30 Nov 2021

How to reduce period pain with yoga

How to reduce period pain with yoga

How to reduce period pain with yoga

How to reduce period pain with yoga: If you have problems with period cramps and you are looking for some tips that can reduce this pain, then these yoga asanas will be the best. Read this article to know how to reduce period pain with yoga.

Can yoga help period cramps ?

Period cramps bring a lot of trouble in the life of women. For many women, it is so painful that they are unable to do any work.  Period cramps cause pain in different parts of the lower body. In a way, these two to three days are troublesome, but we can also do a lot to reduce period cramps.

5 Yoga Poses to Help With Menstrual Cramps

Which yoga is best for periods ? Here you will get to know about 5 Yoga Poses to Help With Menstrual Cramps. All these asanas relax your pelvic floor and they can prove to be beneficial for you.

Bhadrasana (Butterfly Pose)

Bhadrasana benefits the body in many ways and it can also benefit in period cramps.

How to do Bhadrasana ?

(i) First of all, join both your toes together and sit on the ground.

(ii) Now hold both the legs with both your hands.

(Knees should not rise, but these knees should touch the ground.)

(iii) Now lower your knees up and down and then increase its intensity.

(Your spinal cord should be completely straight at this time.)

Uttan Shishosana (Puppy Pose)

If your cramps are such that you also start having gastric problems which can be a very good solution. You can do this with or without the support of the mattress.

How to do Uttan Shishosana ?

(i) For this, you have to first sit in the posture of Vajrasana on the yoga mat.

(ii) After this, while taking a deep breath, raise both the hands and move them upwards.

(iii) Now while exhaling slowly bend forward and keep your forehead close to the ground.

(iv) Now keep your palms on the ground and sit in this position.

(Your hips should be in the air and your upper body should be touching the ground.)

(v) After some time take a deep breath again and sit in Vajrasana.

Balasana (Child Pose Supported)

Child's pose also proves to be very beneficial for supporting the pelvic floor. It also supports the spine.

How to do Balasana ?

(i) In this, you can take the help of a mattress as shown in the video and if you want, you can also normalize it.

(ii) For this asana, first sit on your ankles. Your hips should be on the heels.

(iii) After this, keep your palms on the ground.

(iv) Now bend forward and place your forehead on the ground.

(v) Take both the hands on both sides of the body and spread the palm forward.

Parivritt Janu Shirshasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend Supported)

It can prove to be a very good option for fatigue, back pain, gas related problems and period cramps.

How to do Parivritt Janu Shirshasana ?

(i) First start with butterfly pose and then move your left leg out to the side. 

(ii) Now bend the right leg also and keep your foot towards the inner part of the thigh.

(iii) Now while exhaling, try to bend the shoulder in such a way that the back part of the knees touches it. 

(Your elbow should be on the ground and palm should touch the heel of the left foot.)

(iv) Now take the arm of the right hand above the head and bring it to the toe.

(v) Now take the elbow of the right leg as above and turn your head towards the ceiling.

Do as much as you can.

Shavasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose Supported)

You can also try this asana to reduce the problem of period cramps.

How to do Shavasana ?

(i) First you start with Shavasana and then slowly bend the knees inwards.

(ii) Now bring both the feet together and keep the angle of your feet in such a way that your knees keep touching the ground.

(iii) Now move your heels as close to your groin area as you can.

(iv) Keep both the palms pressed down near the hips and while exhaling, draw the abdominal muscles inwards.

All these asanas can reduce your period pain, but if you have any kind of medical problem, then first contact the doctor, then you should try this asana. If you liked this story, then do share it.  Stay connected to read more such article.

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