14 Aug 2021

A River's Tale Class 4 EVS chapter 13 Questions Answers

A River's Tale Class 4 EVS chapter 13 Questions Answers

A River's Tale Class 4 EVS chapter 13 Questions Answers

A River's Tale Class 4 EVS chapter 13 Questions Answers: A River's Tale is the chapter 13 from class 4 EVS. Here you will get to read A River's Tale Class 4 EVS chapter 13 Questions Answers.

A River's Tale Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions

Look at the pictures and answer the following questions:

1. What is the colour of the river where it begins ?

Ans: Water has no colour.

2. At some places, there are many fish in the river, at others there are only a few and at some other places there are dead fish. What could be the reason for this ? Discuss.

Ans: Fish need fresh water. At some places where river is not polluted there are many fish in river water. But at some places, mainly near the big towns, domestic wastes and factory wastes are also poured in the river. These wastes make the river polluted. Very few or dead fish are found because of polluted water.

3. What can be seen in the river before it reaches the village?

Ans: Large number of fishes can be seen in the river before it reaches the village.

4. At which places did the colour of the river water change ? Why did this happen ? Discuss.

Ans: The colour of the river changes when there are factory in nearby. This is because factory wastes are dumped into river.

5. Which of the places shown in the picture would you like to live in ? Why ?

Ans: I would like to live in the place where the river started. Because the water is clean and pure and the environment is calm.

NCERT Solutions of A River's Tale class 4 EVS chapter 13

6. Would you like to change any of the things that you see in the picture ? Why and how ?

Ans: I would like to remove the waste from the banks of the river. Because of these wastes river water is getting polluted.

7. Have you seen people throwing different things into rivers or water bodies ?

Ans: Yes, I have seen people throwing ashes of dead humans, coins, religious statues during festivals, garbage etc. in rivers water.

8. What could be done to keep rivers clean ? Discuss.

Ans: To keep rivers clean people living near the river banks should not bathe their animals and wash their clothes in the river. The industrial waste and sewage should not be discarded into the river. Treatment plants should be set up to remove chemicals from the waste before letting it into the river.

9. If you wanted to drink some water, from which part of the river would you like to drink ? Why ?

Ans: I would like to drink some water at the place from which the river starts. The water at the beginning of the river is uncontaminated and pure for drinking.

10. In the last part of the picture the river flows into the sea. Have you ever seen the sea ? Where ? In a movie, or anywhere else ?

Ans: Yes, I have seen the sea. I saw the sea in films also. Apart from that, I saw the sea when I was in West Bengal.

11. Have you ever been near a river or sea ? When ?

Ans: There is a river in my village and I often cross the river.

NCERT Solutions for A River's Tale class 4 EVS chapter 13

12. Show with your hands, how the waves in the sea move.

Ans: The waves in the sea moves up and down. (Students are advices to demonstrate the action with their hands)

13. Is the water from the sea drinkable ? Why ?

Ans: Sea water is not drinkable because it is very salty.

14. Do you think that there would be changes taking place in a river, pond or stream at different times of the year ?

Ans:  Yes, there would be changes taking place in a river, pond or stream at different times of the year.

15.  What kind of changes would these be ? Discuss.

Ans: During the rainy season, the level of water in a river, pond or stream is more while in the winter the water level is less. 

16. Will there be the same amount of water in the ponds or rivers during the rainy season and in summer ?

Ans: Water in the rainy season will be more than in summer.

17. Is there a pond, river or lake near your town or city ?

Ans: Yes, there is a river and pond near my town.

18. Are there any changes in the water during summers, the rainy season and in winters ?

Ans: During rainy season, there is more water. The water becomes more muddy. In winter and starting of summer, there is very little water in ponds, some may even dry up.

19. What are the different kinds of fish found there ?

Ans: There are several kinds of fish found there of various sizes.

20. What kind of trees and plants grow around it ?

Ans: Thick trees, grasses and bushy plants grow around it.

A River's Tale Class 4 EVS chapter 13

21. What are the kinds of birds that come there ?

Ans: Kingfishers, crow, swan, etc. come there.

22. Have you ever seen or read about floods ? Where ?

Ans: Yes, I have seen flood, in our state Assam .

23. What happens when there is a flood ?

Ans: There is excess of water everywhere. Houses, roads, railway tracks are inundated when there is a flood. Crops get damaged, people suffer a lot.

24. Have you seen dirty water in a river or pond ?

Ans: Yes, I have seen dirty water in a river and in some ponds.

25. How would you know if the water is dirty ?

Ans: The dirty water looks muddy and gives foul smell.

26. If the water looks clean, can you be sure that it is alright to drink that water ? Discuss.

Ans: If the water looks clean, it may not be safe to drink. A clean looking water may contain germs.

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