A Different Kind of School class 6 NCERT Solutions
A Different Kind of School class 6 NCERT Solutions: A Different Kind of School is the lesson 5 from class 6 NCERT, English text-book Honeysuckle. Here you will get A Different Kind of School class 6 NCERT Solutions.
A Different Kind of School class 6 Summary in English
The story A Different Kind of School is about a unique school where the main aim is to teach children how to sympathize with others and be helpful towards the society.
The writer of the story has heard a lot about Miss Beam’s school and her unique teaching methods. So, he decides to give it a visit. Upon reaching there, he notices a girl with bandage covered eyes being led by a little boy between the flower bed. He finally meets Miss Beam who explains her unique teaching methods.
She tells him that her main aim of teaching in this school is to help children become more kind and thoughtful. He looks out a window and it pains his heart to see a field full of happy children but not healthy ones.
Two girls have a bandage on their eyes while one is watching the others play as she is on crutches. However, to his surprise, Miss Beam tells him that the girl with the crutches is not lame. Similarly, the one with bandaged eyes is not blind.
In order to help her children appreciated and understand the disabilities, the school makes them share in their misfortune. So, they are made lame or their eyes are covered so they can realize the true essence of the misfortune.
Similarly, she tells other children to help them out. Thus, each term, every child has one blind, one lame, one injured, one dumb and one deaf day. Everyone plays this ‘game’ at school.
Miss Beam asks the author to spend some time with the girl having a bandage on her eyes. The author finds out that the girl appreciates the help she got from the other children. Thus, it makes her strive to become a better person and help out others.
The girl tells the author how being blind for a day is the hardest thing to do. It is because movement becomes difficult and they always have to worry about getting hurt. They keep dodging things which are not even there.
Then, the writer goes for a short walk with the girl. After that, he realizes that he has become ten times more thoughtful. Moreover, he also realizes that describing things to people brings him great pleasure.
A Different Kind of School class 6 Summary in Hindi
कहानी A Different Kind of School एक अनोखे स्कूल के बारे में है जहां मुख्य उद्देश्य बच्चों को दूसरों के साथ सहानुभूति रखना और समाज के प्रति मददगार होना सिखाना है।
कहानी की लेखिका ने मिस बीम के स्कूल और उसकी अनूठी शिक्षण विधियों के बारे में बहुत कुछ सुना है। इसलिए, वह इसे देखने का फैसला करता है। वहाँ पहुँचने पर, उसने देखा कि एक लड़की, जिसकी आँखों पर पट्टी बंधी है, फूलों की क्यारियों के बीच एक छोटा लड़का ले जा रही है। वह अंत में मिस बीम से मिलता है जो उसकी अनूठी शिक्षण विधियों के बारे में बताती है।
वह उसे बताती है कि इस स्कूल में पढ़ाने का उसका मुख्य उद्देश्य बच्चों को अधिक दयालु और विचारशील बनने में मदद करना है। वह एक खिड़की से बाहर देखता है और खुश बच्चों से भरा लेकिन स्वस्थ बच्चों से भरा क्षेत्र देखकर उसका दिल दुखता है।
दो लड़कियों की आंखों पर पट्टी है, जबकि एक बैसाखी पर दूसरे को खेलते हुए देख रही है। हालांकि, उसके आश्चर्य के लिए, मिस बीम उसे बताती है कि बैसाखी वाली लड़की लंगड़ी नहीं है। इसी तरह बंधी आंखों वाला अंधा नहीं होता।
अपने बच्चों को विकलांगों की सराहना करने और समझने में मदद करने के लिए, स्कूल उन्हें उनके दुर्भाग्य में हिस्सा लेता है। तो, उन्हें लंगड़ा बना दिया जाता है या उनकी आँखों को ढक दिया जाता है ताकि वे दुर्भाग्य के वास्तविक सार को महसूस कर सकें।
इसी तरह, वह अन्य बच्चों को उनकी मदद करने के लिए कहती है। इस प्रकार, प्रत्येक शब्द, प्रत्येक बच्चे का एक अंधा, एक लंगड़ा, एक घायल, एक गूंगा और एक बहरा दिन होता है। स्कूल में हर कोई यह 'खेल' खेलता है।
मिस बीम लेखक से उस लड़की के साथ कुछ समय बिताने के लिए कहती है जिसकी आँखों पर पट्टी है। लेखक को पता चलता है कि लड़की अन्य बच्चों से मिली मदद की सराहना करती है। इस प्रकार, यह उसे एक बेहतर इंसान बनने और दूसरों की मदद करने का प्रयास करता है।
लड़की लेखक को बताती है कि कैसे एक दिन के लिए अंधा होना सबसे कठिन काम है। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि आंदोलन मुश्किल हो जाता है और उन्हें हमेशा चोटिल होने की चिंता करनी पड़ती है। वे ऐसी चीजों को चकमा देते रहते हैं, जो वहां भी नहीं है।
फिर, लेखक लड़की के साथ थोड़ी देर टहलने जाता है। उसके बाद, उसे पता चलता है कि वह दस गुना अधिक विचारशील हो गया है। इसके अलावा, वह यह भी जानता है कि लोगों को चीजों का वर्णन करने से उसे बहुत खुशी मिलती है।
NCERT Solutions of A Different Kind of School class 6 English
Working with the Text
A. Put these sentences from the story in the right order and write them out in a paragraph. Don’t refer to the text.
• I shall be so glad when today is over.
• Having a leg tied up and hopping about on a crutch is almost fun, I guess.
• I don’t think I’ll mind being deaf for a day —at least not much.
• But being blind is so frightening.
• Only you must tell me about things.
• Let’s go for a little walk.
• The other bad days can’t be half as bad as this.
Ans: Let’s go for a little walk. Only you must tell me about things. I shall be so glad when today is over. The other bad days can’t be half as bad as this. Having a leg tied up and hopping about on a crutch is almost fun, I guess. I don’t think I’ll mind being deaf for a day, at least not much. But being blind is so frightening.
B. Answer the following questions
1. Why do you think the writer visited Miss Beam’s school ? (1)
Ans: I think the writer had heard much about Miss Beam’s new teaching method, so he visited her school.
2. What was the ‘game’ that every child in the school had to play ? (9)
Ans: The ‘game’ that every child in the school had to play was every child in the school had to play the role of being blind, deaf, dumb, injured and lame once in a term.
3. “Each term every child has one blind day, one lame day…” Complete the line. Which day was the hardest? Why was it the hardest ? (9, 11, 15)
Ans: Each term every child has one blind day, one lame day one deaf day, one injured day and one dumb day. The blind day is the hardest because one was always scared of being hurt.
4. What was the purpose of these special days ? (5, 9)
Ans: The purpose of these special days was to give the children a personal taste of misfortune. They learnt to help the needy in society and sensitize towards the disabled.
NCERT Solutions for A Different Kind of School class 6 English
Working with the Language
A. Match the words and phrases with their meanings in the box below.
paragraph numbers
1. homesick (3)
2. practically (4)
3. it pains me (7)
4. appreciate (9)
5. thoughtless (10)
6. exercise (11)
7. relief (13)
8. ghastly (14)
almost it hurts me terrible test the strength of
understanding the difficulties wanting to be home
a welcome change not very caring
Ans: paragraph numbers
1. homesick wanting to be home
2. practically almost
3. it pains me it hurts me
4. appreciate understanding the difficulties
5. thoughtless not very caring
6. exercise test the strength of
7. relief a welcome change
8. ghastly terrible
B. Re-word these lines from the story:
1. I had heard a great deal about Miss Beam’s school.
2. Miss Beam was all that I had expected — middle-aged, full of authority.
3. I went to the window which overlooked a large garden.
4. “We cannot bandage the children’s mouths, so they really have to exercise their will-power.”
1. The writer had heard people praising the teaching methods at Miss Beam’s school.
2. The writer found Miss Beam a middle aged and dominating woman.
3. The author looked out of the window and saw a large garden.
4. The children had to use their will power to keep quiet.
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