7 Apr 2021

How to prepare for a job interview

How to prepare for a job interview

How to prepare for a job interview

How to prepare for a job interview: Practising for job interviews is a good way to get used to talking about yourself and why people should hire you. Here, in this article you'll get to know How to prepare for a job interview. 

Doing a practise interview can also help you to be less nervous when you go in for the real thing. Know how to answer interview questions well. 

One way to practise for a job interview is to think about interview questions and answers. This means preparing and rehearsing answers to questions that might come up.

What's the best way to prepare for a job interview

The best way to prepare for a job interview is to do a mock interview with another person before you do the real thing. This means asking a friend or family member to pretend to be the employer and ask you questions as if it was a real job interview.

Doing a mock interview gives you a chance to practise your answers out loud. It’s also a way to get someone else’s opinion on your answers so you can improve them if you need to.

How to be prepare for a job interview

If you are going to appear for job interview, it's better to do some homework before the interview. Here I'm going to share some important tips for you to be prepare for a job interview. 

Do some research on the employer and the job

Before you start practising, do some research on the employer and the job to get some ideas about what kind of information to look for and where to find it.

Prepare some answers to interview questions

It can help to think about the different kinds of questions you might get in an interview. Examples of question types include:

(i) Tell me about yourself

(ii) Why did you apply for this job ? 

(iii) Tell me about a challenge you had at work and how you solved it.

(iv) Where do you see yourself in the next five years ? etc

For tips and advice on answering these and other kinds of interview questions, visit these pages:

Tips for job interview

Do a mock job interview

Once you've done your research and prepared some answers, it’s time to put them into practice. Here's a way you can set up a mock job interview:

  • Ask a trusted friend or family member to pretend to be the interviewer.
  • Ask them to choose some questions to ask you, based on the description of the job you're being interviewed about.
  • Set aside 30 minutes and find a space where you won’t be interrupted.

It's a good idea to practise how you'll behave as well as your answers. Things you could practise include

  • How you’ll walk into the room. 
  • How you’ll shake hands with the interviewer. 
  • How you’ll sit during the interview.

It might even be good to dress in the clothes you’re going to wear on the day. 

Visit our pages How to dress up for a job interview and how to appear for interview for some interview tips and advice.


Ask your mock interviewer to keep notes as you answer the questions. When the mock interview is over, get them to tell you what you did well, and where you could improve.

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