22 Feb 2023

The Midnight Visitor Important VSA for HSLC 2023

The Midnight Visitor Important VSA for HSLC 2023 

The Midnight Visitor Important VSA for HSLC 2023: Here you can avail The Midnight Visitor Important VSA for HSLC 2023 with free pdf below this article. 

The Midnight Visitor Class 10 Important Questions

Q1. Who is Ausable ?

Ans: Aisable is a clever secret agent. 

Q2. How is Ausable different from others secret agent ?

Ans: Ausable is different from other secret agents as he is very fat. Moreover, he lives in a room where there is no environment of romantic and thrilling adventure.

Q3. Where was Ausable staying ?

Ans: Ausable was staying on the sixth and top floor in a French Hotel.

Q4. Name the languages spoken by Ausable ?

Ans: German, French and American languages are spoken by Ausable. 

Q5. What was someone expected to bring to Ausable’s room ?

Ans: Someone was expected to bring a report containing important information to Ausable’s room.

Q6. What great qualities made Ausable a successful secret agent ? 

Ans: Ausable was clever, alert and resourceful. He was a cool-headed person and had a lot of presence of mind. All these qualities made Ausable a successful secret agent. 

Q7. How do you know that Ausable was an intelligent secret agent ? 

Ans: Ausable was intelligent secret agent, as he could easily fabricate stories and befool his enemies and killed them without using a weapon.

Q8. Who is fowler ?

Ans: Fowler is a writer. He is young and romantic.

Q9. Why did Fowler come to meet Ausable ?

Ans: Fowler was a writer and he wanted to meet Ausable to cover him up for a writing. Fowler wanted to know how Ausable tackled dangerous situations.

The Midnight Visitor Important short Question Answer for HSLC 2023 

Q10. Why was Fowler disappointed on seeing Ausable ? 

Ans: He was disappointed when he saw Ausable, as he didnt look like what Fowler thought a secret agent should look like.

Q11. Why did so many people risk their lives ?

Ans: So many people risked their lives for a report, it contained certain important information about new missiles.

Q12. What does the word ‘authentic’ mean ?

Ans: The word authentic mean genuine or real. 

Q13. Who was Max ?

Ans: Max was another secret agent. 

Q14. What frightened Max ?

Ans: The turning of door knob repeatedly frightened Max. 

Q15. Who is knocking at the door ?

Ans: Henry, a waiter is knocking at the door of Ausbale ?

Q16. Why did some one knock at the door of Ausable ?

Ans: A waiter was knocking at the door because he came to serve the wine which was ordered by Ausable for his visitor. 

Q17. How did Ausable get rid of him ? 

Ans: Max was a secret agent, who came for secret papers on missiles. Ausable outwitted him by making a false story about the balcony. Max tried to escape through it and died.

Q18. How did Max try to escape ? 

Ans: Max wanted to hide himself on the balcony. He put his leg over the window and jumped on to the balcony. 

Q19. What happened to Max at the end ? 

Ans: When Max tried to hide and jumped on the balcony. He dropped to the balcony, screamed loudly and died.

Q20. The balcony plays a significant role in the story ’The midnight visitor’, How ? 


How did the role of the balcony become significant in the story, “The Midnight Visitor” ?

Ans: Max thought balcony as a means to escape from the police and Ausable created the balcony which did not exist so as to dupe Max.

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