24 Jun 2021

The Little Bully class 5 NCERT Solutions

The Little Bully class 5 NCERT Solutions

The Little Bully class 5 NCERT Solutions

The Little Bully class 5 NCERT Solutions: The Little Bully is the unit 8 (Prose) from class 8 NCERT, English textbook Marigold. Here you will get The Little Bully class 5 NCERT Solutions.

The Little Bully class 5 Summary in English

The story The Little Bully is about a naughty boy named Hari. He was small but strong. He loved to tease all the boys and girls who went to school with him. He loved to do most was to pinch. Another trick he played was pricking people with a pin. All the children therefore hated him and never liked his company.

One day the class went for a picnic to the seaside. Although children were very excited, they did not go near Hari. They played among themselves but Hari was left alone on a sandy corner near a rocky pool.

When it was the lunch time, Hari took out his lunch box and began to eat. Just then he saw a giant crab who came close to him and pinched him. Hari cried loudly. Soon many large lobsters and sandy-coloured shrimps and prawns came out and pricked him one by one. 

The Little Bully class 5 NCERT Solutions

Hari was helpless, his lunch rolled into the pool and somehow he saved his life. Since then, he realised his mistake and took a pledge not to pinch or prick the children any more because it pains a lot. Hari learnt his lesson.

The Little Bully class 5 Summary in Hindi

The Little Bully कहानी हरि नाम के एक शरारती लड़के के बारे में है।  वह छोटा था लेकिन मजबूत था।  वह अपने साथ स्कूल जाने वाले सभी लड़कों और लड़कियों को चिढ़ाना पसंद करता था।  उन्हें सबसे ज्यादा करना पसंद था चुटकी लेना।  एक और चाल जो उसने खेली वह थी लोगों को पिन से चुभना।  इसलिए सभी बच्चे उससे नफरत करते थे और उसकी कंपनी को कभी पसंद नहीं करते थे।

एक दिन क्लास पिकनिक मनाने समुद्र किनारे गई।  हालाँकि बच्चे बहुत उत्साहित थे, फिर भी वे हरि के पास नहीं गए।  वे आपस में खेले लेकिन हरि एक चट्टानी कुंड के पास रेतीले कोने पर अकेला रह गया।

जब लंच का समय हुआ तो हरि ने अपना लंच बॉक्स निकाला और खाने लगे।  तभी उसे एक विशालकाय केकड़ा दिखाई दिया जो उसके पास आया और उसे चुभ गया।  हरि जोर-जोर से रोने लगा।  जल्द ही कई बड़े झींगा मछली और रेतीले रंग के झींगे और झींगे बाहर आए और एक-एक करके उसे चुभने लगे।

The Little Bully class 5 NCERT Solutions

हरि असहाय था, उसका दोपहर का भोजन कुंड में लुढ़क गया और किसी तरह उसने अपनी जान बचाई।  तब से, उन्हें अपनी गलती का एहसास हुआ और उन्होंने बच्चों को और अधिक चुभने या न चुभने का संकल्प लिया क्योंकि इससे बहुत दर्द होता है।  हरि ने सबक सीखा।

NCERT Solutions of The Little Bully class 5 English

Reading is Fun

Now that you have read and understood the lesson, can you answer these questions ? You can put a (√) on the right answer.

1. Why did all the children hate Hari ?

   (i) Because he would not talk to anyone.

   (ii) Because he always pinched them.

   (iii) Because he loved stealing their food.

Ans: Because he always pinched them.

2. “Nobody took Hari’s hand. Nobody went near him. Nobody played with him.” This shows that Hari had

   (i) many friends.

   (ii) few friends.

   (iii) no friends.

Ans: no friends.

3. Which of the following actions would make a friendly person ? Write them down.

•Respecting other people.

•Eating a small child’s tiffin.

•Calling people rude names. 

•Pushing a smaller boy and making him cry. 

•Being helpful to everyone. 

•Helping your classmates in school. 

•Mocking at friends and hurting their feelings. 

•Protecting a weaker person.

•Actions which would make a friendly person






Ans: The actions that make a friendly person are

•Respecting other people.

•Being helpful to everyone.

•Helping your classmates in school.

•Protecting a weaker person.

NCERT Solutions for The Little Bully class 5 English


1. Find out words which are opposites or are closest to being the opposites of the words given below. Then write down the opposites in the grid.

The Little Bully class 5 NCERT Solutions

Ans:    Down                   Across

             1. SCOWL                   3. NOISY

             2. MISERABLE          5. REWARD

             4. WEAR

2. Hari was pinched till he was black and blue. ‘Black and blue’ means

(i) Hari fell down in pain.

(ii) there were bruises on his body.

(iii) Hari painted himself in colours.

(iv) Hari had a black and blue shirt.

Ans: there were bruises on his body.

3. ‘I shan’t pinch anyone anymore’. Shan’t means.

(i) shall

(ii) should

(iii) shall not

(iv) will not

Ans: shall not

4. Give the full forms of

won’t ______________________

weren’t ______________________

wouldn’t ______________________

couldn’t ______________________

Ans:  won’t        will not

          weren’t     were not

         wouldn’t    would not

         couldn’t     could not

5. A girl was sitting quietly beside him. Hari leapt to his feet, crying loudly. 

The words quietly and loudly tell us how an action is being done. 

Find five more words ending in -ly which denote how 

something is done.

(i) ______________________ ly

(ii) ______________________ ly 

(iii) ______________________ ly

(iv) ______________________ ly

(v) ______________________ ly

Ans: (i) ideally (ii)  logically (iii) gratefully (iv) definitely (v) secondly

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