19 Jul 2019

Amanda class 10 NCERT solutions

Amanda class 10 NCERT solutions

Amanda class 10 NCERT solutions

Amanda class 10 NCERT solutions : Amanda is the poem number six from class 10 English NCERT text-book "First Flight". Poem Amanda is penned by poet Robin Klein. Here you'll get Amanda class 10 NCERT solutions

The poem Amanda deals with the upbringing of a small girl, named Amanda. It highlights the struggles faced by the Amanda. 

In the poem Amanda poet describe about a girl named Amanda, a teenage school going girl and conversation between her parents. Amanda is a sulky and moody girl and her parents tries to control her attitude. Then she experiences some extraordinary dreams in her mind.

Amanda class 10 NCERT Questions Answers HSLC SEBA

Here, in this post we have tried to cover up topics related to the poem Amanda as follows

1. Central idea of the poem. 
2. Summary
3. Explanation
4. Poetic devices
5. Text-book's solutions
6. Short questions answers
7. Common questions answers
8. Important questions answers
9. Extra questions answers

Central Idea of the Poem Amanda class 10 HSLC SEBA | CBSE

The central idea of the poem 'Amanda' deals with the upbringing of a small girl, The poem highlights the struggles faced by a small child. The Poet tries to invoke an important point that a child should never be denied freedom and space.

Parents are responsible for proper upbringing of their child but at the same time the child should not make a child feel trapped. Their imaginations should be given space and freedom should not curtailed. Continuous nagging can made a child moody and upset and sometimes it leads to it might cause trouble.

Amanda class 10 Poem Summary in English

The poem describes a girl named Amanda and her parents, most probably her mother, who controlling her for her behaviour. She is first pointed out for biting her nails and for not sitting straight. The mother also feels that Amanda sits in a very lazy manner with her shoulders bent.

Then, Amanda imagines herself as a mermaid who lives relaxing life in the beautiful calm green sea.

Further, she is asked for not cleaning her room and shoes and also for not doing her homework.

Then Amanda imagines herself to be an orphan because she is fed up of being controlled by her parents continuously. She says that she would have enjoyed her freedom by making the patterns of soft dust and sand with her bare feet and would live a peaceful life.

Amanda is instructed not to eat too many chocolates as this causes pimples. She is also scolded for not listening to her mother when she is talking to her.

Now Amanda thinks of being a Rapunzel, a character from a fairy tale and wants to live in a high tower like her. In the tower she will be alone and will live a peaceful life and will never allow anyone to come up.

Finally, the mother asks her to stop being moody because she doesn’t want anyone to blame her for harassing her daughter.

Amanda class 10 Poem Summary in Hindi

कविता अमांडा नाम की एक लड़की और उसके माता-पिता का वर्णन करती है, जो शायद उसकी माँ है, जो उसके व्यवहार के लिए उसे नियंत्रित करती है। उसे पहले उसके नाखून काटने और सीधे न बैठने के लिए इशारा किया जाता है। मां को भी लगता है कि अमांडा बहुत ही आलसी तरीके से अपने कंधों को झुका कर बैठती है।

फिर, अमांडा खुद को एक मत्स्यांगना के रूप में कल्पना करती है जो सुंदर शांत हरे समुद्र में आराम से जीवन व्यतीत करता है।

इसके अलावा, उसे अपने कमरे और जूतों की सफाई नहीं करने के लिए कहा जाता है और घर का काम नहीं करने के लिए भी।

तब अमांडा खुद को एक अनाथ होने की कल्पना करती है क्योंकि वह अपने माता-पिता द्वारा लगातार नियंत्रित किए जाने से तंग आ चुकी है। वह कहती है कि उसने अपने नंगे पैरों के साथ नरम धूल और रेत के पैटर्न बनाकर अपनी स्वतंत्रता का आनंद लिया होगा और शांतिपूर्ण जीवन जीएगी।

अमांडा को हिदायत दी जाती है कि वह बहुत अधिक चॉकलेट न खाएं क्योंकि इससे पिंपल्स होते हैं। जब वह उससे बात कर रही होती है तो उसे उसकी माँ की बात न सुनने के लिए भी डाँटा जाता है।

अब अमांडा एक रॅपन्ज़ेल होने के बारे में सोचती है, जो एक परी कथा का एक चरित्र है और उसकी तरह एक उच्च टॉवर में रहना चाहती है। टॉवर में वह अकेली होगी और शांतिपूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत करेगी और कभी किसी को ऊपर नहीं आने देगी।

अंत में, माँ उसे मूडी होने से रोकने के लिए कहती है क्योंकि वह नहीं चाहती कि कोई भी उसे अपनी बेटी को परेशान करने के लिए दोषी ठहराए।

Amanda Poem Explanation class 10 HSLC SEBA |CBSE

Stanza 1

Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!  
Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda! 
Stop that slouching and sit up straight,

Stanza 2

(There is a languid, emerald sea,
where the sole inhabitant is me—
a mermaid, drifting blissfully.)

Explanation:-  In this first stanza, Amanda is getting instructed by her parents for bitting her nails and sitting in a wrong way, Here, her parents instructed her but not in a friendly tone. Her parents instructed her to not to bite her nails and sit up properly.

 • Next stanza is given within brackets, brackets are used to present the imagination of Amanda. Amanda uses her imagination as an escape point from day to day instructions of her parents.

Explanation:-  She ( Amanda ) feels suffocated in the real world and finds peace in her own created world where there are no limits. She imagines herself to be a mermaid sailing here and there without any burden in a calm and big green sea. Here poet uses mermaid as a symbol of freedom and wonder.

Stanza 3

Did you finish your homework, Amanda? 
Did you tidy your room, Amanda?
I thought I told you to clean your shoes,

Stanza 4

(I am an orphan, roaming the street.
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)

Explanation:- In this stanza, Amanda is asked about whether she has finished her homework, tidied her room and cleaned her shoes. Here Amanda is adviced to be disciplined for every little thing surrounding her.

 • Once again poet uses brackets to present Amanda's imagination and reaction.

Explanation:- Here Amanda takes her into another imaginary world. She imagines herself to be an orphan as she is very much frustrated with continuous questions and advices. She thinks her life would be wonderful full of silence and freedom.She wants to roam in the street and make designs of soft dust and sand with her bare feet.

Stanza 5

Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda! 
Remember your acne, Amanda!
Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you, 

Stanza 6

(I am Rapunzel, I have not a care; 
life in a tower is tranquil and rare;
I’ll certainly never let down my bright hair!)

Explanation:- In this stanza, Amanda is instructed not to eat too much chocolate as. Amanda is stopped to eat chocolate by her parents as this caused acne on her face. And Amanda is asked to look at the speaker while she is talking to her because Amanda is always lost in her thoughts and doesn't care enough to look up to her scolding parents.

Explanation:- Poet describes in brackets that Amanda pictures herself to be a rapunzel ( a long golden hair fairy tale character ) who lived in a high tower. She imagines that life of Rapunzel must have been very peaceful and rare. She seek a peaceful life as she doesn't wish anyone to disturb her free life.

Stanza 7

Stop that sulking at once, Amanda! 
You’re always so moody, Amanda!
Anyone would think that I nagged at you,

Explanation:- Her parents keep instructing Amanda what to do and what not to do, but she is lost in her own dreams. Her parents believe that Amanda is not reacting because she is moody and annoyed. They are very much concerned about how society will react them if she always remains in a foul mood. They want to prove themselves as balance and responsible parents.

Amanda class 10 Poetic devices used in the poem

Alliteration Repetition of initial consonant sounds in the same line.
Stop that slouching and sit up straight
• I thought I told you to clean your shoes
Stop that sulking at once, Amanda !

Allusion A reference to statement, person, place etc from history, religion, literature or any other field.
• Mermaid - To be free and contained in their own.( taken from fairy tales)
• Rapunzel - Who lived alone on a high tower for a long time. ( Part of German fairy tale )

Metaphor A device which compares two things or qualities which are unlike.
• Orphan- Who don't have nagging parents above their head as Amanda's.
• Languid, emerald sea - languid and emerald type qualities are assigned to sea.
• Silence is golden
• Freedom is sweet

Rhyme Scheme  aaba ccc aada eee aafa ggg aaha

Amanda class 10 NCERT Text-book Questions Answers

• Page No 62
Q1. How old do you think Amanda is? How do you know this ?  
Ans: Amanda is about 10-11 years old school going girl. We come to know this from her moody and childish behaviour. 

Q2. Who do you think is speaking to her ? 
Ans: One of her parents, most probably her mother is speaking to Amanda. 

Q3. Why are Stanzas 2, 4 and 6 given in parenthesis ? 
Ans: Stanzas 2, 4 and 6 are given in parenthesis because these lines reflect the inner thoughts of Amanda. They can be taken as the reaction of the child for the instructions given in stanzas 1, 3 and 5. 

Q4. Who is the speaker in Stanzas 2, 4 and 6 ? Do you think this speaker is listening to the speaker in Stanzas 1, 3, 5, and 7 ? 
Ans: Speaker of the stanzas 2, 4 and 6 is Amanda, she is not paying attention to the speaker of stanzas 1, 3, 5 and 7 because she is lost in her imaginary world. 

Q5. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid ? 
Ans: Amanda wishes to be a mermaid and if she were a mermaid she would have drifted blissfully in the vast sea. 

Q6. Is Amanda an orphan ? Why does she say so ? 
Ans: No, Amanda is not an orphan. She wishes to be an orphan because she doesn't know the trouble and  problem faced by an orphan. 

Q7. Do you know the story of Rapunzel ? Why does she want to be Rapunzel ? 
Ans: The story of Rapunzel is about a extremely beautiful girl, who has long golden hair. Rapunzel was made to live on a high tower by a witch. She was happy and satisfied with her life. The fate of Rapunzel took a turn when one day a prince saw her and fell in live with her. He came to meet her using her long hair. Then the witch came to know about this and punished both of them by separating them.

Amanda wishes to live like a Rapunzel because she thinks life in tower is rare and peaceful.

Q8. What does the girl yearn for ? What does this poem tell you about Amanda ? 
Ans: Amanda yearns for freedom of living her life in her own way. This poem tells us that Amanda is no less than a symbol for all the children who face similar fate irrespective problem. Teenager like to enjoy their freedom and life in their own way. They build their own imaginary world and think it exist.

Q9. Read the last stanza. Do you think Amanda is sulking and is moody ? 
Ans: No, Amanda is neither sulking nor moody. Amanda is not interested in her parents continuous questioning, she is lost in her own imaginations and thoughts.

Amanda class 10 Short Questions Answers

Q1. Who is the poet of the poem 'Amanda' ? 
Ans: The poet of the poem Amanda is Robin Klein.

Q2. How old Amanda is ? 
Ans: Amanda is a school going girl / Amanda is a teenage girl.

Q3. How Amanda is asked to sit ? 
Ans: Amanda is asked to sit straight.

Q4. Who lives in an emerald sea ? 
Ans: Mermaid lives in an emerald sea.

Q5. What questions are asked to Amanda ? 
Ans: Amanda is asked to do her homework tidy her room and clean her shoes.

Q6. What would Amanda do is she were a mermaid ? 
Ans: If Amanda were a mermaid she would have drifted blissfully in the vast sea.

Q7. What would Amanda do with her bare feet ? 
Ans: Amanda would make pattern of soft dust with her hushed bare feet.

Q8. What is Amanda advice to do ? 
Ans: Amanda is adviced to sit up straight, not to bite her nails nor to bend her shoulders.

Q9. What is Amanda asked to remember ? 
Ans: Amanda is asked to remember her acne.

Q10. How is silence and freedom ? 
Ans: For Amanda silence is golden and freedom is sweet.

Q 11. Who is speaking to Amanda ? 
Ans: The poet is speaking to Amanda. Or
Either one of her parents or some elder person of her family is speaking to Amanda.

Q12. How is life in a tower ? 
Ans: Life in a tower is tranquil and rare.

Q13. Who is the sole inhabitant of an emerald sea ? 
Ans: A mermaid is the sole inhabitant.

Q14. Is Amanda an orphan ? Why does she say so ? 
Ans: No, Amanda is not an orphan. She said so because she does not know the feelings and trouble faced by an orphan.

Q15. What does Amanda yearn for ? 
Ans: Amanda yearned for freedom of living her life in her own way.

Amanda class 10 Common Questions Answers for Board Exam 2023

Q1. How do we know that Amanda was a teenager ? H.S.L.C 15 
Ans: From her childish and moody behaviour we come to know that Amanda was a teenager.

Q2. Is Amanda a student ? How do you know ? H.S.L.C 17 
Ans: Yes Amanda is a student because her parents / poet asked her about homework.

Q3. Where does Amanda roam ? What does she do with her bare feet ? H.S.L.C 18 
Ans: Amanda roam in the street. She made pattern of soft dust with her bare feet.

Amanda class 10 Important Questions Answers for HSLC SEBA Board Exam 2023

Q1. Write a short note on the title of the poem ?
Ans: The title of the poem is 'Amanda' as it revolves around the upbringing of a girl named Amanda. Her life is full of struggles where she is denied freedom and expression. She lives in her imaginary world.

Q2. What is the central theme of the poem Amanda ? 
Ans: The central theme of the poem Amanda is to highlights the importance of upbringing of a child. It points out that upbringing of a child doesn't involve making a child responsible and fit for the society only. It is equally important to note upbringing involves understanding from both the sides, love and proper care.

Q3. Why does Amanda wish to be a mermaid, an orphan or a Rapunzel ? 
Ans: Amanda wishes to be a mermaid so she could drift blissfully in the vast sea. She wishes to an orphan as she yearns for freedom of living and she wish to be a Rapunzel so she could live a care free life.

Q4. How is life on a tower would be different from life anywhere else for Amanda ? 
Ans: Life on tower for Amanda would be very different from her reality. She desires to live on top of a tower because she suffers constant nagging from her parents. Life in a tower is full of peace and rare.

Q5. Do you consider Amanda's mother to be a nagging mother ? 
Ans: Amanda's mother is indeed a nagging mother. She always busy in finding faults ans instructing Amanda. One should know how to balance between responsibilities and taking good care.

Q6. Why is Amanda getting scolded for having chocolate ? 
Ans: Amanda is getting scolded for having chocolate because it causes acne on her face. Her mother tries to make Amanda conscious about her physical appearance

Q7. Is Amanda at fault at all ? 
Ans: Amanda is not at fault at all. It is too far for a small child to understand the concept of acne and not eating chocolate. Amanda just earns for freedom from the overpowering environment around her. Though her parents care for her but love is missing from her life.

Q8. Why does Amanda seem moody most of the times ? CBSE 2016 
Ans: Amanda seems moody most of the time because she is trying to make an escape from the reality where she is nagged most of the time. She doesn't pay attention or any interest to her parents saying thus it makes her look moody.

Q9. What does the poet advices Amanda ?
Ans: The poet advises Amanda not to bite her nails, not to hunch her shoulders and not to eat chocolate. She advises her to sit straight and take care of her acne. She further advises her to keep herself clean.

Q10. What message does the poet convey through the poem Amanda ?
Ans: Through the poem Amanda, poet Robin Klein furnishes the critical point that children should never be deprived of their freedom. However, parents become responsible for the proper upbringing of a child but should ensure not to make them feel imprisoned or incarcerated.

Q11. Does Amanda like being instructed like this how do you know ?
Ans: Amanda feels suffocated because she is controlled and instructed not to do one thing or the other. She feels that her freedom is curtailed. But Amanda wishes to be free to live in her own world. She is a very sensitive girl who indulges in daydreaming quiet often.

Amanda class 10 Extra Questions Answers HSLC |CBSE

Q1. Choose the correct alternatives from the option given below

(a) The poem Amanda was written by
(i) John Berryman  (ii) Carolyn Wells  (iii) Robin Klein
Ans: Robin Klein

(b) Amanda likes her
(i) nails   (ii) hair  (iii) her doll
Ans: Amanda likes her hair.

(c) The sole inhabitant in the emerald sea is
(i) a shark  (ii) a mermaid  (iii) an octopus
Ans: The sole inhabitant in the emerald sea is a mermaid.

(d) The speaker told her to clean her
(i) palms  (ii) shocks  (iii) palms
Ans: The speaker told her to clean her shoes.

(e) Amanda likes to have
(i) Chocolates  (ii) snacks  (iii) soft drinks
Ans: Amanda likes to have chocolates

(f) Life in a tower is
(i) like the hell  (ii) tranquil and rare  (iii) tranquil
Ans: Life in a tower is tranquil and rare.

Q2. Choose the correct meaning of the words from the alternatives given in brackets. 

(a) ......'hunch' your shoulders......(raise / cut / nag ) 

(b)......is a 'languid' emerald......(tensed / relaxed / turmoil ) 

(c) .......my 'hushed' bare.......(noisy / compassion / silent ) 

(d).......tower is 'tranquil' and.......(calm / commotion / clamour ) 
Ans: (a) raise  (b)  relaxed  (c)  silent   (d) calm

Q3. Choose True or False

(a) Amanda is a boy.

(b) Amanda likes to bite her fingers.

(c) The sole inhabitant in the emerald sea is an octopus.

(d) The speaker has asked Amanda to make her room order and tidy.

(e) Amanda likes to have chocolates.

(f) Amanda thinks herself as Rapunzel.

(g) Amanda is asked to take a bath.
Ans: (a) false (b) true (c) false (d) true (e) true  (f) true  (g) false.

Q4. Read the following extract and answer the questions below. 

1. There is a languid, emerald sea
     Where the sole inhabitant is me
     a mermaid, drifting blissfully

(a) Name the poet and the poem.

(b) What does Amanda think herself as mentioned in these lines ?
(a) The name of the poet is Robin Klein and poem is Amanda.
(b) Amanda thinks herself as a mermaid as mentioned in the poem.

2. Dont eat that chocolate, Amanda! 
    Remember your acne, Amanda! 
    Will you please look at me 
    when I'm speaking to you, Amanda! 

(a) Who is the speaker here ?

(b) Why is Amanda asked not to eat chocolate ?
(a) The poet is the speaker here.
(b) Amanda is not eat chocolate because of her acne.

3. I am Rapunzel, I have not a care;
     Life in a tower is tranquil and rare;
    I'll certainly never let down my bright hair! 

(a) Who is I referred to here ?

(b) Why does the speaker want to be Rapunzel ?
(a)  Here I referred to Amanda.
(b) Amanda / the speaker wants to be Rapunzel because life in a tower is tranquil and rare.

Q5. Give the meaning of the following words -
        Hunch,    Slouching,     Drifting,      Roaming,               Hushed,     Tranquil,     Nagged
Hunch - bending upper portion of body
Slouching - to stand or sit moving upper and downward directions.
Drifting - a slow movement , moving slowly.
Roaming - to move aimlessly.
Hushed - very quite and still.
Tranquil - calm , to be in peaceful state of mind.
Nagged - to irritate complaining about attitudes.

NCERT solutions
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