (ii) (a) Baked bricks for grandmother of Lomov's aunt
        (iii) (d) honour
        (iv) (b) implore

The Proposal important questions answers

Q1. How does Lomov come to Chubukov's house ? For what does he come ? How is he received ? CBSE 2012
Ans: Lomov comes to Chubukov's house in the evening dress with gloves on. He comes to propose his daughter Natalya. He is received with all the respect by Chubukov, who also felt happy and offered champagne to him.

Q2. How does Natalya react when she comes to know that Lomov had come to propose her ? CBSE 2014
Ans: When Natalya comes to know that Lomov had come there to propose her, she was shocked. She cries, changes her stance and asks her father to fetch Lomov at once. When he proposed her, she became very happy as she also wanted to marry him.

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