24 Jul 2021

The Story of Amrita Class 4 EVS chapter 4 Questions Answers

The Story of Amrita Class 4 EVS chapter 4 Questions Answers

The Story of Amrita Class 4 EVS chapter 4 Questions Answers

The Story of Amrita Class 4 EVS chapter 4 Questions Answers: The Story of Amrita is the chapter 4 from class 4 EVS. Here you will get to read The Story of Amrita class 4 EVS chapter 4 Questions Answers.

The Story of Amrita Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions

1. Is there a place near your house, school or along the road side where trees have been planted ?

Ans: There is a big park near my house. In the park there are several big trees.

2. Why were they planted there ?

Ans: They are planted in gardens in schools and houses because they look beautiful and provide greenery. Trees also give us fresh air as they produce oxygen.

3. Have you seen anyone taking care of the trees ? Who does this ?

Ans: Yes, gardeners or employers take care of trees and plants planted in the gardens, parks and along the roads.

4. Have you seen fruits on any of the trees ? Who eats these fruits ?

Ans: Yes, there are a few mango and guava trees in the park. A few people who look after the park eat those fruits. Some birds and animals such as monkeys and squirrels also eat these fruits.

NCERT Solutions of The Story of Amrita class 4 EVS chapter 4

5. Lalita feels that grass and small plants growing near her school wall have not been planted by anyone. Do you know of any place where grass, small plants or trees are growing on their own without being planted?

Ans: Yes, along the roadsides, in the fields grass and forest is a place where grass, small plants and trees grow on their own without being planted.

6. Why do you feel that these are growing on their own ?

Ans: In some places seed dispersal takes place by means of air, water and animals. 

7. Do you remember what the elders of this village used to say ?

Ans: The elders of this village used to say “Agar perh hain to hum hain”. According to them, plants and animals can survive without humans, but it is impossible for humans to survive without them.

8. Do you think we could survive if there were no trees and no animals ? Discuss this in your class.

Ans: No, it is not possible for us to survive without trees and animals.

9. Do you remember that in Class III, you had made a tree your friend ? How is your friend now ?

Ans: Yes I remember, he is fine and has grown taller.

10. Why don’t you make a new friend this year ? Have you seen how your friends– the trees, change in some ways, in different months of a year.

Ans: It has changes a lot.

The Story of Amrita class 4 EVS Questions Answers

Write about any one tree.

11. Does the tree flower ?

Ans: Yes, it flowers.

12. Do the flowers remain on the tree throughout the year ?

Ans: No, the flowers do not remain on the tree throughout the year.

13. In which month do the leaves fall ?

Ans: Leaves of the tree usually fall in the month of January.

14. Do fruits grow on the tree ?

Ans: Yes, fruits grow on a mango tree.

15. In which month do they grow ?

Ans: Mangoes grow in the month of March.

16. Have you eaten these fruits ?

Ans: Yes, I have eaten mangoes.

Class 4 EVS

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