19 Jul 2021

Going to School Class 4 EVS chapter 1 Questions Answers

Going to School Class 4 EVS chapter 1 Questions Answers

Going to School Class 4 EVS chapter 1 Questions Answers

Going to School Class 4 EVS chapter 1 Questions Answers: Going to School is the chapter 1 from class 4 EVS. Here you will get to read Going to School class 4 EVS chapter 1 Questions Answers.

Going to School Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions

1. Collect some bricks. Lay them on the ground in a line as shown in the picture. Try walking on them. Was it easy ?

Going to School Class 4 EVS chapter 1 Questions Answers

Ans: Yes, it was easy walking on bricks

2. Make a small bridge by tying 4 or 5 bamboo poles together. Ask your teacher to help you. Now walk on your bridge. How did you feel ? Did you fall down ? If you walk like this a few times, you will start finding it easy.

Ans: I was scared very much. No, I did not fall down, but it was a bit difficult.

2. Do you think it would be easier to walk on this bridge barefoot or with shoes or slippers ? Why ?

Ans: I think, it would be easier to walk on this bridge barefoot. Because barefoot with toes gives a better grip

4. Look around you – where all do you see the use of pulleys ? List them.

Ans: I saw such pulleys at construction sites for hoisting flags, and for lifting heavy things with ease, in general.

5. How is this bridge different from a bamboo bridge ?

Ans: A cement bridge is wide, strong and durable compared to a bamboo bridge while bamboo bridge is temporary and unsafe.

NCERT Solutions of Going to School class 4 EVS chapter 1

6. How many people do you think can cross the bridge at one time ?

You have seen how children use different kind of bridges, to cross rivers and other uneven areas to reach school.

Ans: Ans: I think more than 30 people can cross such a bridge at a time.

7. If you had a chance, which bridge would you like to use ? Why ?

Ans: If I had a chance, I would like to use a bridge made of cement, as it is more safe and easy to cross and walk on.

8. Do you have to cross any bridge on the way to your school ? If yes, what is the bridge like ?

Ans: No, there is no bridge on the way to my school.

NCERT Solutions for Going to School class 4 EVS chapter 1

9. Find out from your grandparents, what kinds of bridges were there when they were young.

Is there any bridge near your house ? Find out more about the bridge.

Ans: When my grandparents were young bridges were made of bamboo and wood at that time. Only-a few bridges made of bamboo or wood are left, now most of the bridges are made of cement.

10. Where is the bridge – over water, over a road, between two mountains or somewhere else ?

Ans: The bridge is over water.

11. Who all use the bridge ? Is it used by people on foot and also by vehicles and animals ?

Ans: It is used by all, i.e by people on foot, vehicles and animals.

12. Does the bridge seem to be old or is it new ?

Ans: The bridge seems to be new.

Going to School class 4 EVS Questions Answers

13. Find out what materials are used in making this bridge. List some of them.

Ans: Materials used in making this bridge are Cement, stone, sand, iron girders, concrete, bricks, iron rods pillars, and piles.

14. Draw a picture of the bridge in your notebook. Do not forget to draw the train, vehicles, animals or people who cross the bridge.

Ans: Students are adviced to draw the image by their own.

15. Imagine what difficulties there would be, if the bridge was not there ?

Ans: If the bridge was not there, we would have to cross the river by boat, or we would have to travel a long distance to cross the river over another bridge.

Class 4 EVS

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