31 Oct 2020

The Adventures of Toto class 9 NCERT solutions

The Adventures of Toto class 9 NCERT solutions

The Adventures of Toto class 9 NCERT solutions

The Adventures of Toto class 9 NCERT solutions: The Adventures of Toto is chapter no two from class 9 NCERT English main textbook. The lesson The Adventures of Toto is written by Ruskin Bond. Here you'll get Adventurse of Toto class 9 NCERT solutions. 

 The Adventures of Toto class 9 questions answers, summary, important questions

The story The adventures of Toto revolves around the adventures of a family that decides to adopt a pet monkey.The story is of an animal lover, the author's grandfather, and the effect his love for animals and in particular his attraction for a monkey has on the rest of the family members. It is a humorous story which captures the antics of the monkey and its effect on the family that adopted it. Here we'll discuss 

  • The Adventures of Toto summary in English 
  • The Adventures of Toto summary in Hindi 
  • The Adventures of Toto textbook questions answers 
  • The Adventures of Toto short questions answers 
  • The Adventures of Toto extra questions answers 
  • The Adventures of Toto important questions answers 
  • The Adventures of Toto long questions answers

 The Adventures of Toto summary in English

The narrator’s grandfather was an animal lover. He established his own private zoo at his house. One day he saw a money with tonga driver and he bought monkey from the tonga driver for five rupees and named it Toto. 

The narrator’s grandmother did not like his pets. Toto’s presence was kept in a little closet which opened into the narrator’s room. Toto tore off author’s school blazer. He peeled off the plaster also. Toto was kept with other animals. There he did not allow them to live peacefully. 

The author's grandfather had to collect his pension from Saharanpur. He took Toto with him. He had to pay extra fare for Toto. Toto was ultimately accepted by the family. He was put into a stable with Nana, the family donkey. Toto teased Nana. Toto and Nana never became friends. 

One day Toto almost boiled himself alive while trying to bathe. He saw a large kitchen kettle left on the fire to boil for tea. He removed the lid and found the water warm enough for a bath. He got in with his head sticking out from the open kettle. A little while later, the water began to boil and Toto raised himself but sat down again since it was cold outside. He hopped up and down many times till Grandmother came and took out a half-boiled Toto from the kettle.

Toto did not give up his mischief. He tore things to pieces. He tore up the dresses of the aunt. He broke plates and utensils. One day Toto entered the dining room, he picked up the dish and ran out with a plate of Pulao to sit in the branches of the jackfruit tree. He stayed there all afternoon and ate slowly till he finished all the rice. Then, to irritate Grandmother, he threw the dish from the tree thus breaking it into pieces.

Toto caused much mess to the family. They could not tolerate him anymore..Till now, the grandfather had realized that obviously Toto was not sort of pet they could keep for long. 

A middle class family could not afford the frequent loss of dishes, clothes, curtains and wallpapers. So, at last, grandfather went to the tonga-driver, and sold Toto back to him for only three rupees.

The Adventures of Toto summary in Hindi

कथावाचक के दादा एक पशु प्रेमी थे। उन्होंने अपने घर पर अपना निजी चिड़ियाघर स्थापित किया। एक दिन उन्होंने टोंगा ड्राइवर के साथ एक पैसा देखा और उन्होंने टोंगा ड्राइवर से पांच रुपये में बंदर खरीदा और इसका नाम टोटो रखा।

कथावाचक की दादी को उनके पालतू जानवर पसंद नहीं थे। टोटो की उपस्थिति को थोड़ी सी कोठरी में रखा गया था जो कथावाचक के कमरे में खुलता था। लेखक के स्कूल ब्लेज़र को पूरी तरह से बंद कर दिया। उसने प्लास्टर भी छील दिया। टोटो को अन्य जानवरों के साथ रखा गया था। वहां उसने उन्हें शांति से रहने नहीं दिया।

लेखक के दादा को सहारनपुर से अपनी पेंशन एकत्र करनी थी। वह टोटो को अपने साथ ले गया। टोटो के लिए उन्हें अतिरिक्त किराया देना पड़ा। टोटो को अंततः परिवार ने स्वीकार कर लिया। उसे परिवार के गधे नाना के साथ एक स्थिर स्थान पर रखा गया। तोतो ने नाना को छेड़ा। टोटो और नाना कभी दोस्त नहीं बने।

एक दिन टोटो ने स्नान करने की कोशिश करते हुए खुद को लगभग जीवित कर लिया। उसने देखा कि चाय के लिए उबलने के लिए आग पर एक बड़ी रसोई की केतली बची है। उसने ढक्कन हटा दिया और पानी को स्नान के लिए पर्याप्त गर्म पाया। वह अपने सिर के साथ खुली केतली से बाहर चिपके हुए मिला। थोड़ी देर बाद, पानी उबलने लगा और टोटो ने खुद को ऊपर उठाया, लेकिन बाहर ठंडा होने के बाद फिर से बैठ गया। जब तक दादी ने आकर केतली से आधा उबला हुआ टोटो नहीं निकाला तब तक वह कई बार ऊपर-नीचे हुई।

टोटो ने अपनी शरारत नहीं छोड़ी। उसने चीजों को टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिया। उसने आंटी के कपड़े उतारे। उसने प्लेट और बर्तन तोड़ दिए। एक दिन टोटो भोजन कक्ष में प्रवेश किया, उसने पकवान उठाया और कटहल के पेड़ की शाखाओं में बैठने के लिए पुलाव की एक प्लेट लेकर भाग गया। वह दोपहर भर वहीं रहा और धीरे-धीरे उसने तब तक खाया जब तक उसने सारे चावल खत्म नहीं कर दिए। फिर, दादी को परेशान करने के लिए, उसने पेड़ से पकवान को फेंक दिया, इस प्रकार इसे टुकड़ों में तोड़ दिया।

टोटो ने परिवार को बहुत परेशान किया। वे उसे अब और बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकते थे। अब, दादाजी ने महसूस किया था कि जाहिर है कि टोटो पालतू नहीं थे जो वे लंबे समय तक रख सकते थे।

एक मध्यम वर्ग का परिवार व्यंजन, कपड़े, पर्दे और वॉलपेपर के लगातार नुकसान को बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकता था। तो, आखिरकार, दादा टोंगा-ड्राइवर के पास गए, और टोटो को वापस केवल तीन रुपये में बेच दिया।

The Adventures of Toto textbook questions answers

• Page No: 11 

Think About It 

Q1. How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo ?

Ans: Toto was in the captivity of a tonga owner. The author's grandfather gets sympathetic with the monkey and thinks that his private zoo would be a better place for Toto. So he bought Toto from the tonga driver for five rupees. 

Q2. “Toto was a pretty monkey.” In what sense is Toto pretty ?

Ans: Toto was a pretty monkey. His bright eyes sparkled with mischief beneath the deep-set eyebrows, and his teeth, which were a pearly white, his hands looked dried-up as though they had been pickled in the sun for many years. Yet his fingers were quick and wicked and his tail, while adding to his good looks served as a third hand.

Q3. Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how ? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog ? 

Ans: Toto was a real menace for every living soul in the household. He did not allow other pet animals to sleep at night. Thus, Grandfather decided to take Toto to Saharanpur. A big black canvas bag was arranged for Toto to travel. 

The ticket collector was following his rulebooks. There was no mention of fare in his rulebook for a monkey to travel in the railways. Thus the Ticket collector classified Toto as a dog.

Q4. How does Toto take a bath ? Where has he learnt to do this ? How does Toto almost boil himself alive ?

Ans: Toto was fond of bathing, he takes bath in a tub of warm water. He first tests the temperature of the water with his hands, then gradually puts his legs one by one in the tub and then applied soap also. He learnt this by watching the author doing the same. Monkeys are very good in imitating others. So Toto learnt it well.  

Once Toto got a large kettle which was on fire to boil. As he was fond of warm water he got in, but when water turned out hot he jumped up and down. He was saved by grandmother in almost half boiled condition.

Q5. Why does the author say, “Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long” ?

Ans: Though Toto was pretty and clever but he was very mischievous. He brought a lot of damage to the house by breaking dishes, tearing clothes, wallpapers and curtains. A middle class family could not afford frequent loss of property thus the narrator said Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long. 

The Adventures of Toto short questions answers

Q1. From where did the grandfather buy Toto and for how much ?

Ans: The grandfather bought Toto from a tonga driver. He paid five rupees to buy it.

Q2. Where did Grandfather hide Toto after his escape from the closet ?

Ans: He hid him in the servant’s quarters and transferred him to a big cage where a number of other pets had been housed.

Q3. Where and why was grandfather going the next day ?

Ans: Grandfather was going to Saharanpur the next day. He was going there to collect his pension.

Q4. How can you say that Toto was not an ordinary animal ?

Ans: Toto was not an ordinary animal. He was a very mischievous monkey. He became a headache for the family. He was so naughty that grandfather had to sell it back to the real owner.

Q5. What did Toto consider a treat on winter evenings ? Why ?

Ans: Toto loved sitting in warm water and when Grandfather would keep a large bowl of warm water for his bath, Toto considered it a treat.

Q6. Why did Grandfather have to pay three rupees to the Ticket-Collector ?

Ans: He had to pay the money as ticket money for the monkey. The Ticket-Collector insisted on calling the monkey a dog and charged the fare

Q7. How did Toto manage to escape from the closet ? What does this reveal about the monkey ?

Ans: He pulled out the peg he had been tied to from the wall inside the closet and escaped from it. This reveals how intelligent and mischievous the monkey was.

Q8. Cite an example from Toto’s behaviour during bath time that reveals his intelligence.

Ans: The fact that Toto would test the temperature of his bath water before stepping into it shows that he was very intelligent.

Q9. Why did the Ticket-Collector not charge any fare for the tortoise ?

Ans: According to the Ticket-Collector one had to pay only if carrying a dog in the train and since it was not a dog Grandfather did not have to pay for it.

Q10. Mention the animals that were kept in Grandfather’s private zoo ?

Ans: They were Toto the monkey, Nana the donkey, a pair of rabbits, a tortoise, a tame squirrel and a goat.

The Adventures of Toto extra questions answers 

Q1. Where did Grandfather buy Toto from and why ?

Ans: He bought Toto from a tonga-driver. The tonga-driver used to keep it tied to a feeding trough where the monkey looked highly out of place, so he decided to buy him to add to his private zoo.

Q2. Describe Toto the monkey that Grandfather bought from the tonga-driver.

Ans: Toto was a pretty monkey with bright eyes that sparkled with mischief under deep-set eyebrows. He had pearly white teeth which he bared in a smile that frightened old Anglo-Indian ladies. His skin was wrinkled, with his hands looking pickled in the sun. His finger was quick and wicked and his tail acted as a third hand for him.

Q3. How do we know that Grandmother was not as fond of collecting animals as Grandfather ?

Ans: The fact that Grandfather had to hide the monkey, Toto in the closet after buying him off from the tonga-driver tells us that he was afraid Grandmother would create a fuss if she saw that he had made yet another addition to his collection of animals. Thus we get to know that she was not as ardent a lover of animals as Grandfather.

Q4. Why did the narrator and his Grandfather hide Toto ?

Ans: The narrator’s Grandmother was always upset whenever his Grandfather brought an animal home. So, they hid Toto in a closet till they could find Grandmother in a good mood before introducing her to Toto.

Q5. Why did Grandfather decide to take Toto to Saharanpur ?

Ans: Grandfather had to go to Saharanpur to get his pension and he felt that if he left Toto behind he would not allow any of the animals in the servant’s quarters to sleep all night. So, he decided to take him along.

Q6. Did Toto and Nana become friends ? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: No, Toto and Nana never became friends because Toto troubled Nana on the very first night he was left to share the room with her. He bit the donkey, fastening on to her long ears with his sharp little teeth. 

Q7. Do you think Grandmother was a keen lover like his Grandfather ? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: No, Grandmother was not so fond of animals as it is mentioned she used to fuss a lot whenever Grandfather got a new animal home. Also the fact that Grandfather had to return the monkey to the tonga-driver because of its mischief was because of his fear of Grandmother’s reactions to them.

Q8. Cite one example to show that Toto was a mischievous monkey.

Ans: Toto loved tearing things to pieces and whenever anyone came near him, he would make an effort to get hold of their dresses and tear a hole in it. He also threw down a large plate of pulao to spite Grandmother.

Q9. Why did Grandfather have to return Toto to the tonga-driver ?

Ans: He had returned to the tonga driver because the monkey was causing a lot of disturbance and damage to the property at home which the family could ill-afford. He broke dishes, tore down curtains, clothes and wallpaper.

Also read : 

The Adventures of Toto important questions answers

Q1. Why did the author’s grandfather decide to buy Toto ?
Ans: The author’s grandfather was an animal lover and took pity on Toto as it was kept tied to a feeding trough. Toto looked out of place and he decided to bring it to his private zoo. He was much impressed by Toto.

Q2. Where was Toto kept immediately after grandfather got him ? Why ?
Ans: Toto was kept in a closet. He was tied securely to a peg because his presence was to be kept a secret from the writer’s grandmother as she abhorred animals.

Q3. Why did the author’s grandfather decide to buy Toto ? 
Ans: Grandfather was an animal lover and took pity on Toto as it was kept tied to a feeding trough. Toto looked out of place and grandfather decided to bring it to his private zoo. He was much impressed by Toto.

Q4. Why could not Toto and Nana become friends ? 
Ans: Toto was very naughty and wicked and could not stay still for a long time. Nana was a well behaved and docile animal. When they were together Toto bit on the long ears of Nana and Nana got annoyed with Toto. Thus, Nana and Toto could not become friends.

Q5. How does Toto become a problem to grandfather while going to Saharanpur ?
Ans: While going to Saharanpur, Toto behaved well. When grandfather was producing his ticket, Toto suddenly poked his head out of the bag. He gave the ticket collector a wide grin. The ticket collector insisted that grandfather must buy the ticket for the pet. And proved to be a big problem for grandfather.

The Adventures of Toto long questions answers

Q1. The author's grandfather was a great animal lover. Discuss.

Ans: The author's grandfather was a great animal lover. This can be proved from the fact that he had a private zoo which housed a tortoise, a donkey, a tame squirrel, a pair of rabbits and a monkey all in a cage in the servants’ quarters. 

In fact he paid a sum of five rupees for the monkey who he felt sorry for as he found him chained to the water trough by the tonga-driver. He also willingly travelled with not only the monkey but also a tortoise on his trip to Saharanpur.

He also put up with the mischief and destruction caused by the monkey as far as he could till he knew that the family would no longer support him in allowing the monkey to stay with them. He finally sold him back to the tonga-driver for just three rupees.

Q2. Based on your reading of the lesson “Adventures of Toto”, do you think it is a great idea to keep animals as pets ?

Ans: The story discusses both the fascination of some people for animals and the problems that can arise when one decides to keep an animal as a pet. This can be disadvantageous not only to the family keeping an animal but also to the animal as we see in the case of Toto, who almost boils himself before he is rescued by the family. In fact it also raises questions about the necessity of taking animals away from their natural environment and domesticating them and exposing them to the dangers that arise from human living.

Q3. Discuss the incident that took place at the railway station ?

Ans: Once Grandfather had to go to Saharanpur by train and he decided to take his monkey Toto along with him in a canvas bag from which it could not escape. The monkey of course did not sit still in the bag but kept rolling on the ground, much to the surprise of the fellow passengers. The monkey remained in the bag till Saharanpur but while Grandfather was producing his ticket at the railway turnstile, Toto suddenly poked his head out of the bag and grinned widely at the Ticket Collec tor who then forced Grandfather to pay a fare for the monkey much against the latter’s wishes.


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