21 Mar 2021

Perfect Exam Day Morning Routine that Toppers follow

Perfect Exam Day Morning Routine that Toppers follow

Perfect Exam Day Morning Routine that Toppers follow

Perfect Exam Day Morning Routine that Toppers follow: Stress, tension and anxiety will not get you anywhere, here I am going to share you Perfect Exam Day Morning Routine that Toppers follow. Read how to concentrate on study for board exam 2021.

The exam day, this day of the year you've been waiting for, well not exactly waiting for literally dreading it and losing sleep. Cheer up, the good news is now that your exams are starting they'll be over sooner than you think. 

Now, still if you are not prepared for your exam, here is a link on how to study for board exam. Also know the best tips to score good marks in the board exams. 

What to do the morning of an exam 

Here, I am going to give you a perfect exam morning routine some success tricks to learn faster including how to do a power revision and at the end, I will share two bonus tips specially for you. Now lets check the Perfect Exam Day Routine. 

Exam Day Tips

So here, we have assumed that your exam begins at 9:00 am in case your timing is a little bit before or after this you can adjust the timetable accordingly. 

And now for the morning routine first wake up fresh at 6:00 am. The best way to boost memory cells is through a good night's sleep of about 7 to 8 hours.

The night before the exam, say no to TV, laptop, phone and one hour before bedtime turn off all your notifications, keep the device outside your room and instead read a book or listen to music or a podcast to relax your mind and drift off to sleep. 

Avoid coffee, all caffeine say a big no to tea and coffee after 4:00 p.m. Do you know that caffeine has a half-life of about 6 hours so if you consume about 100 milligrams of caffeine then about 25 milligrams will still be in your system for 12 hours later and stop you from snoozing peacefully. 

From 6:00 am to 6:40 am charge your body just like you charge your mobile phone. Drink two to three glasses of water, step into the outdoors soaking up the warm sun and feeling the freshness in the air take a brisk walk outside or do some yoga. 

From 6:40 am to 6:50 am 10 minutes sit peacefully focusing on deep breathing, giving yourself positive affirmations tell yourself I'm well prepared I remember everything and I will easily be able to finish my exam paper well in time smile and breathe visualize yourself smiling and effortlessly writing your exams. 

From 6:50 am to 7:10 am dress up for the big day. You know exam fear is more psychological than real so if you look good you'll feel good and if you feel good you can actually move mountains. 

So cracking an exam is hardly anything wear your most comfortable and happy clothes the ones that make you feel awesome and cheerful. Wear a good perfume and take that extra two minutes to pamper yourself.

You know these little things can do wonders for us self-confidence. A word of caution however keep everything ready the night before else in the morning you will be panicking.

So from 7:10 am to 7:40 am is the time for power revision. You've heard of a power nap haven't you doing a power revision on the morning of your exam is a great idea to feel very confident about your preparation. Know the 10 best study tips for students to top in the exams

Just go over those super important diagrams of formulae. Remember that making power notes is always a good study routine for this last minute revision. Caution at this point please do not start reading any new material, 15 to 20 minutes later remind yourself that you already know everything.


7:40 a.m to 8:00 a.m calorie and revelry you may be tempted to skip your breakfast but your brain needs continuous nutrition to perform at its peak, have a breakfast that's high on protein and fat.

Avoid too many simple carbs like sugar bread or cereal which can lead to swings in blood sugar and your energy level might just drop right in the middle of the exam. 

Instead have some eggs yogurt, nuts, fruits or sprouts to provide sustained energy without the crash. A cup of tea or coffee over breakfast can also help to increase your focus and alertness. 

Don't forget to have a good company on the breakfast table. Your parent who's always cracking a joke on everything or your sibling whose leg you can pull basically have a good laugh. 

From 8:00 am to 8:15 am last minute; checks pen, check geometry box, check water bottle and also check for your college id, hall ticket (admit card / registration card) money. 

And your smile last minute fun breaking into a funny dance move or simply pretending to be a rock star on your own rock show is a great way to pump up your energy and get ready to leave. 

And now for the two bonus tips...

My tip number one; leave before the schedule, leave home about 10 minutes earlier than planned. This way you remain calm and stress free.

Tip number two; travel time fun, use the commuting time to listen to music or have a happy conversation with someone. Remember you're fully prepared and you deserve some fun. 


Once your exam gets over remember to just keep smiling it confuses everyone and wish you the very best for your exams you will rock them and happy learning, enjoy reading.

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