17 Feb 2021

How do I improve my communication skill in 2023

How do I improve my communication skill in 2024

How do I improve my communication skill in 2021

How do I improve my communication skill in 2023: Effective communication skills are fundamental to success in many aspects of life. If you are good at many things but lacking in verbal communication skills. Are you thinking about how do I improve my communication skill in 2023.

Effective communication is a key interpersonal skill and learning how to improve your communication has many benefits. However, many people find it difficult to know where to start. But don't worry, I'm here to help you and share  my opinion on how to improve to your communication skills

How to improve communication skills in the workplace

Many jobs require strong communication skills. People with good communication skills also usually enjoy better interpersonal relationships with friends and family. 

How do I improve my communication skill in 2021
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At todays time there is a high value of good communication at modern workplace, they need good leadership, and time management and confidence. I guess you are good at all these things but sometimes you lack in verbal communication skills. So, how to improve communication skills at workplace. 

I'm sure that a lot of other students will also having concerns about improving their communication skills. See, so communication becomes very very important. Because you can solve guest issues, you are able to express your ideas, you can have so many issues which can be solved just by proactive communication skill. 

So, I'm sure, students from engineering, business management or regardless of whatever field you are from, communication skill is very very important. In fact, many studies have shown that other things being equal, and all other things being equal. An individual's communication skills and their leadership skills, which are co-related, can distinguish and can mark the journey of one's life achievements. 

How to improve communication skills in English

Many people have a misconception that if I've learnt English, I've also learnt to communicate. But I'm sorry, English is a 'Language' and communication is a 'Skill'. These two are very different things. 

How do I improve my communication skill in 2021
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First of all I want to clear the myth, "वह अंग्रेजी जानता है इसलिए उसका communication skill अच्छा है" (He / She knows English  so his communication skill is good). "Good communication does not mean knowing the English Language". Although, if you would like to know the Best way to improve your English speaking read this article. 

Even after learning good English, your communication can be pathetic. When required, you won't be able to speak up. And even if you know no other language accept your mother tongue, your communication can be better. As we all know very well that poor communication can be misinterpreted. 

So friends, coming back to the same point. Communication is an 'art' that can be learned, that can be developed. And English is a language, that can be learnt. Now the problem is, a mistake which most people make. They learn words from the dictionary, and they try to insert it wherever it is possible.

Yes we do, especially when we try to impress others. Then, search for immensely strange and critical words, and use them in your sayings for demotivating others. Other person will also be impressed that his communication, his English is very profound. This is a misconception, 

You first need to develop the art, rather I suggest to learn the art of communication in your mother tongue. What is communication ? it's very simple, Making an eye contact, body language, voice tonality, being proactive, these sort of thing. 

To learn these, English is not required, And side by side, if you want to improve your English, you can keep a small note book, in which you are putting down difficult words. Train your brain on multiple fronts, increase your reading and then speaking. Do you want to improve your English speaking skill you can click this link. 

Do you watch good communicators, on You Tube or somewhere else ? Do you listen to audios ? if not, then start from today itself. Believe me this exercise will work good for you. 

Our brain has so many ways to receive information, try use all of them. Communication is an art, just like a muscle it can be developed. 

There is famous quote which says, "Communication works for those, for those who work at it" If you will work at communication, you will get better. If you will work at improving you art of converting your ideas, do hard-work, you will succeed. 

How do I improve my communication skill in 2021
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I am going to introduce you to a law, which not only in communication but in every field this law is applicable. It is called, "The law of paying the price."

"The law of paying the price" which simply stated means is, If you want something, you must pay the price. Nothing is free. For example in our real life, If you want something in life, you have to wear a nice branded suit, you want go to a nice holiday, you want to buy a nice camera or whatever. The things, whatever, the higher the quality, the higher the price you need to pay. But in life's improvement, I am not talking about the money. 

Few people think they will achieve everything with money. That is not going to happen. I stayed in Bangalore for a few months, there was gym where I saw a very interesting scene. 

One day in the evening, a person came to exercise (his appearance shows he must be very rich). He was himself a little overweight but there were two bodyguards along with him. One attendant held his towel and protein shake, the other held his water bottle. Okay, naturally, he would be some big-rich-influential personality's son. But after doing all these drama, he had to do his own 'push-ups'. ha ha ha ha (sorry sorry) 

It doesn't matter how rich you are or influential your father is, you cannot 'pay' someone else to do 'push-ups' for you. Right na ? So, learn to do your own push-ups, which means, to develop the communication, efforts had to be put in by yourself. 

How do I improve my communication skill in 2021
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Without efforts, there is no key, no guide, no shortcut, through which you can achieve it. It's gonna take efforts. It will take time,  It will take hard-work, but it works. 

How should I improve my communication skills

Here's what you need, you need good role models. Like whom do you wish to learn to communicate. Listen to news reporters, journalists, cricket commentators, people who are good at public speaking, people who are good at the art of communication. 

How do I improve my communication skill in 2021
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After listening to them, learn how to address a person or how  to introduce. Learn the art how a person is influencing the crowd. Try to make eye contact, improve your body language, voice tonality of your sound and combine altogether. 

So, if you determine in your heart, that I need to improve in this art because this will be very beneficial in future. Now see, when you go into the work environment, you will have 100 different ideas. But if you cannot express them, what's the point ? 

Someone else will come, he knows to express well, his ideas will be heard, he will be appreciated, he will move ahead (in life). And then you'll say, 'his good luck was better' He is born lucky or something like that. 

No, He has developed a skill which you are slightly weak at and you can develop too. So, you need to remove this mental block. Nobody is born a good communicator. If you work at it and you can. It's like a muscle, the more you use, the better it gets. 


There is only one solution to overcome this issue. Talk to more people, the more you'll get comfortable. And that the only way, there is no shortcut around it. 

How do I improve my communication skill in 2021
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There's a beautiful line 'Lord has not changed the circumstances of that person, who is not concerned to change his own circumstances'. 

Today, if you determine on how to change your circumstances, in terms of improving your communication skills with your efforts, Let's see where the results are. But without efforts, nothing will be possible. 

I hope you are also agree with my opinion on how to improve  your communication skills, please write in the comment section. Thank you for your time. 

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