8 Oct 2020

Voice change question bank 2023 class 10 SEBA

Voice change question bank 2023 class 10 SEBA 

Voice change question bank 2021 class 10 SEBA

Voice change question bank 2023 class 10 SEBA : Voice change is one of the important question in grammar section for exams. Here I have tried to cover up important voice change for board exam 2023. All the questions on voice change here you will read are a collection of Voice change question bank 2023 class 10 SEBA. 

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Voice change examples

1.Active Voice: She buys flowers.
Passive Voice: Flowers are bought by her.

2.Active Voice: He is flying a kite.
Passive Voice: A kite is being flown by him.

3.Active Voice: She has seen a ghost.
Passive Voice: A ghost has been seen by her.

4.Active Voice: She hated men.
Passive Voice: Men were hated by her.

5.Active Voice: She was telling a story.
Passive Voice: A story was being told by her.

6.Active Voice: He had stolen my pen
Passive Voice: My pen had been stolen by him.

7.Active Voice: I shall help you.
Passive Voice: You will be helped by me.

8.Active Voice: The doctor will have given him an injection.
Passive Voice: He will have been given an injection by the doctor.

9.Active Voice: Help the poor and the handicapped.
Passive Voice: Let the poor and the handicapped be helped.

10.Active Voice: Let me go home.
Passive Voice: I may be allowed to go home.

11.Active Voice: Who does not love beauty?
Passive Voice: By whom is not beauty loved?

12.Active Voice: Send for the doctor at once.
Passive Voice: Let the doctor be sent for at once.

13.Active Voice: He gave me a book.
Passive Voice: I was given a book by him.

14.Active Voice: I want to sell my car.
Passive Voice: I want my car to be sold.

15.Active Voice: Rose smells sweet.
Passive Voice: Rose is sweet when (it is) smelt.

16.Active Voice: The thief was arrested.
Passive Voice: The police arrested the thief.

Voice change question bank SEBA class 10

1. We have a lot of work to do. 
Ans: A lot of work has to be done by us.

2. Might I use your phone ? 
Ans: Might your phone be used by me ?

3. The President gave away the prize.
Ans: The prize was given away by the President.

4. The boy is known to me.
Ans: I know the boy.

5. The dead body was removed from the the street.
Ans: People removed the dead body from the street.

6. Rose is called the queen of flowers.
Ans: People call rose the queen of flowers.

7. The Principal presided over the meeting.
Ans: The meeting was presided over by the principal.

8. They asked the boy many questions.
Ans: The boy was asked many questions by them.

9. He does not know me.
Ans: I am not known to him.

10. The bridge was repaired.
Ans: The workers repaired the bridge.

11. I know your father well.
Ans: Your father is known well to me.

12. It is time to stop the war.
Ans: It is time the war to be stopped.

13. It will be published by him.
Ans: He will publish it.

14. You must write the answer in ink.
Ans: The answer must be written in ink by you.

15. The President is selected by the members. 
Ans: The members select the president.

16. One should keep one's promise.
Ans: One's promise should be kept.

17. He was invited to the meeting.
Ans: They invited him to the meeting.

18. A thief has stolen his clothes.
Ans: His clothes have been stolen by a thief.

19. His address is not known to me.
Ans: I don't know his address.

20. They made me sing a song.
Ans: I was made sing a song by them.

21. A fine chair has been made by him.
Ans: He has made a fine chair.

22. Please enter by this door.
Ans: You are requested to enter by this door.

23. English is spoken all over the world. 
Ans: People speak English all over the world.

24. The answer must be written in ink. 
Ans: You must write the answer in ink.

25. Mr. Saikia bought a new car last month.
Ans: A new car was bought last month by Mr. Saikia.

26. The thief is being caught by the police. 
Ans: The police is catching the thief.

27. The thief will be caught by the policeman.
Ans: The policeman will catch the thief.

28. Do you like him ?
Ans: Is he liked by you ?

29. Let the boy be told to get in.
Ans: Tell the boy to get in.

30. They have been invited to the function. 
Ans : We have invited them to the function.

31. Call in a doctor soon.
Ans: Let a doctor be called in soon.

32. He laughed at me.
Ans: I was laughed at by him.

33. His behaviour displeased me.
Ans: I was displeased at his behaviour.

34. Who can trust a liar ?
Ans: By whom can a liar be trusted ?

35. I was invited to the party. 
Ans: They invited me to the party.

36. The letters are being delivered by the postman. 
Ans: The postman is delivering the letters.

37. We had to put off our journey.
Ans: Our journey had to be put off by us.

38. A letter was being written by the girl. 
Ans: The girl was writing a letter.

39. Did you not invite him ? 
Ans: Was he not invited by you ?

40. Work out the sum.
Ans: Let the sum be worked out.

41. Decent people dislike bad manner.
Ans: Bad manner is disliked by decent people.

42. Letters are delivered in the morning. 
Ans: The postman delivers the letters in the morning.

43. The doctor is examining the patient. 
Ans: The patient is being examined by the doctor.

44. By whom was the letter posted ? 
Ans: Who did post the letter ?

45. When did you call me ? 
Ans: When was I called by you ?

46. He was made captain of our class. 
Ans: We made him captain of our class.

47. People play football everywhere. 
Ans: Football is played everywhere.

48. His conduct pleases me. 
Ans: I am pleased at his conduct.

49. It is regretted very much that we shall hear his voice no more. 
Ans: We regret very much that we shall hear his voice no more.

50. All know Mahatma Gandhi. 
Ans: Mahatma Gandhi is known to all.

51. Who did this work ? 
Ans: By whom was the work done ?

52. Why do you dislike the boy ? 
Ans: Why is the boy disliked by you ?

53. Give up your bad habits.
Ans: Let your bad habits be given up.

54. Some one posted the letter. 
Ans: The letter was posted.

55. We made the child cry.
Ans: The child was made cry by us.

56. You must write the answer in ink. 
Ans: The answer must be written in ink by you.

57. By whom was the window broken ? 
Ans: Who did break the window ?

58. Will you have completed the job by sunset ? 
Ans: Will the job have been completed by sunset by you ?

59. A letter was being written by Ravi.
Ans: Ravi was writing a letter.

60. The teacher is teaching us a new lesson.
Ans: A new lesson is being taught by the teacher.

61. They made him the captain. 
Ans: He was made the captain.

62. This house is to be let.
Ans: This house is to let.

63. Did he do it ? 
Ans: Was it done by him ?

64. Carelessness causes accidents.
Ans: Accidents are caused by carelessness.

65. A storm damaged the houses. 
Ans: The house were damaged by a storm.

66. Don't go there.
Ans: You are warned not to go there.

67. The matter should be looked into. 
Ans: We should look into the matter.

68. Roses smell sweet.
Ans: The rose is sweet when (it is) smelt. 

69. He met the saint accompanied by his followers. 
Ans: The saint was met accompanied by his followers by him.

70. Had she kept her promise ? 
Ans: Had her promise been kept by her ?

71. Mr. Das teaches us English.
Ans: English is taught by Mr. Das.

72. My pen has been stolen.
Ans : Someone has stolen my pen.

73. We must endure what we cannot cure.
Ans: We must endure what cannot be cured.

74. Grass grows over the field.
Ans: Grass is grown over the field.

75.His behaviour vexes me sometimes.
Ans: I am vexed at his behaviour.

76. Could you help me, Sir ?
Ans: Could I be helped by you, Sir ?

77. What causes an earthquake ? 
Ans: What is an earthquake caused ?

78. The children make a noise. 
Ans: A noise is made by the children.

79. What are you thinking of ? 
Ans: What is being thought of by you ?

80. He has done nothing. 
Ans: Nothing has been done by him.

81. My mother bakes cakes
Ans: Cakes are baked by my mother. 



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