28 Aug 2021

From Tasting To Digesting Class 5 EVS chapter 3 Questions Answers

From Tasting To Digesting Class 5 EVS chapter 3 Questions Answers

From Tasting To Digesting Class 5 EVS chapter 3 Questions Answers

From Tasting To Digesting Class 5 EVS chapter 3 Questions Answers: From Tasting To Digesting is the chapter 3 from class 5 EVS. Here you will get to read From Tasting To Digesting Class 5 EVS chapter 3 Questions Answers.

From Tasting To Digesting Class 5 EVS NCERT Solutions

Discuss and write

1. Jhoolan’s mouth started watering when she heard the word imli. When does your mouth water ? List five things you like to eat and describe their taste.

Ans: Things I like            Their teste

           Samosa                       Salty-spicy

           Chips                           Salty

            Lemon                        Sour

            Ice-cream                   Sweet

             Chocolates               Sweet


2. Do you like only one kind of taste or different ones ? Why ?

Ans: I like different kinds of taste. Only one taste makes me bored.

3. Jhoolan put a few drops of lemon juice in Jhumpa’s mouth. Do you think we can make out the taste with just a few drops ?

Ans: Yes, a few drops of sour things are enough to make out the taste.

4. If someone were to put a few seeds of saunf (aniseed) on your tongue, would you be able to tell with your eyes closed ? How ?

Ans: Yes, we can recognise something by taste and smell also.

5. How did Jhumpa make out the fried fish ? Can you guess the names of certain things only by their smell, without seeing or tasting them ? What are these things ?

Ans: Jhumpa made out the fried fish by its smell. Yes, I can guess many things only by their smell. For example; I can guess fish, omlette, samosa, pakodi, etc. by their smell.

6. Has anyone ever told you to hold your nose before taking a medicine ? Why do you think they tell you to do this ?

Ans: Yes, I have been told to close my nose and take the medicines since if we don’t like the smell of the medicine we may not take it in. This may be the reason why we are told to close our nose while taking a medicine.

NCERT Solutions of From Tasting To Digesting class 5 EVS chapter 3

Close your eyes and tell

Collect a few food items having different kinds of taste. Play a game with your friends like Jhumpa and Jhoolan did. Tell your friend to taste the food and ask–

1. How did it taste ? What was the food item ?

Ans: The food item was sugar. It tasted sweet.

2. On which part of the tongue could you get the most taste – in front, at the back, on the left or right side of the tongue ?

Ans: In front side of the tongue.

3. Which taste could be made out on which part of the tongue ? Mark these parts on the picture given.

Ans: In front side - salty and sweet

          on left side -  sour

          on right side - sour

          at the back side - bitter

4. One at a time put some things to eat in other parts of your mouth – under the tongue, on the lips, on the roof of the mouth. Did you get any taste there ?

Ans: No, we cannot taste like that with all together of different items.

5. Use a clean cloth to wipe the front part of your tongue so that it is dry. Put some sugar or jaggery there. Could you taste anything ? Why did this happen ?

Ans: No, I could not taste anything. It is because we get the taste only when the food mixes up with saliva and reaches taste buds present on the tongue.

6. Stand in front of a mirror and look closely at your tongue. How does the surface look ? Can you see any tiny bumps on the surface ?

Ans: The surface of the tongue looks rough. Yes, I can see many tiny bumps on the surface of my tongue.


1. If someone asks you to describe the taste of amla or cucumber, you might find it difficult to explain. How would you describe the taste of these – tomato, onion, saunf, garlic ? Think of words that you know or make up your own words to describe the taste.

Ans:   Food                    Taste

          Tomato          Sweet-sour and juicy

          Onion                 Pungent

          Saunf                 Sweet aromatic

          Garlic                 Bitter with pungent smell

2. When Jhumpa tasted some of the things, she said “Sssee, sssee, sssee…” What do you think she may have eaten ?

Ans: She might have eaten something spicy, may be a chili.

3. Why don’t you make sounds that describe some tastes ? From your expressions and sounds ask your friends to guess what you might have eaten.

Ans: Expressions and Sounds                Food

                 Yum-yum                                                sweet items

                  slurp                                                      noodles, kheer

                  sssee                                                      spicy

Chew it or chew it well

what’s the difference ?

NCERT Solutions for From Tasting To Digesting class 5 EVS chapter 3

Try this together in class

1. Each of you take a piece of bread or roti or some cooked rice. Put it in your mouth, chew three to four times and swallow it. Did the taste change as you chewed it ?

Ans: No, the taste did not change, It is the same even after chewing for three or four times.

2. Now take another piece or some rice and chew it thirty to thirty-two times. Was there any change in the taste after chewing so many times ?

Ans: Yes, the taste changed after chewing so many times. The food seems to be sweet now.


1. Has anyone at home told you to eat slowly and to chew well so that the food digests properly ? Why do you think they say this ?

Ans: Yes, my mother keeps telling me to eat slowly and chew properly. Maybe chewing properly helps in swallowing food and good for food to digest well.

2. Imagine you are eating something hard like a green guava. What kinds of changes take place in it–from the time you bite a piece and put it in your mouth to when you swallow it ?

Ans: When I bite off a piece of guava, it is hard and may taste somewhat bitter. After chewing for some time, it becomes soft and tastes sweet. The saliva makes the food soft and helps in its digestion.

3. Think what does the saliva in our mouth do ?

Ans: Saliva mixes with food and makes the food soft and digestible.

From Tasting To Digesting class 5 EVS chapter 3 Solutions

Straight from the heart

1. Where do you think the food must be going after you put it in your mouth and swallow it ? In the picture given here, draw the path of the food through your body. Share your picture with your friends. Do all of you have similar pictures ?

Ans: I think the food from mouth directly goes to the stomach. Yes, all of us have similar pictures.


1. How do you feel when you are very hungry? How would you describe it ? For example, sometimes we jokingly say, “I am so hungry I could eat an elephant !”

Ans:  When I am very hungry I feel dizzy and feel some tingling sensation in my stomach and wanting to eat immediately.

2. How do you come to know that you are hungry ?

Ans: When there is a strong urge to eat something I will get to know that I am hungry.

3. Think what would happen if you do not eat anything for two days ?

Ans: If I don’t eat for two days I may feel tired and fall sick.

4. Would you be able to manage without drinking water for two days ? Where do you think the water that we drink goes ?

Ans: No, I will not be able to manage without drinking water for two days. Water is essential for life. The water we drink is used in various metabolic activities within our body and some water and some water is excerted out of the body through urine and sweat.

Talk and Discuss

1. Do you remember that in Class IV you made a solution of sugar and salt ? Nitu’s father also made this and gave her. Why do you think this is given to someone who has vomiting and loose motions ?

Ans: A solution of sugar and salt is given to a person who is suffering from vomiting and loose motions so that it can be controlled from further dehydrating the body.

2. Have you heard the word ‘glucose’, or seen it written anywhere ? Where ?

Ans: Yes, I have seen the word ‘glucose’ written on the glucose packet and have seen it on TV in advertisements.

3. Have you ever tasted glucose ? How does it taste ? Tell your friends.

Ans: Yes, I have tasted glucose, It tastes sweet.

4. Have you or anyone in your family been given a glucose drip ? When and why ? Tell the class about it.

Ans: Yes, my mother was given glucose drips when that person was hospitalised due to sickness. Doctor suggested to give glucose so that they can recover faster.

5. Nitu’s teacher used to tell the girls to have glucose while playing hockey. Why do you think she did this ?

Ans: Nitu’s teacher used to tell the girls to have glucose while playing hockey because it would boost the energy levels in the body.

6. Look at Nitu’s picture and describe what is happening. How is the glucose drip being given ?

Ans: In the picture we can see that Nitu’s given glucose drip. The glucose is given in a bottle with a tube and needle attached to the bottle, which supplies glucose to the body.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 3 From Tasting To Digesting Questions Answers

Think and Discuss

1. Imagine, if you had been in place of Dr. Beaumont, what experiments would you have done to find out the secrets of our stomach ? Write about your experiments.

Ans: If, I were in place of Dr. Beaumont, I would have done experiments with boiled rice, chapatti, and salad. It would have taken out digestive juices from Martin’s stomach and would have kept equal amounts of boiled rice, chapatti and salad in different glasses. I would have checked for the time it took to digest a particular food.


1. Why do you think Rashmi could eat only one roti in the whole day ?

Ans: Rashmi could eat only one roti in a whole day, since she was from a poor family she could not afford to buy so she had only one roti.

2. Do you think Kailash would like games and sports ?

Ans: No, Kailash doesn’t like sports and games. He has a fat and flabby body which shows that he is not interested in physical activities.

3. What do you understand by ‘proper’ food ?

Ans: Proper food means adequate and nutritious food according to one’s body requirement.

4. Why do you think that the food of Rashmi and Kailash was not proper ?

Ans:  While, Rashmi is not getting adequate quantity of food where Kailash is having junk food like chips, pizza, burgers etc. which is very harmful for the body hence we can say that the food intake in not proper.

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