3 Jul 2020

My Childhood class 9 questions answers

My Childhood class 9 questions answers

My Childhood class 9 questions answers

My Childhood class 9 questions answers: My Childhood is a lesson from class 9 English NCERT main textbook Beehive. My Childhood is written by APJ Abdul Kalam. Here, in this post you'll get My Childhood class 9 questions answers.

My Childhood class 9 summary

"My Childhood" is an autobiographical work written by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. This lesson is an excerpt from his book "Wings of fire". He was born in a middle class Tamil family in the island town of Rameswaram in Madras (Tamilnadu ).

His father Jainulabdeen had neither formal education nor much wealth but he posseseed great innate wisdom and a true generosity of spirit. His mother Ashiamma was an ideal helpmate of his father. She used to fed a large number of outsiders. He inherited honesty and self discipline from his father and faith in goodness and deep kindness from his mother.

He had three school friends (childhood friends) Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindam and Sivaprakasan. All these boys were from orthodox Hindu Brahmin families. Ramanadha Sastry was the son of the high priest of Rameswaram temple and letter he took priesthood from his father. Aravindam went into business of arranging transport for visiting pilgrims and Sivaprakashan became a catering contractor for the Southern Railways.

Abdul Kalam's family used to arrange special platform for carrying the idols of Lord Siva on the occasion of annual Shri Sita Rama kalyanam ceremony.

When Abdul Kalam was in class five, a new teacher came to their school. The teacher did not like Hindu and Muslim students sitting together at same bench. So he sent Abdul to the back seat. Later, parents told the teacher not to spread social inequality and communal intolerance in the minds of children.

In contrary to that Sivasubramania Iyer, a science teacher was from an orthodox Brahmin invite Abdul to his home for a meal. When his wife refuse to serve food in kitchen, he himself sat with Abdul on the mat and served him with his own hand.

Abdul Kalam asked his father to permit him to leave Rameswaram for higher studies, his mother hesiated then his father make her understand and quoted Khalil Gibran to her.

My childhood class 9 summary in Hindi

" मेरा बचपन "ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम द्वारा लिखित एक आत्मकथात्मक रचना है। यह पाठ उनकी पुस्तक" विंग्स ऑफ फायर "का एक अंश है। उनका जन्म मद्रास (तमिलनाडु) के द्वीप रामेश्वरम् में एक मध्यम वर्गीय तमिल परिवार में हुआ था।

 उनके पिता जैनुलाब्दीन के पास न तो औपचारिक शिक्षा थी और न ही बहुत धन था, लेकिन उन्होंने महान जन्मजात ज्ञान और आत्मा की सच्ची उदारता को अपनाया।  उनकी माँ आशियम्मा अपने पिता की एक आदर्श सहायक थी।  वह बड़ी संख्या में बाहरी लोगों को खाना खिलाती थी।  उन्हें अपने पिता से ईमानदारी और आत्म अनुशासन विरासत में मिला और उनकी माँ से अच्छाई और गहरी दया में विश्वास था।

 उनके तीन स्कूली दोस्त (बचपन के दोस्त) रमानाथ शास्त्री, अरविंदम और शिवप्रकाश थे।  ये सभी लड़के रूढ़िवादी हिंदू ब्राह्मण परिवारों से थे।  रामानंद शास्त्री रामेश्वरम मंदिर के उच्च पुजारी के पुत्र थे और उन्होंने अपने पिता से पुरोहिती ली थी।  अरविंदम तीर्थयात्रियों के लिए परिवहन की व्यवस्था करने के व्यवसाय में चला गया और शिवप्रकाश दक्षिणी रेलवे के लिए एक खानपान ठेकेदार बन गया।

 अब्दुल कलाम का परिवार वार्षिक श्री सीता राम कल्याणम समारोह के अवसर पर भगवान शिव की मूर्तियों को ले जाने के लिए विशेष मंच की व्यवस्था करता था।

 जब अब्दुल कलाम कक्षा पाँच में थे, तो एक नया शिक्षक उनके स्कूल में आया।  शिक्षक को हिंदू और मुस्लिम छात्रों को एक ही बेंच पर बैठना पसंद नहीं था।  इसलिए उन्होंने अब्दुल को पीछे की सीट पर भेज दिया।  बाद में, माता-पिता ने शिक्षक को बच्चों के मन में सामाजिक असमानता और सांप्रदायिक असहिष्णुता नहीं फैलाने के लिए कहा।

 उस शिवसुब्रमण्य अय्यर के विपरीत, एक विज्ञान शिक्षक एक रूढ़िवादी ब्राह्मण से था जिसने अब्दुल को अपने घर भोजन के लिए आमंत्रित किया।  जब उसकी पत्नी ने रसोई में भोजन परोसने से इनकार कर दिया, तो वह खुद अब्दुल के साथ चटाई पर बैठी और उसे अपने हाथों से खाना परोसा।

 अब्दुल कलाम ने अपने पिता को उच्च अध्ययन के लिए रामेश्वरम छोड़ने की अनुमति देने के लिए कहा, उनकी माँ ने संकोच किया तो उनके पिता ने उन्हें समझा और खलील जिब्रान को उनके हवाले कर दिया।

My Childhood class 9 textbook questions answers

Thinking about the Text

I. Answer these questions in one or two sentences each. 
Q1. Where was Abdul Kalam's house ? 
Ans: Abdul Kalam's house was on the Mosque street in Rameswaram, Tamilnadu.

Q2. What do you think Dinamani is the name of ? Give a reason for your answer. 
Ans: Dinamani is the name of a newspaper, As he had mentioned about tracing headlines of the second World War in this newspaper.

Q3. Who were Abdul Kalam's school friends ? What did they later become ? 
Ans: Abdul Kalam's school friends were Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindam and Sivaprakasan.

Later Ramanadha Sastry became the priest of the Rameswarm temple, Aravindam went into the transport business and Sivaprakashan became a catering contractor for the Southern Railways.

Q4. How did Abdul Kalam earn his first wages ? 
Ans: Adbul Kalam earned his first wages by collecting newspaper bundle in Dhanuskodi railway station.

Q5. Had he earned money before that ? In what way ? 
Ans: Yes, Abdul Kalam had earned money before that by collecting tamarind seeds and selling them to a provision store during the second World War.

II. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (about 30 words) 

Q1. How does the author describe:
(i) his father   (ii) his mother   (iii) himself
Ans: The author describes his father as a wise person, he had neither much formal education nor much wealth, but he possessed great innate wisdom and a true generosity of spirit.

His mother Ashiamma was a kindhearted person and ideal helpmate of his father. She used to feed a large number of people everyday.

The author described himself born into a middle class Tamil family and a short boy with rather undistinguished looks, born to tall and handsome parents.

Q2. What characteristics does he say he inherited from his parents ? 
Ans: The author said that he inherited honesty and self discipline from his father and he inherited faith in goodness and deep kindness from his mother.

My Childhood class 9 short questions answers

Q1. Who is the author of the lesson "My Childhood" ? 
Ans: Abdul kalam Azad

Q2. Name the autobiography written by Abdul Kalam ? 
Ans: Wings of Fire.

Q3. What did Kalam inherit from his mother ? 
Ans: Abdul Kalam inherited faith in goodness and deep kindness from his mother.

Q4. From whom did the author inherit honesty and self discipline ? 
Ans: The author inherited honesty and self discipline from his father.

Q5. Who was Ramanadha Sastry ? 
Ans: Ramanadha Sastry was the son of priest Lakshmana Sastry, the head priest of the Rameswaram temple.

Q6. Why did Kalam want to leave Rameswaram ? 
Ans: Abdul Kalam wanted to leave Rameswaram for higher studies.

Q7. What did the new teacher do ? 
Ans: The new teacher asked Abdul Kalam to go and sit at the back bench.

Q8. How did Ramanadha Sastry feel about the incident ? 
Ans: Ramanadha Sastry felt very sad and downcast about the incident.

Q9. What could the new teacher not tolerate ? 
Ans: The new teacher could not tolerate a Hindu priest's son sitting with a Muslim boy at the same bench.

Q10. Who was Sivasubramania Iyar ? 
Ans: Sivasubramania Iyar was Kalam's science teacher.

My Childhood class 9 extra questions answers

Q1. What happened when Kalam visited his science teacher's house the second time ? 
Ans: When Kalam visited his science teacher's house the second time, his wife took him inside her kitchen and served him food with her own hand.

Q2. How does Kalam describe his parents ? 
Ans: Abdul Kalam described his parents as a wise and generous person. He had neither much formal education nor much wealth, but he possessed great innate wisdom and a true generosity of spirit.

His mother Ashiamma was a kindhearted person and ideal helpmate of his father. She used to feed a large number of people everyday.

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