22 Feb 2023

The Midnight Visitor Important VSA for HSLC 2025

The Midnight Visitor Important VSA for HSLC 2025

The Midnight Visitor Important VSA for HSLC 2025: Here you can avail The Midnight Visitor Important VSA for HSLC 2025 with free pdf below this article. 

The Midnight Visitor Class 10 Important Questions HSLC 2025

Q1. Who is Ausable ?

Ans: Aisable is a clever secret agent. 

Q2. How is Ausable different from others secret agent ?

Ans: Ausable is different from other secret agents as he is very fat. Moreover, he lives in a room where there is no environment of romantic and thrilling adventure.

Q3. Where was Ausable staying ?

Ans: Ausable was staying on the sixth and top floor in a French Hotel.

Q4. Name the languages spoken by Ausable ?

Ans: German, French and American languages are spoken by Ausable. 

Q5. What was someone expected to bring to Ausable’s room ?

Ans: Someone was expected to bring a report containing important information to Ausable’s room.

Q6. What great qualities made Ausable a successful secret agent ? 

Ans: Ausable was clever, alert and resourceful. He was a cool-headed person and had a lot of presence of mind. All these qualities made Ausable a successful secret agent. 

Q7. How do you know that Ausable was an intelligent secret agent ? 

Ans: Ausable was intelligent secret agent, as he could easily fabricate stories and befool his enemies and killed them without using a weapon.

Q8. Who is fowler ?

Ans: Fowler is a writer. He is young and romantic.

Q9. Why did Fowler come to meet Ausable ?

Ans: Fowler was a writer and he wanted to meet Ausable to cover him up for a writing. Fowler wanted to know how Ausable tackled dangerous situations.

The Midnight Visitor Important short Question Answer for HSLC 2025

Q10. Why was Fowler disappointed on seeing Ausable ? 

Ans: He was disappointed when he saw Ausable, as he didnt look like what Fowler thought a secret agent should look like.

Q11. Why did so many people risk their lives ?

Ans: So many people risked their lives for a report, it contained certain important information about new missiles.

Q12. What does the word ‘authentic’ mean ?

Ans: The word authentic mean genuine or real. 

Q13. Who was Max ?

Ans: Max was another secret agent. 

Q14. What frightened Max ?

Ans: The turning of door knob repeatedly frightened Max. 

Q15. Who is knocking at the door ?

Ans: Henry, a waiter is knocking at the door of Ausbale ?

Q16. Why did some one knock at the door of Ausable ?

Ans: A waiter was knocking at the door because he came to serve the wine which was ordered by Ausable for his visitor. 

Q17. How did Ausable get rid of him ? 

Ans: Max was a secret agent, who came for secret papers on missiles. Ausable outwitted him by making a false story about the balcony. Max tried to escape through it and died.

Q18. How did Max try to escape ? 

Ans: Max wanted to hide himself on the balcony. He put his leg over the window and jumped on to the balcony. 

Q19. What happened to Max at the end ? 

Ans: When Max tried to hide and jumped on the balcony. He dropped to the balcony, screamed loudly and died.

Q20. The balcony plays a significant role in the story ’The midnight visitor’, How ? 


How did the role of the balcony become significant in the story, “The Midnight Visitor” ?

Ans: Max thought balcony as a means to escape from the police and Ausable created the balcony which did not exist so as to dupe Max.

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