2 Mar 2021

A Gift of Chappals class 7 NCERT solutions

A Gift of Chappals class 7 NCERT solutions

A Gift of Chappals class 7 NCERT solutions

A Gift of Chappals class 7 NCERT solutions: A Gift of Chappals is the lesson no 2 from English for class 7 NCERT text-book Honeycomb. A Gift of Chappals is written by Vasantha Surya. Here you can read A Gift of Chappals class 7 NCERT solutions. 

A Gift of Chappals is an excellent story written about the fantasies of children, expressing their simplicity, feelings, and their act of charity. It is really a touching story of some children who gave away the chappals to the beggar. Here you'll get chapter 1 Three Questions

A Gift of Chappals class 7 Summary in English

Part I

One afternoon, Mridu went to her aunt Rukku Manni’s house to meet her cousins Lalli, Ravi and Meena. Ravi dragged her to the backyard. There inside a torn football lay a very small kitten, drinking milk. Meena said they had found the creature outside the gate that morning. 

But it was kept secret. Amma had a fear that Paati would go away if she knows about the cat in the house. Ravi had succeeded by tact in getting a little milk for the kitten. The children named it Mahendran.

It was a fine breed of cat. Ravi gave a detailed account of the cat’s family and relatives. He said the cat was the descendant of the Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat. Meena and Mridu smiled at his cooked up story.

The cat was frightened to hear Ravi’s sound. He fled from his place. Lalli was learning to play the violin. She wasn’t doing well, although the music master was trying his best to make her learn.

A Gift of Chappals class 7 NCERT solutions

Part II

Mridu went up to the window. She saw Lalli sitting with her violin. In front of her there was the bony music teacher. He had a mostly bald head. He was wearing a gold chain around his neck, and a diamond ring on his hand.


A beggar came at the gate. The mother told Ravi to send him away. She was chatting with Tapi. The beggar’s voice irritated her. She complained that he was coming there every day.

The beggar was already in the garden. He had spread a piece of cloth under the neem tree. He leant against the tree trunk, waiting for the alms. Ravi told him sternly to go away.

The beggar sat up and sighed. He told that he would go away after taking some rest. The tar had melted on the hot road and his bare feet had got blisters. The children got sympathetic towards him. Mridu asked Meena and Ravi if they had got an old pair of slippers in the house. Ravi went to search. 

Mridu noticed a pair of chappals in the verandah. These were shabby-looking but sturdy. He gave it to the old man to wear and asked him never again to come back. The beggar blessed the children. He pushed his feet into the slippers and left in a hurry.

The music-teacher searched for his chappals in the varandah. He said his slippers were brand new and expensive also. Rukku Manni came there with Paati. She rightly guessed that it was the mischief played by the children. She was upset and angry.

She went indoors and brought Gopu Mama’s new chappals and gave them to the music-master. She apologised to the master on behalf of her son, Ravi. The music master’s eyes lit up with joy. He put them on and called children naughty monkeys. The mother didn’t like Ravi being called a monkey.

She went inside the house. She thanked God that Gopu Mama’s chappals were there. But she laughed to think how much upset would he be on his return. She declared that she would take all the blame on herself.

A Gift of Chappals class 7 Summary in Hindi

 भाग I

एक दोपहर, Mridu अपने चचेरे भाई Lalli, Ravi और Meena से मिलने के लिए अपनी मौसी Rukku Manni के घर गया।  Ravi उसे खींचकर पिछवाड़े की तरफ ले गया।  वहाँ एक फटे हुए फुटबॉल के अंदर एक बहुत छोटा बिल्ली का बच्चा, दूध पी रहा था।  Meena ने कहा कि उन्होंने उस सुबह गेट के बाहर प्राणी को पाया था।

लेकिन इसे गुप्त रखा गया था।  अम्मा को अंदेशा था कि घर में बिल्ली के बारे में पता चलने पर पाती चली जाएगी।  बिल्ली के बच्चे के लिए थोड़ा सा दूध पाने की कोशिश में Ravi सफल हो गया था।  बच्चों ने इसका नाम महेंद्रन रखा।

यह बिल्ली की एक अच्छी नस्ल थी।  Ravi ने बिल्ली के परिवार और रिश्तेदारों का विस्तृत विवरण दिया।  उन्होंने कहा कि बिल्ली महाबलीपुरम ऋषि-बिल्ली की संतान थी।  Meena और Mridu ने अपनी पकाई कहानी पर मुस्कुराया।

Ravi की आवाज सुनकर बिल्ली घबरा गई।  वह अपनी जगह से भाग गया।  Lalli वायलिन बजाना सीख रही थी।  वह अच्छा नहीं कर रही थी, हालांकि संगीत गुरु उसे सीखने की पूरी कोशिश कर रहे थे।

A Gift of Chappals class 7 NCERT solutions

 भाग II

Mridu खिड़की तक गई।  उसने Lalli को अपने वायलिन के साथ बैठे देखा।  उसके सामने बोनी संगीत शिक्षक थे।  उनका ज्यादातर गंजा सिर था।  उन्होंने गले में सोने की चेन और हाथ में हीरे की अंगूठी पहनी हुई थी।


गेट पर एक भिखारी आया।  मां ने Ravi से कहा कि वह उसे भेज दे।  वह तापसी के साथ चैट कर रहा था।  भिखारी की आवाज ने उसे परेशान कर दिया।  उसने शिकायत की कि वह हर दिन वहां आ रहा था।

भिखारी पहले से ही बगीचे में था।  उसने नीम के पेड़ के नीचे कपड़े का एक टुकड़ा फैला दिया था।  वह पेड़ के तने के सामने झुक गया, भिक्षा की प्रतीक्षा में।  Ravi ने उसे दूर जाने के लिए सख्ती से कहा।

भिखारी उठ कर बैठ गया।  उसने बताया कि वह कुछ आराम करने के बाद चला जाएगा।  टार गर्म सड़क पर पिघल गया था और उसके नंगे पैरों में छाले पड़ गए थे।  बच्चे उसके प्रति सहानुभूति रखने लगे।  Mridu ने Meena और Ravi से पूछा कि क्या उन्हें घर में चप्पल की एक पुरानी जोड़ी मिली है।  Ravi खोज करने गया।

Mridu ने बरामदे में एक जोड़ी चप्पल देखी।  ये जर्जर दिखने वाले लेकिन मजबूत थे।  उसने इसे पहनने के लिए बूढ़े को दे दिया और उसे फिर कभी वापस आने के लिए नहीं कहा।  भिखारी ने बच्चों को आशीर्वाद दिया।  उसने अपने पैर चप्पल में धकेल दिए और जल्दी में निकल गया।

संगीत-शिक्षक ने वरदान में अपने चप्पलों की खोज की।  उन्होंने कहा कि उनकी चप्पल एकदम नई थी और महंगी भी।  Rukku Manni पाटी लेकर वहां आई।  उसने सही अनुमान लगाया कि यह बच्चों द्वारा निभाई गई शरारत थी।  वह परेशान और गुस्से में थी।

वह घर के अंदर गई और गोपू मामा की नई चप्पलें लेकर आईं और उन्हें संगीत-गुरु को दे दिया।  उसने अपने बेटे Ravi की ओर से गुरु से माफी मांगी।  संगीत गुरु की आँखें खुशी से झूम उठीं।  उसने उन्हें डाल दिया और बच्चों को शरारती बंदर कहा।  माँ को Ravi की तरह बंदर नहीं कहा जाता था।

वह घर के अंदर चली गई।  उसने भगवान को धन्यवाद दिया कि गोपू मामा की चप्पलें थीं।  लेकिन वह यह सोचकर हंस पड़ी कि वह अपनी वापसी पर कितना परेशान होगा।  उसने घोषणा की कि वह सारा दोष खुद पर लेगी।

A Gift of Chappals class 7 Questions Answers

Page No 22

Q1. What is the secret that Meena shares with Mridu in the backyard ?

Ans: The secret that Meena shared with Mridu that they had found a kitten outside the gate that morning. The small cat was lying inside a torn football lined with sacking and filled with sand. 

Q2. How does Ravi get milk for the kitten ?

Ans: Ravi got milk for the kitten from the kitchen. When Patti wanted the tumbler back, he pretended that he would wash it himself. Then, he ran and poured the milk into a coconut shell. 

Q3. Who does he say the kitten’s ancestors are ? Do you believe him ?

Ans: Ravi said that one of the descendants of the Egyptian cat-goddess was a stowaway in a Pallava ship. The kitten’s ancestors were Mahabalipuram Rishi-cat. No, I don’t agree to it.

Q4. Ravi has a lot to say about M.P. Poonai. This shows that

(i) he is merely trying to impress Mridu

(ii) his knowledge of history is sound

(iii) he has a rich imagination

(iv) he is an intelligent child.

Which of these statements do you agree/disagree to ?


(i) He is merely trying to impress Mridu.

Q5. What was the noise that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendrar ?

Ans: The noise that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran was an unusual sound, a ‘kreech’. This ‘kreeching’ was actually Lalli was learning to play on violin. 

Comprehension check 

Page No 28

Q1. The music master is making lovely music. Read aloud the sentence in the text that expresses this idea.

Ans: ‘The music-master’s notes seemed to float up and settle perfectly into the invisible tracks of the melody’. This sentence shows that the music-master was making lovely music. 

Q2. Had the beggar come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time ? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: No, the beggar had to not come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time, he had been there many a time before. When the beggar arrived, she asked Ravi to send him away. The beggar, she said, had been coming to their house daily the week before. She said it was time he found another house to beg from.

Q3. “A sharp V-shaped line had formed between her eyebrows.” What does it suggest to you about Rukku Manni’s mood ?

Ans: A sharp V-shaped line between the eyebrows refers to an anger. This suggests that Rukku Manni was in an angry mood at the loss of music-master’s chappals. She could make out that the children had played a trick upon her.

A Gift of Chappals all Questions Answers class 7

Working with the text 

Page No 29

Q1. Complete the following sentences.

(i) Ravi compares Lalli’s playing the violin to____

(ii) Trying to hide beneath the tray of chillies, Mahendran____

(iii) The teacher played a few notes on his violin, and Lalli____

(iv) The beggar said that the kind ladies of the household____

(v) After the lesson was over, the music teacher asked Lalli if____


(i) Ravi compares Lalli’s playing the violin to the derailing of a train going completely off track. 

(ii) Trying to hide beneath the tray of chillies, Mahendran tipped a few chillies over himself.

(iii) The teacher played a few notes on his violin, and Lalli stumbled behind him on her violin, which looked helpless and unhappy in her hands.

(iv) The beggar said that the kind ladies of the household were very generous and because of this, he had been able to keep his body and soul together for a whole week.

(v) After the lesson was over, the music teacher asked Lalli if she had seen his chappals.

Q2. Describe the music teacher, as seen from the window.

Ans: As seen from the window, the bony figure of the music master, with most of his back to the window, could be seen sitting in front of Lalli. The music-master had a bald head with a fringe of oiled black hair falling around his ears. He appeared to be a skeleton-like figure. A gold chain shone on his fluffy neck and a diamond ring gleamed on his finger. He was beating his big toe on the floor frequently as the music went on.

Q3. (i) What makes Mridu conclude that the beggar has no money to buy chappals ?

Ans: When Mridu saw the blistered feet of the beggar, she concluded that he did not have any money to buy slippers.

(ii) What does she suggest to show her concern ?

Ans: Mridu asked Ravi if he had any pair of old slippers that they could give to the beggar. She suggests that old chappals lying in the verandah could be given to the beggar.

Q4. “Have you children….” she began, and then, seeing they were curiously quiet, went on more slowly, “seen anyone lurking around the verandah ?”

(i) What do you think Rukku Manni really wanted to ask?

Ans: Rukku Manni wanted to ask the children whether they had hidden the chappals anywhere.

(ii) Why did she change her question ?

Ans: When she saw them extremely quiet, she changed her question.

(iii) What did she think had happened ?

Ans: She probably thought that the children had purposely hidden the music master’s slippers, or done something with it.

Q5. On getting Gopu Mama’s chappals, the music teacher tried not to look too happy. Why ?

Ans: The music-master wanted to show that he was angry on the loss of his so called new and expensive chappals. He tried not to look too happy as he wanted to show his disappointment at what the children had done. 

Q6. On getting a gift of chappals, the beggar vanished in a minute. Why was he in such a hurry to leave ?

Ans: The beggar vanished in a minute as he did not want any of the elder members to come and know about it. He must have feared if anyone came, they would take the chappals back from him.

Q7. Walking towards the kitchen with Mridu and Meena, Rukku Manni began to laugh. What made her laugh ?

Ans: Walking towards the kitchen with Mridu and Meena, Rukku Manni remembered that Gopu Mama was always in a hurry to throw off his shoes and socks, and get into his slippers as soon as he came home. She wondered what he would say that evening when she would tell him that she had given his slippers to the music-master. Thinking of this, she began to laugh.

Working with language 

Page No 30

Q1. Read the following sentences:

(a) If she knows we have a cat, Paati will leave the house.

(b) She won’t be so upset if she knows about the poor beggar with sores on his feet.

(c) If the chappals do fit, will you really not mind ? Notice that each sentence consists of two parts. The first part begins with ‘if’. It is known as if-clause.

Rewrite each of the following pairs of sentences as a single sentence. Use ‘if’ at the beginning of the sentence.

(i) Don’t tire yourself now. You won’t be able to work in the evening.

(ii) Study regularly. You’ll do well in the examination.

(iii) Work hard. You’ll pass the examination in the first division.

(iv) Be polite to people. They’ll also be polite to you.

(v) Don’t tease the dog. It’ll bite you.


(i) If you tire yourself now, you won’t be able to work in the evening.

(ii) If you study regularly, you’ll do well in the examination.

(iii) If you work hard, you’ll pass the examination in the first division.

(iv) If you are polite to people, they’ll also be polite to you.

(v) If you tease the dog, it’ll bite you.

Q2. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph.

Today is Sunday. I’m wondering whether I should stay at home or go out. If I ___________ (go) out, I ___________ (miss) the lovely Sunday lunch at home. If I ___________ (stay) for lunch, I ___________ (miss) the Sunday film showing at Archana Theatre. I think I’ll go out and see the film, only to avoid getting too fat.

Ans: Today is Sunday. I’m wondering whether I should stay at home or go out. If I go out, I will miss the lovely Sunday lunch at home. If I stay for lunch, I will miss the Sunday film showing at Archana Theatre. I think I’ll go out and see the film, only to avoid getting too fat.

Q3. Complete each sentence below by appropriately using any one of the following:

If you want to/ if you don’t want to/ if you want him to

(i) Don’t go to the theatre ________________________________

(ii) He’ll post your letter _________________________________

(iii) Please use my pen __________________________________

(iv) He’ll lend you his umbrella _____________________

(v) My neighbour, Ramesh, will take you to the doctor _______________

(vi) Don’t eat it _______________________________


(i) Don’t go to the theatre if you don’t want to.

(ii) He’ll post your letter if you want him to.

(iii) Please use my pen if you want to.

(iv) He’ll lend you his umbrella if you want him to.

(v) My neighbour, Ramesh, will take you to the doctor if you want him to.

(vi) Don’t eat it if you don’t want to.

NCERT solutions of A Gift of Chappals class 7

Speaking and Writing 

Page No 31

Q1. Discuss in all groups.

(i) If you want to give away something of your own to the needy, would it be better to ask your elders first ?

(ii) Is there someone of your age in the family who is very talkative ? Do you find her/ him interesting and impressive or otherwise ? Share your ideas with others in t group.

(iii) Has Rukku Manni done exactly the same as the children? In your opinion, then, is it right for one party to blame the other ?


(i) Of course, the elders must be asked before doing a charity whether it is our own as we’re not still earning members of the family. They provide the thing for our own use to give us extra facility.

(ii) Our mama is a talkative fellow, but he is not the headache of the family. His titbits thrill us in our pensive mood sometimes. He narrates us many interesting incidents to feel us light on our work load.

(iii) No doubt Rukku Manni was angry at the children who had given away the chappals to the beggar. To cover it up, she also gave away Gopu Mama’s chappals to the music master. In a sense, she did the same as the children had done. I feel that one party should not blame the other for the same action.

Q2. Read the following :

(i) A group of children in your class are going to live in a hostel.

(ii) They have been asked to choose a person in the group to share a room with.

(iii) They are asking each other questions to decide who they would like to share a room with. Ask one another questions about likes/dislikes/preferences/hobbies/personal characteristics. Use the following questions and sentence openings.

(i) What do you enjoy doing after school ?

I enjoy…

(ii) What do you like in general ?

I like…

(iii) Do you play any game?

I don’t like…

(iv) Would you mind if I listened to music after dinner ?

I wouldn’t…

(v) Will it be all right if I… ?

It’s fine with me…

(vi) Is there anything you dislike, particularly ?

Well, I can’t share…

(vii) Do you like to attend parties ?

Oh, I…

(viii) Would you say you are…?

I think…


(i) I enjoy going for evening games with the friends.

(ii) I like reading books specially mysterious tales.

(iii) I don’t like to play expensive and outdoor games.

(iv) I wouldn’t mind if you listened to it in a slow volume.

(v) It is fine with me till you listen to cricket commentary.

(vi) Well, I can’t share my views on this topic.

(vii) Oh, I relish parties for the variety of food.

(viii) I think I am a helping hand for the needy students.

Class 7 English Honeycomb 

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