10 Apr 2021

How to get rid of underarm smell permanently

How to get rid of underarm smell permanently

How to get rid of underarm smell permanently

How to get rid of underarm smell permanently: Dirty smelling from underarm is a common problem during the summer season. This happens not only due to sweating, but also due to eating habits. Here, in this article you'll get to know how to get rid of underarm smell permanently

How to keep armpits from smelling without deodorant

By the way, a lot of perfumes, cents and deodorants are available in the market, with the help of which you can solve this problem temporarily for a time. 

But as long as the fragrance of these perfumes, cents and deodorant continues, the smell of the underarm is not felt, but as the effect of their aroma diminishes, the odor from the underarms starts coming back again.

If you also have a problem with the smell of underarm, then you too can get rid of this problem by using these underarms smell remover home remedies with the help of lemon.

Benefits of Lemon

Lemon is a very good source of vitamin-C. It enhances the colour of the skin. If you have blackness in your underarms, then applying lemon will remove it.

Lemon is also anti-inflammatory. If the rash has emerged while waxing the underarms, they are reduced by applying lemon juice.

The aroma of lemon is so dominating that it reduces the aroma of other things. but how to use baking soda and lemon body wash. 


  • 1 teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon rose water


(i) First of all, extract lemon juice.

(ii) Now add rose water to this juice.

(iii) Then add baking soda to this mixture.

(iv) Now clean the underarm with this mixture.

Doing this regularly will also remove the smell of underarm and reduce blackness.



  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 1 cup lemon peel


(i) Take out the lemon juice and boil its peels.

(ii) Boil the lemon peels so that they become soft like gels.

(iii) Now apply lemon peel gels to the underarm like soap.

(iv) Mix lemon juice in bath water and take a bath with it.

By doing this daily, your underarm will get relief from the stink problem.

Pack cornstarch and lemon juice


  • 1 small teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice


(i) Take cornstarch and lemon juice in a bowl.

(ii) Mix it well and apply it in your underarm for 20-25 minutes.

(iii) After that clean it with the help of water.

By doing this routine, you will get relief from the problem of dirty smell coming from the underarm.

How to get rid of sweat smell from clothes

Follow these tips to remove underarm odor from clothes

(i) Never wear worn clothes again. Actually, the clothes which you have once worn, have already started sweating.  If you wear the same clothes again, your underarms start smelling bad.

(ii) Take a bath twice a day. If you have a lot of bad smell from your underarms, then take a bath for two times in the morning and evening.

(iii) If there are hairs in the underarm, then they also smell bad. Therefore waxing of regular underarm is necessary.

(iv) Keep your body hydrated so that sweat can come out well.  People who consume less water also smell from their underarm.

(v) Thoroughly wipe your underarms with wet wipes 3-4 times a day. This will cause less odor from the underarm.

Hope you have liked this article. You can also try and take advantage of these How to get rid of underarm smell permanently. Do share and like this article and be connected to read more beauty tips in the same way.

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