How to keep lips soft and beautiful in winter
How to keep lips soft and beautiful in winter: In the winter season, the lips start looking completely lifeless and dry. It becomes so dry that blood also starts coming out of it. Actually, during the winter season the moisture content decreases, due to which the skin starts cracking. In the winter season, the lips need extra care. Read this article to know how to keep lips soft and beautiful in winter.
Initially, if you do not take care of it, then the problem goes on increasing. However, there are many other reasons behind chapped lips, not just because of the cold. Not only this, along with moisture in the skin, due to lack of water in the body, the lips also start cracking. Apart from this, the hot air coming out of our mouth can also cause damage to the lips.
Best tips to keep lips soft and beautiful in winter
Lips are such a part of the body, where hair follicles are not found. That is why it is very important to take care of your lips properly during the winter season. The problem of chapped lips may be common in the winter season, but sometimes this problem can prove to be painful. Due to this, there is a lot of difficulty in eating and drinking. Therefore, as soon as winter starts, extra care of the lips should be started.
Lips care in winter home remedies
Drink enough water
Most of the people drink less water during the winter season. Due to this, not only physical but also skin related problems start. Water is also one of the main reasons behind chapped lips.
Therefore, for the skin to be healthy, it is very important to keep yourself hydrated. Drinking enough water will make your skin look glowing. Along with this, the problem of chapped lips will also be rarely seen in winter.
Use of coconut oil
Coconut oil is considered extremely beneficial for the skin. Women use coconut oil for skin care in different ways. However, for the lips it works effectively. In the winter season, dry skin starts coming out from the lips as a scab.
In such a situation, do not touch it, but leave it for some time by applying coconut oil. Not only this, before sleeping at night, put one or two drops of coconut on the lips and go to sleep. Actually, this keeps the moisture on the lips and reduces the problem of cracking.
Follow a healthy routine
Sometimes the problem increases even more due to the habit like cigarette, chewing the lips or licking the lips. These bad habits can prove to be dangerous for the lips. So try to change these habits as much as possible.
Apart from this, if the lips are cracking, then do not make the mistake of pulling the skin. There is a fear of bleeding from this. On the other hand, by licking the lips unnecessarily, the bacteria and germs present on the hands can be transferred to your lips, which can cause infection.
Scrub once a week
It is very important to scrub not only the skin but also the lips. Follow this routine in winters, as dead skin tends to freeze on the lips in this season, so the easiest way to get rid of it is by scrubbing.
At the same time, always try the natural method for lip scrub. For this, mix one teaspoon brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon honey and 2 to 3 drops olive oil in a bowl. If you want, you can also use rose powder instead of brown sugar. Scrub with light hands for 4 to 5 minutes and then wash off with water. After scrubbing the lips, apply lip balm or coconut oil.
Use of chemical products
Sometimes even applying bad quality lipsticks can lead to chapped lips. Not only this, chemical-rich lip balms also cause a lot of damage to the lips. If you want to make your lips soft and beautiful, then make lip balm from natural things at home and use it.
To make homemade lip balm, mix 1 teaspoon shea butter, beeswax, organic coconut oil, raw honey. Now mix 3 to 4 drops of lemon essential oil in it. After mixing everything well, store it in the fridge for some time and then use it. On the other hand, if your lips are cracking more in winter, then instead of lipstick, use lip balm more.
Hope you have liked this article. You can also try and take advantage of these Best tips to keep lips soft and beautiful in winter. Do share and like this article and be connected to read more beauty tips in the same way.
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