22 Nov 2019

How to improve English speaking skill

How to improve English speaking skill

How to improve English speaking skill

How to improve English speaking skill : English is spoken by most of the people internationally and it has almost become a necessity to know the language to be able to communicate easily around the world. Here in this post you'll get to How to improve English speaking skill. 

It is also the language of businesses so it is important to be able to speak in it English, professionally as well. Here you will get tips how to improve English speaking skills.

India claims to be the world's second-largest English-speaking country after the United States of America. However, there is still a large number of people in India who cannot speak and understand this language and that proves to be a major disappointment when they apply for jobs or go abroad.

Official language. 2001 Census figures for population and first, second, and third languages. with 125 million English speakers in India, English as a first language is only spoken by 226,449 people, as a second language by 86,125,221, and as a third language by 38,993,066.

Have you ever imagined how do a child learn a language ? Children listen, observe, begin to speak. They first speak small word then full sentence. Children acquire language through interaction, not only with their parents and other adults, but also with other children.

As like a child the same process we are going to practice now. Observe, listen, watch, think, practice and speak.

Making mistakes is not a great issue at all but point is for what purpose we are doing mistakes ? For learning a language its very clear. Always think positive then result will be positive.

Learning English is not that tough if you know the correct steps, and we are here to discuss some easy and simple Tips to improve English speaking skills.

How to improve English speaking fluency

How did you learn you mother tongue ? You have heard from your parents, elders and people surrounding you, right ? So here also implement the same method listen to others who speak in English, observe them and try to speak. 

If you find then you will get many people who are also thinking to learn speaking in English or you must have friends with same interest, spend some times with them and practice or if you find no means then there are a number of apps available online you can take help and chat with people. Trust me you will have better experience.

• Learn English by experience
This means, reading English books and watching English movies might prove to be more effective than any guide. Rules of this language keep varying a lot and the guides will only confuse you more.

Reading and watching will help you in getting things registered better, and by experience. Instead of saying sentences like a native, you will get caught up in thinking about their grammatical correctness.

• Read English newspapers
If you are not sure where and how to start reading English, begin reading newspapers. Most newspapers follow the policy of writing English which can be easily understood by the readers. Newspapers also serve the purpose of informing you about the current state of affairs so that's a bonus.

• Find out the meanings
If you are unsure what a particular word means, look it up in the dictionary immediately. It would be great if can write the meaning down at some place for future reference.

These days, you don't even have to carry a physical dictionary with you. There are so many efficient apps available for the smart phones which are filled with advanced features. Here are some dictionary apps which can be downloaded for free:

 English Dictionaryoffline
 Merriam - Webster
 Google Translate
Google's translate feature can be really useful while learning English because not only does it translate words but also tells how to pronounce them. Google Translate helps you understand and communicate in over 100 languages and you can use your keyboard.
 Urban Dictionary

• Think, write and speak in English
Quit thinking that you need to be perfect at English to communicate in it. It's okay to make mistakes so don't shy away from speaking in English because if this fear grows, you will find it tough to get over it and make more mistakes because of the nervousness. 

The best way to ace a language is to use it in day-to-day conversations and this is what you need to do as well.

• Listen to English music
Lyrics of the songs are quite conversational so hearing to them will make your English better while getting the enjoyment.

Human brain has the tendency to remember words accompanied by music rather than without it. You can start with popular songs and try to grasp popular expressions.

• Learn the popular fixed phrases
A set phrase or fixed phrase is a phrase whose parts are fixed in a certain order, even if the phrase could be changed without harming the literal meaning.

This is because a set phrase is a culturally accepted phrase. A set phrase does not necessarily have any literal meaning in and of itself. Some of them are:

• to be honest

 You can say 'to be honest' before or after a statement to indicate that you are telling the truth about your own opinions or feelings, 

• in a moment

You can use In a moment to mean that You are going to do or going to happen something very soon. 

• a piece of cake

 A Piece of Cake is used to mean something that is easy to do, 

• on the other hand

You use on the other hand to introduce the second of two contrasting points, facts, or ways of looking at something. 

• it cost an arm and a leg

If you say that something costs an arm and a leg, you mean that it is very expensive. 

• agree to disagree

If two people who are arguing about something agree to disagree or agree to differ, they decide to stop arguing because neither of them is going to change their opinion.

• Learn about sentence stress
Sentence stress refers to words of phrases we stress while speaking in order to show their importance. It is very essential to know which words or phrases to stress while speaking English in order to not confuse the listener. A sentence comprises of two kinds of words:

Best 11 tips to speak English
How to speak English

• Connect words
Content words are the key words of a sentence. They are the important words that carry the meaning or sense and are the 'real content'.

• Structure words
Structure words are not very important words. They are small, simple words that make the sentence correct grammatically. They give the sentence its correct form, or simply, 'its structure'.

While speaking English, content words are the words which are stressed the most so that meaning is clear.

By following these steps, you can learn to speak English without having to mug up a guide or attending any class. It is not very difficult to learn English. If you are committed enough and knew the correct practices to do so. 


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