7 Jun 2021

Expert Detectives class 7 NCERT Solutions

Expert Detectives class 7 NCERT Solutions

Expert Detectives class 7 NCERT Solutions

Expert Detectives class 7 NCERT Solutions: Expert Detectives is the  chapter 6 from class 7 NCERT, English text-book "Honeycomb". Here you'll get Expert Detectives class 7 NCERT Solutions.

Expert Detective class 7 Summary in English

The story Expert Detective is about two small children Nishad and Maya and their mysterious neighbour Mr. Nath. Nishad, a boy of seven and his ten-year old sister Maya were playing one day and their marble rolled into Mr. Nath’s room, who was a patient of their mother. 

Seeing Mr. Nath's appearance the children suspected him him to be a suspicious character. They felt that the man was a crook and had earned his money wrongly. They wanted to know why Mr. Nath was so lean, thin and lonely. May be because he was afraid of being handed over to the cops.

Both the children had different opinion about Mr. Nath's character. Nishad thinks that he is poor and doesn’t have much money while Maya believe that he has got a lot of it and has kept it hidden somewhere in his room. On their mother’s birthday, Nishad went along her to the clinic. He happened to see mr Nath there. Mr Nath is a patient to their mother who is a doctor by profession. Their mother has told them that he is a polite man.

Expert Detectives class 7 NCERT Solutions

Nishad was worried seeing Mr Nath’s gaunt appearance. In the evening Nishad went to his place and gave a bar of chocolate to Mr Nath. Nishad befriended Ramesh, the boy who used to bring food for Mr Nath from a nearby restaurant. Ramesh informed him that Mr Nath had two meals a day and tea in morning and evening. His meal was the same everyday and he always used to pay in cash and give tips as well. Then Nishad concluded that a bad man can't pay tips generously. 

Ramesh informed Nishas that he brings two lunches on Sundays and it is the same visitor he finds there. The visitor is a tall, stout and spectacled man who talks a lot while Mr Nath is quiet person. The children were thrilled and they were discussing the possibilities of Mr Nath being a crook.

Mr Nath has been living there for more than one year in the same house, but he has no friends, never spoke to any one and did not receive any letters. He was only visited by one man and that too, on Sundays only. 

Their school opened after the summer holidays the next day but they could not attend it because of heavy rains and street was blocked due to flood. Nishad was busy reading his comics when Maya informed what she had done. Maya prepared a list of everything they knew about Mr Nath calling them ‘facts’ and gave a number to each one of them. Nishad disagreed with Maya for calling Mr Nath a criminal.

But the children found no clue, There were many things which needed to be known like Mr. Nath’s first name, why the other tenants considered him mad, strange and unfriendly, why no one went to meet him, etc.

While Nishad wanted to befriend him to clarify the fact, but Maya doubted and stopped him.

Expert Detective class 7 Summary in Hindi

ą¤ą¤•्ą¤øą¤Ŗą¤°्ą¤Ÿ ą¤”िą¤Ÿेą¤•्ą¤Ÿिą¤µ ą¤•ी ą¤•ą¤¹ाą¤Øी ą¤¦ो ą¤›ोą¤Ÿे ą¤¬ą¤š्ą¤šों Nishad ą¤”ą¤° Maya ą¤”ą¤° ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•े ą¤°ą¤¹ą¤ø्ą¤Æą¤®ą¤Æ ą¤Ŗą¤”़ोą¤øी Mr. Nath ą¤•ी ą¤¹ै।  ą¤øाą¤¤ ą¤øाą¤² ą¤•ा ą¤ą¤• ą¤²ą¤”़ą¤•ा Nishad ą¤”ą¤° ą¤‰ą¤øą¤•ी ą¤¦ą¤ø ą¤øाą¤² ą¤•ी ą¤¬ą¤¹ą¤Ø Maya ą¤ą¤• ą¤¦िą¤Ø ą¤–ेą¤² ą¤°ą¤¹े ą¤„े ą¤”ą¤° ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•ा ą¤øंą¤—ą¤®ą¤°ą¤®ą¤°  Mr. Nath ą¤•े ą¤•ą¤®ą¤°े ą¤®ें ą¤²ुą¤¢़ą¤• ą¤—ą¤Æा, ą¤œो ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•ी ą¤®ाँ ą¤•ा ą¤°ोą¤—ी ą¤„ा।

Mr. Nath ą¤•ी ą¤¶ą¤•्ą¤² ą¤¦ेą¤–ą¤•ą¤° ą¤¬ą¤š्ą¤šों ą¤•ो ą¤‰ą¤Ø ą¤Ŗą¤° ą¤¶ą¤• ą¤•ą¤°ą¤Øे ą¤•ा ą¤¶ą¤• ą¤¹ुą¤†।  ą¤‰ą¤Ø्ą¤¹ें ą¤²ą¤—ा ą¤•ि ą¤µą¤¹ ą¤†ą¤¦ą¤®ी ą¤ą¤• ą¤¬ą¤¦ą¤®ाą¤¶ ą¤¹ै ą¤”ą¤° ą¤‰ą¤øą¤Øे ą¤—ą¤²ą¤¤ ą¤¤ą¤°ीą¤•े ą¤øे ą¤…ą¤Ŗą¤Øा ą¤Ŗैą¤øा ą¤•ą¤®ाą¤Æा ą¤¹ै।  ą¤µे ą¤œाą¤Øą¤Øा ą¤šाą¤¹ą¤¤े ą¤„े ą¤•ि Mr. Nath ą¤‡ą¤¤ą¤Øे ą¤¦ुą¤¬ą¤²े, ą¤Ŗą¤¤ą¤²े ą¤”ą¤° ą¤…ą¤•ेą¤²े ą¤•्ą¤Æों ą¤„े।  ą¤¶ाą¤Æą¤¦ ą¤‡ą¤øą¤²िą¤ ą¤•ि ą¤‰ą¤øे ą¤Ŗुą¤²िą¤ø ą¤•े ą¤¹ą¤µाą¤²े ą¤•िą¤ ą¤œाą¤Øे ą¤•ा ą¤”ą¤° ą¤„ा।

Mr. Nath ą¤•े ą¤šą¤°िą¤¤्ą¤° ą¤•े ą¤¬ाą¤°े ą¤®ें ą¤¦ोą¤Øों ą¤¬ą¤š्ą¤šों ą¤•ी ą¤…ą¤²ą¤—-ą¤…ą¤²ą¤— ą¤°ाą¤Æ ą¤„ी।  Nishad ą¤øोą¤šą¤¤ा ą¤¹ै ą¤•ि ą¤µą¤¹ ą¤—ą¤°ीą¤¬ ą¤¹ै ą¤”ą¤° ą¤‰ą¤øą¤•े ą¤Ŗाą¤ø ą¤œ्ą¤Æाą¤¦ा ą¤Ŗैą¤øा ą¤Øą¤¹ीं ą¤¹ै ą¤œą¤¬ą¤•ि Maya ą¤•ा ą¤®ाą¤Øą¤Øा ​​ą¤¹ै ą¤•ि ą¤‰ą¤øą¤•े ą¤Ŗाą¤ø ą¤¬ą¤¹ुą¤¤ ą¤•ुą¤› ą¤¹ै ą¤”ą¤° ą¤‰ą¤øą¤Øे ą¤‡ą¤øे ą¤…ą¤Ŗą¤Øे ą¤•ą¤®ą¤°े ą¤®ें ą¤•ą¤¹ीं ą¤›िą¤Ŗा ą¤•ą¤° ą¤°ą¤–ा ą¤¹ै।  ą¤…ą¤Ŗą¤Øी ą¤®ां ą¤•े ą¤œą¤Ø्ą¤®ą¤¦िą¤Ø ą¤Ŗą¤° Nishad ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•े ą¤øाą¤„ ą¤•्ą¤²िą¤Øिą¤• ą¤—ą¤।  ą¤µą¤¹ ą¤µą¤¹ाँ Mr. Nath ą¤•ो ą¤¦ेą¤–ą¤Øे ą¤•े ą¤²िą¤ ą¤¹ुą¤†। Mr. Nath ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•ी ą¤®ां ą¤•े ą¤²िą¤ ą¤ą¤• ą¤®ą¤°ीą¤œ ą¤¹ैं ą¤œो ą¤Ŗेą¤¶े ą¤øे ą¤”ॉą¤•्ą¤Ÿą¤° ą¤¹ैं।  ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•ी ą¤®ाँ ą¤Øे ą¤‰ą¤Ø्ą¤¹ें ą¤¬ą¤¤ाą¤Æा ą¤¹ै ą¤•ि ą¤µą¤¹ ą¤ą¤• ą¤µिą¤Øą¤®्ą¤° ą¤µ्ą¤Æą¤•्ą¤¤ि ą¤¹ैं।

Mr. Nath ą¤•े ą¤­ą¤¦्ą¤¦े ą¤°ूą¤Ŗ ą¤•ो ą¤¦ेą¤–ą¤•ą¤° Nishad ą¤šिंą¤¤िą¤¤ ą¤¹ो ą¤—ą¤।  ą¤¶ाą¤® ą¤•ो Nishad ą¤…ą¤Ŗą¤Øे ą¤˜ą¤° ą¤—ą¤ ą¤”ą¤° Mr. Nath ą¤•ो ą¤šॉą¤•ą¤²ेą¤Ÿ ą¤•ा ą¤¬ाą¤° ą¤¦िą¤Æा।  Nishad ą¤Øे ą¤‰ą¤ø ą¤²ą¤”़ą¤•े ą¤°ą¤®ेą¤¶ ą¤øे ą¤¦ोą¤ø्ą¤¤ी ą¤•ी, ą¤œो ą¤Ŗाą¤ø ą¤•े ą¤ą¤• ą¤°ेą¤ø्ą¤¤ą¤°ां ą¤øे Mr. Nath ą¤•े ą¤²िą¤ ą¤–ाą¤Øा ą¤²ाą¤¤ा ą¤„ा।  Ramesh ą¤Øे ą¤‰ą¤Ø्ą¤¹ें ą¤¬ą¤¤ाą¤Æा ą¤•ि Mr. Nath ą¤¦िą¤Ø ą¤®ें ą¤¦ो ą¤¬ाą¤° ą¤­ोą¤œą¤Ø ą¤•ą¤°ą¤¤े ą¤¹ैं ą¤”ą¤° ą¤øुą¤¬ą¤¹ ą¤”ą¤° ą¤¶ाą¤® ą¤šाą¤Æ ą¤Ŗीą¤¤े ą¤¹ैं।  ą¤‰ą¤øą¤•ा ą¤–ाą¤Øा ą¤°ोą¤œ ą¤ą¤• ą¤œैą¤øा ą¤¹ी ą¤„ा ą¤”ą¤° ą¤µą¤¹ ą¤¹ą¤®ेą¤¶ा ą¤Øą¤—ą¤¦ ą¤­ुą¤—ą¤¤ाą¤Ø ą¤•ą¤°ą¤¤ा ą¤„ा ą¤”ą¤° ą¤Ÿिą¤Ŗ्ą¤ø ą¤­ी ą¤¦ेą¤¤ा ą¤„ा।  ą¤¤ą¤¬ Nishad ą¤Øे ą¤Øिą¤·्ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤· ą¤Øिą¤•ाą¤²ा ą¤•ि ą¤ą¤• ą¤¬ुą¤°ा ą¤†ą¤¦ą¤®ी ą¤‰ą¤¦ाą¤°ą¤¤ा ą¤øे ą¤øुą¤ाą¤µ ą¤Øą¤¹ीं ą¤¦े ą¤øą¤•ą¤¤ा।

Ramesh ą¤Øे Nishad ą¤•ो ą¤¬ą¤¤ाą¤Æा ą¤•ि ą¤µą¤¹ ą¤°ą¤µिą¤µाą¤° ą¤•ो ą¤¦ो ą¤²ंą¤š ą¤²ाą¤¤ा ą¤¹ै ą¤”ą¤° ą¤Æą¤¹ ą¤µą¤¹ी ą¤®ेą¤¹ą¤®ाą¤Ø ą¤¹ै ą¤œो ą¤‰ą¤øे ą¤µą¤¹ां ą¤®िą¤²ą¤¤ा ą¤¹ै।  ą¤†ą¤—ंą¤¤ुą¤• ą¤ą¤• ą¤²ंą¤¬ा, ą¤®ोą¤Ÿा ą¤”ą¤° ą¤šą¤¶्ą¤®ą¤¦ीą¤¦ ą¤†ą¤¦ą¤®ी ą¤¹ै ą¤œो ą¤¬ą¤¹ुą¤¤ ą¤¬ाą¤¤ ą¤•ą¤°ą¤¤ा ą¤¹ै ą¤œą¤¬ą¤•ि Mr. Nath ą¤¶ांą¤¤ ą¤µ्ą¤Æą¤•्ą¤¤ि ą¤¹ैं।  ą¤¬ą¤š्ą¤šे ą¤°ोą¤®ांą¤šिą¤¤ ą¤„े ą¤”ą¤° ą¤µे Mr, Nath ą¤•े ą¤¬ą¤¦ą¤®ाą¤¶ ą¤¹ोą¤Øे ą¤•ी ą¤øंą¤­ाą¤µą¤Øाą¤“ं ą¤Ŗą¤° ą¤šą¤°्ą¤šा ą¤•ą¤° ą¤°ą¤¹े ą¤„े।

Expert Detectives class 7 NCERT Solutions

Mr. Nath ą¤ą¤• ą¤¹ी ą¤˜ą¤° ą¤®ें ą¤ą¤• ą¤µą¤°्ą¤· ą¤øे ą¤…ą¤§िą¤• ą¤øą¤®ą¤Æ ą¤øे ą¤°ą¤¹ ą¤°ą¤¹े ą¤¹ैं, ą¤²ेą¤•िą¤Ø ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•ा ą¤•ोą¤ˆ ą¤¦ोą¤ø्ą¤¤ ą¤Øą¤¹ीं ą¤¹ै, ą¤•ą¤­ी ą¤•िą¤øी ą¤øे ą¤¬ाą¤¤ ą¤Øą¤¹ीं ą¤•ी ą¤”ą¤° ą¤Ø ą¤¹ी ą¤‰ą¤Ø्ą¤¹ें ą¤•ोą¤ˆ ą¤Ŗą¤¤्ą¤° ą¤®िą¤²ा।  ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•े ą¤Ŗाą¤ø ą¤•ेą¤µą¤² ą¤ą¤• ą¤µ्ą¤Æą¤•्ą¤¤ि ą¤†ą¤Æा ą¤„ा ą¤”ą¤° ą¤µą¤¹ ą¤­ी ą¤•ेą¤µą¤² ą¤°ą¤µिą¤µाą¤° ą¤•ो।

ą¤…ą¤—ą¤²े ą¤¦िą¤Ø ą¤—ą¤°्ą¤®ी ą¤•ी ą¤›ुą¤Ÿ्ą¤Ÿिą¤Æों ą¤•े ą¤¬ाą¤¦ ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•ा ą¤ø्ą¤•ूą¤² ą¤–ुą¤²ा ą¤²ेą¤•िą¤Ø ą¤­ाą¤°ी ą¤¬ाą¤°िą¤¶ ą¤•े ą¤•ाą¤°ą¤£ ą¤µे ą¤‡ą¤øą¤®ें ą¤¶ाą¤®िą¤² ą¤Øą¤¹ीं ą¤¹ो ą¤øą¤•े ą¤”ą¤° ą¤¬ाą¤¢़ ą¤•े ą¤•ाą¤°ą¤£ ą¤øą¤”़ą¤• ą¤œाą¤® ą¤¹ो ą¤—ą¤ˆ।  Nishad ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•ी ą¤•ॉą¤®िą¤•्ą¤ø ą¤Ŗą¤¢़ą¤Øे ą¤®ें ą¤µ्ą¤Æą¤ø्ą¤¤ ą¤„े ą¤¤ą¤­ी Maya ą¤Øे ą¤¬ą¤¤ाą¤Æा ą¤•ि ą¤‰ą¤Ø्ą¤¹ोंą¤Øे ą¤•्ą¤Æा ą¤•िą¤Æा ą¤¹ै।  Maya ą¤Øे Mr. Nath ą¤•े ą¤¬ाą¤°े ą¤®ें ą¤œो ą¤•ुą¤› ą¤­ी ą¤‰ą¤Ø्ą¤¹ें 'ą¤¤ą¤„्ą¤Æ' ą¤•ą¤¹ा ą¤„ा, ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤•ी ą¤ą¤• ą¤øूą¤šी ą¤¤ैą¤Æाą¤° ą¤•ी ą¤”ą¤° ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤®ें ą¤øे ą¤Ŗ्ą¤°ą¤¤्ą¤Æेą¤• ą¤•ो ą¤ą¤• ą¤Øंą¤¬ą¤° ą¤¦िą¤Æा।  Nishad ą¤¶्ą¤°ी ą¤Øाą¤„ ą¤•ो ą¤…ą¤Ŗą¤°ाą¤§ी ą¤•ą¤¹ą¤Øे ą¤•े ą¤²िą¤ Maya ą¤øे ą¤…ą¤øą¤¹ą¤®ą¤¤ ą¤„े।

ą¤²ेą¤•िą¤Ø ą¤¬ą¤š्ą¤šों ą¤•ो ą¤•ोą¤ˆ ą¤øुą¤°ाą¤— ą¤Øą¤¹ीं ą¤®िą¤²ा, ą¤¬ą¤¹ुą¤¤ ą¤øी ą¤¬ाą¤¤ें ą¤„ीं ą¤œिą¤Ø्ą¤¹ें ą¤œाą¤Øą¤Øे ą¤•ी ą¤œą¤°ूą¤°ą¤¤ ą¤„ी ą¤œैą¤øे Mr. Nath ą¤•ा ą¤Ŗą¤¹ą¤²ा ą¤Øाą¤®, ą¤¦ूą¤øą¤°े ą¤•िą¤°ाą¤Æेą¤¦ाą¤°ों ą¤Øे ą¤‰ą¤Ø्ą¤¹ें ą¤Ŗाą¤—ą¤², ą¤…ą¤œीą¤¬ ą¤”ą¤° ą¤…ą¤®िą¤¤्ą¤° ą¤•्ą¤Æों ą¤®ाą¤Øा, ą¤•ोą¤ˆ ą¤‰ą¤Øą¤øे ą¤®िą¤²ą¤Øे ą¤•्ą¤Æों ą¤Øą¤¹ीं ą¤—ą¤Æा, ą¤†ą¤¦ि।

ą¤œą¤¬ą¤•ि Nishad ą¤¤ą¤„्ą¤Æ ą¤ø्ą¤Ŗą¤·्ą¤Ÿ ą¤•ą¤°ą¤Øे ą¤•े ą¤²िą¤ ą¤‰ą¤øą¤øे ą¤¦ोą¤ø्ą¤¤ी ą¤•ą¤°ą¤Øा ą¤šाą¤¹ą¤¤ा ą¤„ा, ą¤²ेą¤•िą¤Ø Maya ą¤Øे ą¤øंą¤¦ेą¤¹ ą¤•िą¤Æा ą¤”ą¤° ą¤‰ą¤øे ą¤°ोą¤• ą¤¦िą¤Æा।

NCERT Solutions of Expert Detective class 7 English

Comprehension Check

1. What did Nishad give Mr Nath ? Why ?

Ans: Nishad gave a bar of chocolate to Mr. Nath because he thought that Mr. Nath was poor and starving as Mr. Nath was lean and thin.

2. What is “strange” about Mr Nath’s Sundays ?

Ans: The strange about Mr Nath's Sundays, every Sunday Mr Nath used to have the same visitor at this home and the two used to have lunch together.

3. Why did Nishad and Maya get a holiday ?

Ans: Nishad and Maya got a holiday because the traffic was blocked with flood due to heavy rain and downpour.

Working with the Text

1. What does Nishad find out about Mr Nath from Ramesh ? Arrange the information as suggested below.

• What he eats

• When he eats

• What he drinks, and when

• How he pays


• Mr Nath used to eat two chapattis, some dal and a vegetable.

• He used to eats in the morning and evening.

• He used to drink tea in morning and afternoon.

• He used to pay in cash and also used to give tips to Ramesh.

2. Why does Maya think Mr Nath is a crook ? Who does she say the Sunday visitor is ?

Ans: Maya thought that Mr. Nath was a crook because of his strange appearence. He had scars on his face which according to her, must have been the burn scars which would have got when police had set his house on fire. He did not work, and though he had been living there for more than a year, he never talked to anyone nor received any letters.

She said that the Sunday visitor must be his accomplice in crime and he came every now and then to give part of it to his partner.

3. Does Nishad agree with Maya about Mr Nath ? How does he feel about him ?

Ana: No, Nishad didn’t agree with Maya about Mr. Nath. Nishad opinion was different to Maya. He felt that he must be so lonely and wanted to have friends. He said that he was not a criminal because he was so thin and looked poor and starving. Also a bad man can't give generous tips.

NCERT Solutions for Expert Detective class 7 English

Working with Language

1. The word ‘tip’ has only three letters but many meanings. Match the word with its meanings below.

(i) finger tips – be about to say something

(ii) the tip of your nose – make the boat overturn

(iii) tip the water out of – the ends of one’s fingers

      the bucket

(iv) have something on – give a rupee to him, to thank him

the tip of your tongue     

(v) tip the boat over – empty a bucket by tilting it

(vi) tip him a rupee – the pointed end of your nose

(vii) the tip of the bat – if you take this advice

(viii) the police were – the bat lightly touched the ball

tipped off 

(ix) if you take my tip – the end of the bat

(x) the bat tipped the ball – the police were told, or warned


(i) finger tips – the ends of one’s fingers

(ii) the tip of your nose – the pointed end of your nose

(iii) tip the water out of the bucket – empty a bucket by tilting it

(iv) have something on the tip of your tongue – be about to say something

(v) tip the boat over – make the boat overturn

(vi) tip him a rupee – give a rupee to him to thank him

(vii) the tip of the bat – the end of the bat

(viii) the police were tipped off – the police were told or warned

(ix) if you take my tip – if you take my advice

(x) the bat tipped the ball – the bat lightly touched the ball

2. The words helper, companion, partner and accomplice have very similar meanings, but each word is typically used in certain phrases. Can you fill in the blanks below with the most commonly used words ? A dictionary may help you.

(i) business ______________

(ii) my ______________ on the journey

(iii) I’m mother’s little ______________ .

(iv) a faithful ______________such as a dog.

(v) the thief’s ______________

(vi) find a good ______________

(vii) tennis/ golf / bridge ______________

(viii) his ______________ in his criminal activities.

Ans: (i) business partner

      (ii) my companion on the journey

      (iii) I’m mother’s little helper

      (iv) a faithful companion such as a dog

      (v) the thief’s accomplice

      (vi) find a good helper

      (vii) tennis/golf/bridge partner

      (viii) his accomplice in his criminal activities

3. Now let us look at the uses of the word break. Match the word with its meanings below. Try to find at least three other ways in which to use the word.

(i) The storm broke – could not speak; was too sad to speak

(ii) daybreak – this kind of weather ended

(iii) His voice is beginning to break– it began or burst into activity

(iv) Her voice broke and she cried– the beginning of daylight

(v) The heat wave broke – changing as he grows up

(vi) broke the bad news – end it by making the workers submit

(vii) break a strike – gently told someone the bad news

(viii) (Find your own expression. Give its meaning here.)


The storm broke – this kind of weather ended

Daybreak – the beginning of daylight

His voice is beginning to break – changing as he grows up

Her voice broke and she cried – could not speak, was too sad to speak

The heat wave broke – it began or burst into activity

Broke the bad news – gently told someone the bad news

Break a strike – end it by making the workers submit

Breakdown – a machine failure

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