The Story of Cricket class 7 NCERT Solutions
The Story of Cricket class 7 NCERT Solutions: The Story of Cricket is the chapter 8 from class 7 NCERT, English text-book Honeycomb. Here you'll get The Story of Cricket class 7 NCERT Solutions.
The Story of Cricket class 7 Summary in English
The Story of Cricket is about the history of the most popular sport cricket. It entertains and attracts the young and the old alike. Cricket grew out of the stick-and-ball games played in England 500 years ago. It is played with a bat which means stick or club.
Till the 18th century cricket bats were shaped like hockey sticks. The reason was that the ball was bowled along the ground. The strange feature of cricket is that a test match can go on for five days, and still remain undecided or end with a draw.
Another notable thing of cricket is its pitch. It has to be 22 yards in length, but there is no limit on the dimension of the playing ground but it has certain measurement in hockey or football.
Cricket grounds differ greatly in size. Laws of cricket were first drawn up in 1744. It has two umpires. The stumps are 22 inches high, and the ball across them is six inches.
The world’s first cricket club was organised in 1760. The bat was made straight. In 1774, the first leg–before law was published. Even today both the bat and ball are hand made. Once the bat was cut out of a single piece of wood. Now it consists of two pieces, made out of the willow wood.
Cricket has undergone lots of changes with changing times in terms of the rules of the game. Cricket has changed a lot, from hockey-like bats to the straight bats that we know today, from bowling underarm to bowling through the air, from being an elite sport to becoming a game of the masses.
Cricket’s most important tools are still made of natural, pre-industrial materials. The bat is made with leather, twine and cork. Even today, both bat and ball are handmade, not industrially manufactured.
The safety equipment pads were introduced in 1848, followed by gloves. The modern game is not imagined without helmets, made of light weight materials.
Indian cricket had its origin in Bombay. The Parsis were the first to adopt it. They founded the first Indian Cricket Club in 1848. It was funded by the Tatas and the Wadias. But they had some problem about the use of cricket ground.
Modern cricket is dominated by Test and One day internationals. India played its first Test matches against England in 1932. India entered the world of Test Cricket in 1932, 15 years before it became an independent nation.
Advancement of technology Television coverage changed cricket. It took the game to the small towns and villages. Children got the opportunity to watch International Cricket and learn how to play well. Cricket has got a global market. India has got the largest number of viewers for the game.
The Story of Cricket class 7 Summary in Hindi
क्रिकेट की कहानी सबसे लोकप्रिय खेल क्रिकेट के इतिहास के बारे में है। यह युवाओं और बुजुर्गों को समान रूप से मनोरंजन और आकर्षित करता है। 500 साल पहले इंग्लैंड में खेले गए स्टिक-एंड-बॉल खेलों से क्रिकेट का विकास हुआ। यह एक बल्ले से खेला जाता है जिसका अर्थ है छड़ी या क्लब।
18वीं शताब्दी तक क्रिकेट के बल्ले हॉकी स्टिक के आकार के होते थे। वजह यह थी कि गेंद जमीन पर फेंकी गई थी। क्रिकेट की अजीब विशेषता यह है कि एक टेस्ट मैच पांच दिनों तक चल सकता है, और फिर भी अनिर्णीत रहता है या ड्रॉ के साथ समाप्त होता है।
क्रिकेट की एक और खास बात इसकी पिच है। इसकी लंबाई 22 गज होनी चाहिए, लेकिन खेल के मैदान के आयाम की कोई सीमा नहीं है लेकिन हॉकी या फुटबॉल में इसका एक निश्चित माप होता है।
क्रिकेट के मैदान आकार में बहुत भिन्न होते हैं। क्रिकेट के नियम सबसे पहले 1744 में बनाए गए थे। इसमें दो अंपायर होते हैं। स्टंप 22 इंच ऊंचे हैं, और उनके आर-पार की गेंद छह इंच की है।
दुनिया का पहला क्रिकेट क्लब 1760 में आयोजित किया गया था। बल्ले को सीधा बनाया गया था। 1774 में, पहला चरण-पूर्व कानून प्रकाशित हुआ था। आज भी बल्ला और गेंद दोनों हाथ से बने हैं। एक बार लकड़ी के एक टुकड़े से बल्ला काट दिया गया। अब इसमें विलो की लकड़ी से बने दो टुकड़े होते हैं।
खेल के नियमों के अनुसार बदलते समय के साथ क्रिकेट में बहुत सारे बदलाव हुए हैं। क्रिकेट में बहुत कुछ बदल गया है, हॉकी जैसे बल्ले से लेकर सीधे बल्ले तक, जिसे हम आज जानते हैं, अंडरआर्म गेंदबाजी से लेकर हवा में गेंदबाजी करने तक, एक कुलीन खेल होने से लेकर जनता का खेल बनने तक।
क्रिकेट के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण उपकरण अभी भी प्राकृतिक, पूर्व-औद्योगिक सामग्रियों से बने हैं। बल्ला चमड़े, सुतली और काग से बनाया जाता है। आज भी, बल्ले और गेंद दोनों हाथ से बने होते हैं, औद्योगिक रूप से निर्मित नहीं।
सुरक्षा उपकरण पैड 1848 में पेश किए गए थे, इसके बाद दस्ताने थे। हल्के वजन की सामग्री से बने हेलमेट के बिना आधुनिक खेल की कल्पना नहीं की जाती है।
भारतीय क्रिकेट की शुरुआत बॉम्बे में हुई थी। इसे सबसे पहले पारसी लोगों ने अपनाया था। उन्होंने 1848 में पहले भारतीय क्रिकेट क्लब की स्थापना की। इसे टाटा और वाडिया द्वारा वित्त पोषित किया गया था। लेकिन उन्हें क्रिकेट के मैदान के इस्तेमाल को लेकर कुछ दिक्कत थी.
आधुनिक क्रिकेट में टेस्ट और एक दिवसीय अंतरराष्ट्रीय मैचों का बोलबाला है। भारत ने अपना पहला टेस्ट मैच 1932 में इंग्लैंड के खिलाफ खेला था। भारत ने स्वतंत्र राष्ट्र बनने से 15 साल पहले 1932 में टेस्ट क्रिकेट की दुनिया में प्रवेश किया था।
प्रौद्योगिकी की प्रगति टेलीविजन कवरेज ने क्रिकेट को बदल दिया। यह खेल को छोटे शहरों और गांवों तक ले गया। बच्चों को अंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट देखने और अच्छा खेलना सीखने का मौका मिला। क्रिकेट को वैश्विक बाजार मिल गया है। भारत को खेल के लिए दर्शकों की सबसे बड़ी संख्या मिली है।
NCERT Solutions of The Story of Cricket class 7 English
Comprehension Check
1. Cricket is originally a/an
(i) Indian game.
(ii) British game.
(iii) international game.
Mark the right answer.
Ans: Cricket is originally a British game.
2. “There is a historical reason behind both these oddities.” In the preceding two paragraphs, find two words/phrases that mean the same as ‘oddities'.
Ans: The words ‘peculiarities’ and ‘characteristic’ that mean the same as ‘oddities’.
3. How is a cricket bat different from a hockey stick ?
Ans: A cricket bat different from a hockey stick because a cricket bat is thick and flat while a hockey stick is bent at the bottom.
Comprehension Check
Write True or False against each of the following sentences.
(i) India joined the world of Test cricket before Independence.
(ii) The colonisers did nothing to encourage the Parsis in playing cricket.
(iii) Palwankar Baloo was India’s first Test captain.
(iv) Australia played its first Test against England as a sovereign nation.
Ans: (i) True (ii) True (iii) False (iv) False
Comprehension Check
1. A ‘professional’ cricket player is one who makes a living by playing cricket. Find the opposite of ‘professional’ in the last paragraph.
Ans: The opposite of ‘professional’ in the last paragraph is 'amateur'.
2. In “the triumph of the one-day game”, ‘triumph’ means the one-day game’s
(i) superiority to Test cricket.
(ii) inferiority to Test cricket.
(iii) achievement and success over Test cricket.
(iv) popularity among viewers.
Mark the right answer.
Ans: Popularity among viewers.
3. “...the men for whom the world is a stage”.
(i) It refers to the famous cricket fields in the world.
(ii) It means that there are many cricket playing countries in the world.
(iii) It implies that cricketers are like actors and every cricket ground is like a stage on which the drama of cricket is enacted the world over.
Mark the right answer.
Ans: It implies that cricketers are like actors and every cricket ground is like a stage on which the drama of cricket is enacted the world over.
NCERT Solutions for The Story of Cricket class 7 English
Working with the Text
1. Name some stick-and-ball games that you have witnessed or heard of.
Ans: Some name of stick-and-ball games are hockey, squash, polo, golf.
2. The Parsis were the first Indian community to take to cricket. Why ?
Ans: The Parsis were the first Indian community to take to cricket. They came into close contact with the British because of their interest in trade. Also, the Parsis were the first Indian community to westernise.
3. The rivalry between the Parsis and the Bombay Gymkhana had a happy ending for the former. What does ‘a happy ending’ refer to ?
Ans: 'Happy ending’ refers to the defeat of the Bombay Gymkhana by the Parsi club in a test cricket match held in 1889.
4. Do you think cricket owes its present popularity to television ? Justify your answer.
Ans: Yes, cricket owes its popularity to television. Television expanded the audience for the game by bringing cricket into villages and small towns. Children, who had never previously had the chance to watch international cricket because they lived far from the big cities. Matches going on in Sydney could be watched live in Surat all because of television. Due to advancement in technology children from villages also had the chance to learn the game seeing the international games and imitating their favourite cricketers on television.
5. Why has cricket a large viewership in India, not in China or Russia ?
Ans: Cricket has a large viewership in India, not in China or Russia. I think mostly the countries who remained under British colonial rule, play cricket. India is one of the oldest cricket playing nations. It is the second largest populated country after China. People here are crazy for cricket. So, it is the largest market for the cricketing world.
6. What do you understand by the game’s (cricket) equipment ?
Ans: The accessories like bat, ball, stumps, bells and Pads, helmets and gloves are protective equipment used while playing cricket.
7. How is Test cricket a unique game in many ways ?
Ans: Test cricket is a unique game in many ways. It can go on for five days and still can end with a draw. No other game requires even half of this time to finish. A football match is played for 90 minutes. Even nine innings of a baseball match gets over less than what it takes to finish a one-day match.
8. How is cricket different from other team games ?
Ans: Cricket is different from other team games because in cricket, the length of the pitch is mentioned as 22 yards however, the shape of the ground could be oval or circular. There is no specific measurement for the size of the ground as well. Unlike cricket, many other popular games like hockey or football follows certain specification for grounds.
9. How have advances in technology affected the game of cricket ?
Ans: Advancement in technology has been used in manufacturing protective equipment in cricket. The newly invented vulcanised rubber was used in pads and gloves. The helmets are made up of metal and lightweight synthetic materials.
10. Explain how cricket changed with changing times and yet remained unchanged in some ways.
Ans: Cricket has undergone lots of changes with changing times in terms of the rules of the game. Cricket has changed a lot, from hockey-like bats to the straight bats that we know today, from bowling underarm to bowling through the air, from being an elite sport to becoming a game of the masses.
Yet, in many ways it has also remained unchanged. This can be clearly seen by looking at cricketing equipment. Cricket’s most important tools are still made of natural, pre-industrial materials. The bat is made with leather, twine and cork. Even today, both bat and ball are handmade, not industrially manufactured.
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